Page 26 - Abacoa Community News - October '22
P. 26

Page 26, Abacoa
      Book Review

      Ape House                                          to learn more about                               as when, for example, Bonzi—the female head of the
                                                         these fascinating                                 bonobo matriarchal society—is asking for coffee with a
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 animals. When  she                                lot of sugar. She signs: “Want candy coffee. Isabel go.
         My plan was to review                           contacted the leading                             Hurry gimme.” It may be difficult for some readers to
      a different book for this                          research institute,                               accept, but this is, according to Gruen, fact in the science
      month’s column, but an odd                         the  Great Ape  Trust,                            of research with this species of great apes.
      experience  changed  my                            she  was  told  that  she                            The important characters in the story include a
      selection. I had just ordered                      would first have to do                            reporter, John Thigpen, who is fascinated by the bonobos,
      online a newly published                           some studying about                               thinks highly of the project, is fully supportive of it
      book on a subject of great                         linguistics in Toronto,                           and, truth be told, is kind of fascinated by the research
      interest  to  me,  a  work  of                     and then—believe it                               scientist, Isabel, herself, which serves to hint at a romantic
      nonfiction that I am very                          or not, but true— she                             subplot, although he is happily married.
      anxious to read and bring                          would have to get                                    Suddenly, the laboratory is bombed, Isabel is seriously
      to your attention, but which                       permission from the                               injured and the bonobos escape into neighboring trees.
      will not be delivered to me for a week or longer. For some   bonobos themselves                      Unlike chimpanzees, which have a violent streak when
      reason I can’t explain, that new book stirred in me the   in order to be able                        they reach maturity—making them dangerous to keep
      memory of a novel that I read and loved many years ago.   to visit them! After                       as pets, as many families have learned to their dismay—
      So, I researched the computer files of my 150-plus past   completing her homework, she put together a backpack   bonobos experience the same shock, fear and confusion
      Book Reviews—which are arranged chronologically, not   that contained such goodies as bouncy balls, fleece   that humans would feel when their world is torn asunder.
      by book title—and finally, after more than an hour, came   blankets, M&M’s, xylophones, Mr. Potato Head toys, etc.,      What happens next—who committed this horrific
      upon the one for which I was searching. The following   and asked the people at the Great Ape Trust to inform   act; the way in which the bonobos become pawns in a
      appeared in this column 11 years ago. I commend this   the bonobos that she had some “surprises” for them. As   greedy  attempt  to  garner  national TV  ratings;  Isabel’s
      book to you again, wholeheartedly. You will understand   Gruen relates it, the response she got was that “not only   frantic efforts to rescue her apes from a dangerous and
      how it relates to the new book that I am awaiting when   were they letting me come in, they were insisting…. The   life-threatening condition, and the role of the reporter in
      I review that one in a future column.              experience was astonishing—to this day I cannot think   trying to help her—form the threads of this story that is
                           *****                         about it without getting goose bumps. You cannot have a   beautifully written and very suspenseful. I was hooked
         The common wisdom used to be that chimpanzees   two-way conversation with a great ape, or even just look   from the very beginning. And when you get to almost the
      were the animal world’s closest relatives to humans.   one straight in the eye, close up, without coming away   last page, a box of facial tissues will come in very handy.
      That is no longer the case. We now know that another   changed…. I was told that the next day Panbanisha (one   By  then,  those  bonobos  will  have  won  a  very  special
      species of great apes—bonobos, which are native to the   of the bonobos) said to one of the scientists, “Where’s   place in your heart, and you will be aching for them to
      Congo—share a remarkable 98.7 percent of the human   Sara? Build her nest. When’s she coming back?”  be reunited with Isabel.
      DNA. Though similar in size to chimpanzees, they differ      After having had such an experience, it is no wonder      Does all turn out well in the end or not? I would
      somewhat in their physical features. Most importantly,   that Gruen next used it to full advantage in writing the   sign language the answer to you, but I don’t know
      bonobos in research studies have learned to understand   novel Ape House. This is the story of an animal behavioral   how. Perhaps I am not as intelligent as a bonobo. You
      the meanings of as many as 3,000 English words, and   research scientist, Isabel Duncan, who has been working   will have to read the book to find out. If Gruen had an
      have actually been taught to communicate with humans in   with a group of bonobos using the ASL communication.   unforgettable experience actually meeting the bonobos, I
      full two-way conversation using the same sign language   Living under the auspices of a U.S. university under   am one reviewer who has had an unforgettable experience
      —American Sign Language (ASL)—that deaf humans     excellent, positive and thoroughly humane conditions,   reading her book.
      use to communicate!                                the bonobos are extremely happy and well cared for,      After all, 11 years later another completely different
         Sara Gruen, author of Ape House, first heard about   yet a small band of well-intentioned—but misguided—  book reminded me how much I loved it.
      bonobos in an email from her mother soon after completing   protesters continue to march outside the laboratory walls.
      her major bestselling book, Water for Elephants, (which      The capability of bonobos to utilize sign language,
      was  made  into  a  hit  motion  picture),  and  decided   according  to  Gruen,  is  reflected  throughout  the  book,

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