Page 34 - Southern Exposure - February '25
P. 34

Page 34, Southern Exposure

         tAmPA GEnErAl nEWs                                                                 Book rEviEW

        Concierge Care Is                                        Dictionary Of Fine Distinctions:

           A Family Affair                                                        Nuances, Niceties,

          When Kim Hoffman                                        And Subtle Shades Of Meaning
        began experiencing
        complications following an
        emergency appendectomy                                                                    By Nils A. Shapiro
        at a community hospital
        in Palm Beach County,                              Nils began his career                           you hardly realize
        Tampa General Hospital’s                         as marketing director for a                       you are learning so
        (TGH’s) Dr. Laurie                               major book publisher. He                          much, and many
        Rothman was the first                            has since edited the authors’                     of the explanations
        person she called. “She                          manuscripts’ for more than                        are illustrated with
        answered on the first                            20 published books, written                       delightful cartoon
        ring,” says Hoffman. “I                          more than 200 book reviews,                       illustrations.
        was upset and concerned                          served as publisher of several                      If you care about
        about what the doctors at  Kim Hoffman           million-plus circulation                          using the correct
        the hospital were telling                        national magazines, created                       words in your own conversations or in your writings this is
        me. She reassured me that she’d speak with them and that   the official yearbooks for              a must-have reference book. If that is not a problem you care
        everything would be okay. I was incredibly grateful and   teams in Major League                    much about, then it is a must-have for the fun it will add to
        relieved knowing she was there for me, and would determine   Baseball, the National Football League, National Basketball   your life. Here are just a few examples of words you may
        the next best course of action.”                 Association and National Hockey League, and “retired” as   be using incorrectly. For lack of space here I offer only the
          Hoffman has been a happy patient of Dr. Rothman’s   president of a successful telecommunications company.  author’s brief opening statement for each. He almost always
        for more than 12 years. A friend recommended her after     I had intended for this book to take its place alongside   follows up with a fuller explanation, but you will have to see
        Hoffman moved to Florida. “They told me that I would love   the dictionary and Roget’s Thesaurus in my home office as a   the book for those.
        her, and I do!” Dr. Rothman has been practicing medicine   helpful reference. Instead, I have been carrying it around to   • Poisonous vs. Venomous. Poisonous is when you bite it
        in Palm Beach County for more than 20 years. Recently,   share with friends as a source of not only important helpful   (as with a toadstool mushroom). Venomous is when it bites
        when Dr. Rothman joined TGH Concierge Health, a service   information but to spark a round of appreciative good humor   you (as with a snake).
        of TGH Primary Care, Hoffman jumped at the chance to   with the turn of almost every one of its 200 pages.  • Irony vs. Sarcasm. Irony is when you say one thing but
        reunite with her trusted primary care physician. In fact, she     I believe you will be tempted to do the same once you get   mean another. (Lounging on the beach: “It’s a tough life.”) So
        not only signed herself up with TGH Concierge Health, but   your hands on this handy-sized, 5-1/4” by 7-1/4” hard-cover   is sarcasm, only what you mean is insulting. (After someone
        also her husband and two adult sons. Diagnosed with several   volume.                              trips: “Smooth move.”)
        different autoimmune disorders, Hoffman has a complicated     My initial decision to               • Pronunciation vs. Enunciation. To pronounce a word is
        medical history. She says Dr. Rothman is truly at the center of   purchase it is my need,          to say it correctly. To enunciate a word is to say it clearly.
        her care – a master of coordinating and communicating with   as an editor and writer, to           • Hors d’oeuvres vs. Canape. Hors d’oeuvres are bite-
        multiple medical specialists so everyone is on the same page.   always select the correct          size appetizers. Canapes are bite-size appetizers on bread,
        Hoffman notes that Dr. Rothman excels at breaking down   word when more than                       crackers or pastry.
        information into ways she can understand. “She remembers   one option may seem to                  • Schlemiel vs. Schlimazel. Shlemiels are bumbling fools.
        everything,” notes Hoffman.                      be available … and the                            Schlimazels have bad luck. Hence the Yiddish crack that
          Along with coordinating Hoffman’s health care, Dr.   purpose of The Dictionary                   when a schlemiel spills their soup, it’s the shlimazel whose
        Rothman monitors Hoffman’s husband and sons’ well-being,   of Fine  Distinctions  is               lap it falls on.
        ensuring preventative measures like specialized blood tests   to point out the more                • Assume vs. Presume. To assume is to suppose without
        for her adult sons, one of whom has type 1 diabetes. “When   than 100 examples of two              proof. To presume is to do so with confidence or authority.
        our younger son is home from college, he can easily reach   words that most people                 • Gala vs. Ball. A Gala is a large, upscale social event. A Ball
        out to Dr. Rothman to get a refill on a prescription. She is   mistakenly believe are              is a large, upscale social event with dancing.
        like an old-fashioned family doctor,” notes Hoffman. “She   interchangeable, but                     In any case, from now on I will have no more excuses for
        treats patients holistically.”                   which are not … and in                            using incorrect words in any of my columns. You have my
          Prior to joining TGH Concierge Health, Dr. Rothman   each case to explain the differences. The text by author Eli   permission to chastise me if I do.
        served the brave men and women in law enforcement as   Burnstein is laced with such a wonderful sense of humor that
        the dedicated doctor for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s
        Department. She is also a member of the Florida Medical
        Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians
        and the American Board of Obesity Medicine.
          TGH Concierge Health is part of Tampa General’s
        commitment to connecting the Palm Beach County and
        Treasure Coast communities to innovative care. TGH
        Concierge Health patients receive the highest level of
        primary care, with after-hours access and personalized care
        plans. TGH Concierge Health includes same-day or next-        Upscale Resale
        day appointments, after-hours communication with the
        concierge physician or staff, annual executive-level physical   Experience The Difference
        examinations, and more.
          Since 2020, Tampa General has been creating a       New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
        framework of state-of-the-art services for patients in the Palm   Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
        Beaches and on the Treasure Coast, with the expertise and
        innovation of a preeminent academic health system.
          One of the leading academic health systems in the nation,
        Tampa General has been affiliated with the USF Health
        Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South
        Florida since the school was created in the early 1970s.
        Today, more than 700 medical school residents and fellows
        receive specialty training at the academic health system in
        areas ranging from general internal medicine to neurosurgery.
          Tampa General is the highest-ranked hospital in the
        market in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024-2025 Best
        Hospitals, with two medical specialties ranking among the                 Call us to sell. See us to buy.
        top 20 in the nation and eight medical specialties ranking   Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!
        among the top 50 best hospital programs in the United States.
          “Dr. Rothman has been there for all my ups and she’s been   PALM BEACH GARDENS:        New Location
        there for the downs, and it’s been quite the journey,” says   7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
        Hoffman. “But we’ve come to the other side, so everything’s
        going pretty well right now. I’m so very happy.”  WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
          For more information about TGH Concierge Health,   13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222
        please visit or call (561) 739-
        4TGH (4844).                                                                            Nanci Smith, CEO
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