Page 37 - Southern Exposure - February '25
P. 37

Southern Exposure, Page 37

      locAl GovErnmEnt from page 36
                                                   Town Of Jupiter News

                                                                By Jim Kuretski, Mayor, Town of Jupiter

        The Town Council works                           multiyear strategic initiatives that were already in the     One of the new strategic initiatives that I identified
      with our town manager,                             overall strategic plan.                           relates to historic preservation.  We should continue
      staff and others to address                          There will continue to be significant efforts to bring   ongoing efforts to collaboratively work with the Suni
      issues affecting our                               to fruition  a  number  of  traffic  mitigation  solutions  for   Sands property owner to respect and preserve the unique
      residents and businesses.                          the western portion of Indiantown Road. These roadway   archeological and historical nature of portions of this
      The following provides                             capacity improvement project  solutions are being   unique site.
      a summary of actions                               implemented in phases spanning years due to FDOT     Specific action plans are being developed for each
      and achievements since                             and Town of Jupiter funding constraints. We will also be   strategic initiative item. Funding needs are then addressed
      last month’s community                             reactivating a project to implement traffic signalization   during the town’s annual budget process as well as
      newspaper report:                                  improvements along the western portion of Indiantown   those  of  other  governmental  agencies  with  associated
      Strategic Plan 2025-2027                           Road including use of new technologies and equipment.   accountabilities. Action plan assignments are made to
        The Town Council began                           This will require collaborative efforts by our town along   town staff and Town Council members to collaboratively
      work in January 2025 on the annual update of the Town   with FDOT and Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County   work to achieve the desired outcomes and results.
      of Jupiter’s Strategic Plan. New strategic initiatives   has overall accountability for managing traffic signalization   U.S. 1 Bridge
      have been identified as well as key next steps to take on   throughout most of the county, including Jupiter.    The first two lanes of the under construction,
                                                                                                           replacement/new U.S. 1 bridge were placed into service
                                                                                                           on Dec. 31, 2024. The remaining two lanes are expected
                                                                                                           to be placed into service during the second quarter,
                                                                                                           2025. The new bridge is taller and will therefore require
                                                                                                           much less openings for boat traffic. The pedestrian and
                                                                                                           bicyclist facilities on the new bridge represent exceptional
                                                                                                           enhancements for public use, as the old bridge had no
                                                                                                           such provisions.
                                                                                                           Jupiter’s Centennial Celebrations
                                                                                                             Our Town of Jupiter reaches 100 years of existence
                                                                                                           on Feb. 9, 2025. We have planned for an entire year of
                                                                                                           celebrations and community events. Find the complete
                                                                                                           schedule of events at the town’s website at
                                                                                                             Stay tuned.

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