Page 32 - Southern Exposure - February '25
P. 32

Page 32, Southern Exposure

                                                             in Your communitY

                                                Experience The Wonders

                    Of Manatee Lagoon This Cool Weather Season

        As temperatures
      drop this  winter,
      Manatee Lagoon – An
      FPL Eco-Discovery
      Center  invites visitors
      to witness the seasonal
      migration of Florida’s
      beloved manatees.
      From Nov. 15 through
      March 31 (manatee season), manatees seek out the warm
      waters near Florida Power & Light Company’s (FPL)
      Rivera Beach Clean Energy Center outflow, creating a
      unique opportunity for the public to observe these gentle
      giants up close.
        Manatee Lagoon – An FPL Eco-Discovery Center
      provides the perfect viewing conditions for families,
      nature enthusiasts and tourists alike.
        Here’s what to expect when visiting Manatee Lagoon.
        • Close encounters with manatees: Observe manatees
      basking in the warm waters, an engaging and educational
      experience for all ages.                          Manatees seek out the warm waters at Manatee Lagoon – An   A mother manatee and her baby calf swim gracefully in front
        • Educational exhibits, interactive displays and tours:   FPL Eco-Discovery Center , creating a unique opportunity   of Manatee Lagoon – An FPL Eco-Discovery Center  during
      Discover the importance of manatee conservation and learn   for the public to observe these gentle giants up close.   the cooler weather. This enchanting scene offers visitors a rare
      about Manatee Lagoon’s ongoing environmental preservation   Visitors can enjoy the rare chance to watch manatees bask   and glimpse into the lives of these gentle giants as they seek
      efforts. Explore exhibits such as a seagrass nursery and   in the outflow’s warmth, an experience that highlights the   out the warm waters provided by Florida Power and Light
      mangrove tank and join tours throughout the day.   importance of conservation and environmental stewardship.   Company’s (FPL) Rivera Beach Clean Energy Center outflow.
        • Scenic views and amenities: Enjoy the serene beauty
      of the lagoon, complete with picturesque views and   exhibits for visitors to learn all about the unique creatures   also offers digital resources and educational virtual
      comfortable facilities to enhance your visit.     as well as the natural wonders of the surrounding Lake   content for manatee fans near and far on its website:
        “We are excited to welcome guests to Manatee Lagoon   Worth Lagoon. During the colder winter months, the
      this winter season,” said Rachel Shanker, education and   facility’s observation deck is the ideal spot to view     The center is open seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
      conservation manager at Manatee Lagoon. “Winter is a   manatees basking in the clean, warm-water outflows from   except for major holidays, through manatee season, which
      great time to witness manatees in their natural habitat and   Florida Power & Light Company’s adjacent Riviera Beach   runs through March 31, 2025. Manatee Lagoon is open the
      to appreciate the crucial role they serve in our ecosystem.   Next Generation Clean Energy Center. Manatee Lagoon   rest of the year Tuesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
      With cooler temperatures expected in the coming weeks,
      there’s no better opportunity to experience the magic
      of these gentle giants and to learn about our collective
      conservation efforts.”
        Manatee Lagoon is committed to providing a safe,
      educational and enjoyable experience for all visitors.
      With free admission and a range of activities designed to
      inspire a passion for wildlife and conservation, this is an
      ideal destination for a day trip.
        Make sure to keep an eye out for various educational
      programs and events hosted by Manatee Lagoon. Notably,
      its 9th anniversary celebration, ManateeFest, will take place
      on Saturday, Feb. 1.
        For more information about visiting Manatee Lagoon,
      please visit
        Manatee Lagoon – An FPL Eco-Discovery Center
      is a free Palm Beach County educational attraction
      with a dedicated area to view manatees up close. The
      16,000-square-foot center features engaging, hands-on
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