Page 30 - Southern Exposure - February '25
P. 30

Page 30, Southern Exposure

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                                                   Breathing Easy Again:

            Evelyn’s Journey Through Aortic Valve Replacement

        Evelyn Greenberger had been experiencing                                                          nearby. She also says she felt confident in Umana and his
      shortness of breath and a fluttering heartbeat                                                      team.
      – symptoms she thought indicated she had                                                              “I could not have been in better hands,” she says. “When
      pneumonia. She got quite a surprise, though,                                                        I  went  in  on  the  day  of  surgery,  I  had  every  question
      when she went to the emergency room and                                                             answered. (The Cleveland Clinic team) just embraced you.
      doctors told her that it was not pneumonia.                                                           There was no fear because everybody wanted to be there
      Instead, she was in heart failure.                                                                  and comforted you for who you were.”
        Juan Pablo Umana, M.D., chair of the                                                                Umana used a minimally invasive approach to
      Division of  Thoracic and Cardiovascular                                                            Greenberger’s surgery. The minimally invasive approach
      Surgery at Cleveland Clinic in Florida, says                                                        allows surgeons to make smaller incisions without having
      Evelyn had a leaky aortic valve. The shortness                                                      to open up the chest. This way causes less scarring and
      of breath she was experiencing was due to the                                                       pain and a faster recovery than traditional open surgery.
      blood volume overload in her heart, which was                                                         “This was a team effort,” Umana says. “The patient is at
      causing a backup to her lungs. Her symptoms                                                         the center not only of the care but of the decision making.”
      were typical of her condition.          Evelyn Greenberger turned to Juan Pablo Umana, M.D., for minimally    Greenberger couldn’t be more pleased.
        Dr. Umana recommended an aortic valve  invasive valve replacement surgery.                          “There’s a whole new world that’s open to me now.
      replacement  to  restore  the  normal  flow  of                                                     There’s nothing stopping me,” she says. “I’ve got the
      blood through her aorta to prevent it from flowing back    Greenberger says she chose to have the aortic valve  energy and the same zest I had when I was 30-something
      into her heart.                                   replacement at Cleveland Clinic because she knew it was  or 40-something. Umana gave me this gift and it’s now
        “The earlier you have the operation the better and easier  “an amazing organization.” Being a resident of Boca Raton  my chance to use it.”
      the recovery,” Umana says.                        she was grateful Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital was

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          Samantha Fisher, M.D., F.A.A.D., sees patients of all ages at the                           Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group practice
          Dermatology Associates in the Palm Beach Gardens office after more                           of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-trained Mohs
          than 13 years of experience practicing medical, cosmetic dermatology and                     surgeons providing general dermatology, surgical dermatology,
                                                                                                       and cosmetic dermatology services. These physicians trained
          Mohs surgery for skin cancer treatment.                                                       at some of America’s great medical institutions and conduct
                                                                                                      research into the most advanced treatments. Our physicians are
          Dr. Fisher received her Medical and Bachelor of Science degrees with                               also recognized leaders in the diagnosis and
          honors from the University of Florida, where she completed her post-                                       treatment of skin cancer.
          graduate training, including serving as Chief Resident in Dermatology. 

          Her past professional experience includes providing Dermatology services
          to patients in Stuart , FL from 2013-2024, Naples, FL from 2012-2013, and
          as Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Department of                            Make an appointment to see Dr. Fisher
          Dermatology in Gainesville, FL from 2011-2012.                                                             in Palm Beach Gardens at
                                                                                                                   10355 N. Military Trail, Suite A,
          Dr. Fisher looks forward to providing you with excellent                                                    by calling (561) 622-6976.
          dermatology care.                                                                                  

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