Page 8 - Stuart Exposure - February '25
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Page 8, Stuart Exposure
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health News
Heart Surgery Brings Quality hospital. Three months later he was back on the golf course.
Three days after his operation, he was discharged from the
Of Life For Older Patient “This was my goal all the way through,” Erickson says. “It
was a miracle to me.”
At 89 years old, Curtis Erickson says he still has a lot of living Savage says a team approach is key to successful outcomes
left to do. The avid golfer intends to keep enjoying the game in heart surgery. It is important to empower patients by making
with friends while also spending time with his beloved family recommendations and involving them in the decision-making
which includes five – soon to be seven – great-grandchildren. process.
“Life couldn’t be any better,” Curtis says. “You have to be motivated to do this,” he says. “It’s not
It is exactly this outlook that Edward Savage, M.D., a easy. I tell patients that it’s going to be hard, but you can get
cardiothoracic surgeon at Cleveland Clinic Martin North through this, and you can’t give up. You have to devote energy
Hospital, looks for in patients for whom he may recommend Savage was hesitant initially to recommend surgery since to recovering. You have to eat, follow instructions and get out
heart surgery. Erickson had reduced heart function and also had undergone of bed.”
“Determinants for being a candidate for heart surgery are heart surgery 10 years prior to have a valve replaced. He adds that most of his patients are usually “on the road to
functional and physical status, not necessarily chronological “But he was very motivated and functionally in good status,” complete recovery” within a few weeks.
age,” Dr. Savage says. Savage says. “For him, 89 wasn’t an age, either. He had all these “It turned out just wonderful for me. I’m so glad Cleveland
When Erickson was referred to Savage for coronary bypass other things to do and was not ready to throw in the towel. He Clinic is here,” Erickson says. After living in many different
surgery last year, he was in overall good health despite his age wanted to feel better to do the things he wanted to do.” cities during his career in school photography, he moved to
and had the will to get through the surgery to feel better. So, on April 5, 2023, Erickson underwent open-heart surgery the Stuart area in 1981. For the past eight years he and his
“His condition was an impediment to how he wanted his life at Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital. companion, Vicky, have been splitting their time between Florida
to be,” Savage says. “He was a motivated guy.” Though he was nervous, he said he was shocked at “how and Michigan. “I feel very blessed.”
Erickson had been dealing with shortness of breath, chest calm and reassured I felt when I went down (to the operating To make an appointment with Dr. Savage or another
pain, fatigue and significantly reduced heart function when his room).” cardiovascular specialist at Cleveland Clinic in Florida, call
cardiologist referred him to Savage. He had coronary artery “Dr. Savage has a wonderful way about him,” Erickson says. (877) 463-2010 or visit to
disease and was not a candidate for stents. His only treatment “He gives you so much confidence.” learn more.
option was open-heart bypass surgery.
Dating from page 7
Behind The Scenes at Revolution Dating:
Matchmaking is one of The Fourth Annual Jensen door prizes donated by our vendors throughout the day. It’s a
the oldest and most well- Beach Garden Expo – Bigger fun and educational day for all plant lovers, from beginners
respected occupations to seasoned pros! Presenters include sessions on dragon fruit,
Worldwide, and the demand And Better Than Ever! edible plants, bonsais and pests in the landscape.
for matchmakers is soaring. Growing Our Community
We love our job for these Mark Your Calendar: Saturday, March 1, 9 More than just a garden show, the Expo helps our
reasons and many more— a.m. To 3 p.m. community flourish. Proceeds support college scholarships
as you can see in our Save The Date – It’s Free! for local students pursuing studies in horticulture,
monthly column. Between environmental sciences, and related fields. We’re also
the end of 2024 and the Join us for Jensen Beach’s favorite springtime tradition! proud to fund camp scholarships for kids at the Florida
beginning of 2025, we have The Jensen Beach Garden Expo returns on March 1, from Oceanographic Society and the Environmental Studies
been inundated with more 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the beautiful Indian RiverSide Park, in Center, as well as programs for Junior Master Gardeners
success stories than any front of the dockside pavilion. With more parking, extra and the Community Gardens of the House of Hope.
other year in our history. food trucks, and fabulous door prizes, this year’s Expo Thank you to our sponsors! Special thanks to Lindstrom
Seeing our couples fall Kandace Kichler, M.D. with promises a garden celebration like no other. Air Conditioning & Plumbing, and to our many generous
in love is incredibly Victoria Larson from The What’s In Store? sponsors who make this event possible.
rewarding. Much of the Bachelor and Bachelor in This specialty garden fair showcases the best local Don’t miss this incredible day of plants, community,
love you see is because of Paradise. Recording for The vendors offering lush tropical plants, native species, and fun—see you at the Expo!
all of you. We are blessed Slimming Surgeon Podcast, vibrant orchids, and unique finds like succulents, herbs, and Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check out
to be surrounded by so which previously featured Kelly outdoor art. Stock up on gardening supplies, learn from live our website:
many vibrant humans. We and Miranda from Revolution presentations, enjoy hands-on demonstrations, and win free garden-expo.
appreciate those of you who Dating! #Connected
share your love openly and
talk is up out there! We truly are saving quality singles one
date at a time! Have an incredible Valentine’s Day and
remember to Come Alive in 2025! #TellYourFriends
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