Page 4 - Stuart Exposure - February '25
P. 4

Page 4, Stuart Exposure

      Children’s Museum Hosts from page 1                                                                     Special thanks go to
                                                                                                           our Presenting Sponsors,
      and exciting evening.                                                                                Marsha and Michael Cetta,
      During the cocktail hour,                                                                            and to all the generous
      attendees enjoyed live                                                                               sponsors and attendees
      music  by  Harold  Seay                                                                              whose contributions made
      while exploring an array                                                                             this event a phenomenal
      of enticing silent auction                                                                           success.
      items.                                                                                                  Proceeds from the gala
         The night reached new                                                                             will fund the purchase of a
      heights with an “out-of-this-                                                                        mobile planetarium, which
      world”  dinner,  followed                                                                            will travel to schools
      by a thrilling live auction.                       Holly Carmody, Liz Ciampi, Cher Fischer, Ed Ciampi  across Martin, St. Lucie,
      Highlighted items included:                                                                          Indian River, Okeechobee,
         • A 7-night Greek cruise                       bracelet from Colorado Pawn & Jewelry              and Northern Palm Beach
      donated by Cruise Planners Maggie and Toby Overdorf,      • Stays at the Atitlan Oasis Eco Hotel & Spa on Lake   counties. Additionally,  Jean Laws and Gregory Scott
         • A stunning blue topaz  Marsha Cetta          Atitlan, Guatemala                                 funds will support a
                                                           • Exquisite Wine Pairing Dinners for 12, courtesy of OOO   scholarship program to provide field trips to the Children’s
                                                        La La Life                                         Museum, ensuring access to engaging educational experiences
                                                           The celebration continued with high-energy dancing to   for children throughout the region.
                                                        the music of the Street Talk Band, bringing the evening to a      Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s gala
                                                        memorable close.                                   a truly stellar event!

      Shaleen Cetta, Stephen Cetta, Janice Berger, Richard Berger

      Treasure Coast Hospice Foundation from page 1

      CFK’s contributions,
      including Walmart gift
      cards, gas cards, and
      cash  assistance,  have
      alleviated the financial
      burdens experienced
      by these families, who
      often face extreme
      financial stress due to
      various factors such as
      inability to work, travel  Thanks for Giving Honoree
      expenses for medical  Marlene Filer with TCH CEO
      appointments, and out- Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA
      of-pocket costs for
      necessary medical
      e qui pm e nt  a nd
      services not covered
      by insurance.
         Filer is a true
      champion and
      advocate for
      children. Through
      her philanthropic
      wo r k ,  sh e
      encourages  others
      in the community to
      find their passion and  Thanks for Giving Honorees Ken
      give of themselves to  Feiertag and Marlene Filer with Mike
      organizations that  Tommeraas
      they love.
         Thanks for Giving honoree Ken Feiertag and his firm,
      Feiertag Financial Group of Janney Montgomery Scott
      LLC, began supporting Treasure Coast Hospice in 2013
      with a memorial donation, but grew to be a major partner
      in 2015 when Feiertag became a founding member of the
      TCH President’s Circle, a group of community business
      leaders from Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties who
      financially support the mission of TCH.
         To date, the direct financial support of Feiertag Financial
      Group is close to $85,000, however an innovative program
      that Feiertag and his business partner, Michael Tommeraas,
      developed has helped raise additional monies for TCH and
      many other Treasure Coast charities. The two partners take
      off their financial advisor hats and turn into “Chef Ken” and
      “Chef Mike,” offering authentic Louisiana Crawfish Boils
      to nonprofits that have silent auctions at their fundraising
      events. Feiertag Financial Group has also sponsored the
      annual TCH Golf Tournament and has been the Presenting
      Sponsor for the organization’s annual Sporting Clay Shoot
      since 2021.
         Feiertag and his team believe in giving back to the
      community and have been instrumental in helping spread the
      mission of TCH through financial contributions, guidance
      and advocacy.
         The event was graciously underwritten by Wilmington
      Trust, The Ngo Group Illustrated Properties Real Estate,
      Martin Funeral Home and Crematory, Law Office of Jacobs
      & Jacobs, and Evergreen Private Care.
         To learn how to support the Treasure Coast Hospice                                                                         See answer in this paper.
      Foundation, visit
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