Page 10 - Stuart Exposure - February '25
P. 10

Page 10, Stuart Exposure

                                 Stuart chamber happeningS

      Meghan Shirey, Marketing Director for Boys & Girls Club of Martin County   Stuart/Martin County Chamber members, D.R. Horton representatives and guests braved the brisk air
      (second from right) gathered with a few of her team members as they produced   on January 9 to celebrate the Grand Opening of the new Twin Oaks community. Guests were treated to a
      an amazing Council of Chambers Luncheon celebrating Sheriff William   scrumptious lunch and tour of the model home before gathering outside for the ceremonial ribbon cutting.
      Snyder on December 17.
                                                                                                          Taylor Emerick,
                                                                                                          Visionary School of
                                                                                                          Arts (center), shown
                                                                                                          with Chris Vaccaro,
                                                                                                          CoAdvantage, and
                                                                                                          new  Stuart/Martin
                                                                                                          County Chamber
                                                                                                          member Jozanne
                                                                                                          Joseph, Jozanne
                                                                                                          Elizabeth Coaching
                                                                                                          & Consulting, was
                                                                                                          creatively dressed for
                                                                                                          the occasion at the
                                                        Stuart/Martin County Chamber members enjoyed a    December Business
                                                        brisk morning under the tiki hut at Chapman School of   A f t e r Hours at
                                                        Seamanship, as they hosted and sponsored the January 14   Marriott Hutchinson
                                                        Business B4 Breakfast. Jim Allen educated members on the   Island Beach Resort.
      Martin County Sheriff William Snyder was accompanied by  various boating programs they offer, from youth camps to
      his sons Chamber Trustee David Snyder, Evergreen Private  adult safe boat handling and professional captain licenses
      Care of Florida (left), and Florida State Representative  and upgrades. Shown are (left to right) Brandon Hemberger,
      John Snyder during the December 17 Council of Chambers  John Haggerty and Jim Allen.                Stuart Chamber Happenings on page 11
      Luncheon at Boys & Girls Club, where he was honored by
      more than 300 chamber members.

      Stuart/Martin County Chamber members were in high spirits
      as they celebrated the holidays at the December Business
      After Hours hosted and sponsored by Marriott Hutchinson
      Island Beach Resort. Special thanks to the management and
      staff for creating a festive atmosphere for members to network.
      Shown (left to right) Sean Finch, Lynzey Webner, Rigina Rice,
      Candice Miller and Emilio Zarrilli.

      Dr. Tred and Wan Rissacher, Dr. Tred’s Laser Weight Loss
      were dressed in holiday style at the Stuart/Martin County
      Chamber’s December Business After Hours hosted and
      sponsored by Marriott Hutchinson Island Beach Resort.
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