Page 13 - Stuart Exposure - February '25
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Stuart Exposure, Page 13
good WorkS
Ho-Ho-Hometown Heroes: organization for the
As the local coordinating
United Way’s Holiday Project Marine Corps Reserve
Brings Joy To Local Families Toys For Tots program,
United Way collaborates
with the Martin County
For 36 years strong, United Way of Martin County has School District and over 45
been the heartbeat of holiday generosity, ensuring every nonprofit agencies, faith-
child experiences festive magic through the United Way based organizations, and
Holiday Project. schools to screen and refer
families who just need an
extra hand up during the
holiday season.
B e g i n n i n g i n
November, the Martin
County Fairgrounds is
transformed into Santa’s In a decade-long commitment to
Workshop, where more helping Martin County families,
than 344 volunteers Zweben Law Group proudly
devoted 2,073 hours of coordinated the Zweben Law
United Way staff and AmeriCorps Seniors helpers picking their time to sort toys Group Bike Drive to make
up the Stuart/Martin Chamber of Commerce toy collections. by age, gender and the holidays extra special by
(Left to right, Angela Hoffman, Mike Collins, Alan Hill, Don price – giving families a covering the cost of 523 bikes.
Knight and Jaclyn Anez) personalized and dignified (Tara and Gene Zweben)
United Way of Martin County President and CEO Carol shopping experience.
G. Houwaart-Diez with the local Toys For Tots Marine Along with toys, families
representatives. received fresh produce
and groceries for a
traditional holiday meal.
With the help of over
160 local businesses that
serve as toy collection
sites, United Way turned
“Letters to Santa” into a
reality, distributing more
than 17,605 toys and Thank you to Wilmington Trust,
25,838 pounds of food to Ashley Capital, Rubin & Rubin,
3,729 children and 833 STS Aviation Group and Waste
families during the two- Management for sponsoring
SouthState employees having fun while volunteering. (Left day event. the project.
to right, Petrona Egan, Cecilia James, Beverly Brinkley and Upon winning a bike, clients are allowed to select the size
Melanie Enright) and style of their child’s brand-new bike. Good Works on page 14
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