Page 10 - Boca Exposure - February '25
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Page 10, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      ‘Life’s Necessary Losses’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                                  When you lose a friend, loved one, or even people      A catalyst for change – Death reminds us of the
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             you may not know very well, it makes you stop to reflect.   universal nature of loss and the shared human experience.
      motivational speaker who                           Maybe for a day, sometimes longer, you recognize that life   It may lead to empathy toward others who are experiencing
      has spent many years as a                          is transient. You vow to make some changes, let go of things   a similar loss. As a result of loss, it may prompt you to
      Certified Life Coach and has                       that don’t matter, make amends with estranged family.   take risks, pursue passions or address unresolved issues.
      written numerous articles                             Inherently, we all long to be present in the world around      A shift in perspective – The loss of a loved one may
      and e-books relating to self-                      us. There are many books describing the importance of being   encourage you to focus on a deeper purpose and a sense to
      improvement  and ways  to                          in a conscious state of mind. The death of a loved one is often   live more authentically. This means being true to yourself,
      build a high-performance                           the wake-up call that brings a heightened awareness of life’s   aligning your actions, thoughts and choices with your
      team. She is the author of                         fragility and the finite nature of time.          values, beliefs and genuine self. It involves expressing
      the  book,  “Small  Steps...                          This profound experience can spark a desire to live more   yourself honestly and living in a way that feels meaningful
      Big Changes: The Personal                          fully for several reasons:                        and fulfilling.
      Stories  of  a  Life  Coach.” Her education and years of      Reflection on priorities – Step back and take a look at      Inspires Acts of Kindness – Awareness encourages
      experience in physical fitness and training of elite athletes   what’s really important in your life. So often we become   compassion. Helping others can bring a profound sense
      has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-  bogged down in minutia, spending valuable moments   of joy and fulfillment.
      related areas. The following introduces a new approach to   stressing over stupid stuff that is insignificant in the big      The acceptance of death, often called  mortality
      Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that   picture.                                 awareness, can affect happiness and overall well-being.
      deal with the mind/body connection and the importance of      Appreciation of the present – Remembering the love   While  the  idea  of  death  may  initially  evoke  fear  or
      living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be   shared with those you’ve lost can inspire you to express love   discomfort, embracing its inevitability can lead to a deeper
      reached at            more openly and more often. It may prompt a renewed focus   appreciation of life and more meaningful experiences.
         In this life I’ve learned that in order to grow we must give   on kindness and understanding toward your fellow man.
      up and let go of things and people we love. The road to human
      development is paved with necessary losses along the way.
      At some point in our life we lose our parents, friends and
      other family members. As we age, letting go can mean many
      things: our vigor, our sense of adventure, our playfulness,
      our waistlines, our 20/20 vision – the list goes on.
         When you’re young it’s easy to look ahead to what you’d
      like to accomplish, never realizing that someday that vision may
      shift. There will come a time that changes your ability and your
      view of what you can and cannot do. You may have to hang up
      your skis, sell your golf clubs, give up your bike riding or adjust
      your lifestyle to suit your later years. As much as this sounds
      like a downer it’s not. It’s simply the evolution of life.                                                             Servicing PETS of Boca Raton
         The past year has made me understand this concept more                                                                    for over 20 years
      than ever before. Close friends have passed away and, worst                                                               “Caring is our Specialty”
      of all, my sister. Loss has an uncanny way of bringing to
      light your own mortality and reminds us how fragile life                                                              Complete medical, Surgical and Dental
      really is. While the loss of a loved one is deeply painful                                                               Facility SPA Bath & Grooming
      the reflection can lead to personal growth, resilience and a
      renewed commitment to living a meaningful life. Acceptance
      of this reality and how you deal with it is all important to
      your own health and happiness.
         Grief often leads to reevaluating what is important in
      life. It can inspire us to prioritize meaningful relationships,
      experiences and goals over trivial or material concerns. Pain
      of loss can deepen gratitude for people and moments still
      in your life. This newfound appreciation may lead to more
      intentional living and savoring the present.
         Sometimes you go through the motions of living, not fully                                                        Scan for a FREE
      aware that time is slipping away. Then one day you look back                                                     In Home Consultat on
      and wish you had laughed, loved and lived more fully. You
      reflect and appreciate the little things and may wish you had                                                   VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
      been more thankful for what you had. Mundane concerns
      seem insignificant and help you focus on a deeper purpose                                                             IN BOCA
      and joy.

        Dining Out from page 9

           Check Please. Remember, wherever you decide to eat
        nowadays you should expect the prices of your dinner to
        be a bit higher than those pre-pandemic ones. Look at all
        the money you saved for two years not dining out. So treat
        yourself and whomever you dine with to a nice dinner
        once in a while at a restaurant that can deliver quality
        and quantity. With the onslaught of Italian restaurants in
        Boca Raton I can assure you this should be on your top
        five list!
           After the review I’ve just given                         Modern style
        I hope my photo goes on the wall
        as a dining celebrity! I trust Dana                         Des gn
        appreciates the Hungry Squad
        ladling out four huge golden
        meatballs for Mia Rosebud!                                  WHY CHOOSE US?

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