Page 6 - Boca Exposure - February '25
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure
      Book Review

      Dictionary Of Fine                                •  Hors d’oeuvres vs.
                                                        Canape. Hors d’oeuvres
      Distinctions: Nuances, Niceties,                  are bite-size appetizers.

      And Subtle Shades Of Meaning                      Canapes are bite-size
                                                        appetizers on bread,
                                                        crackers or pastry.
      By Nils A. Shapiro.                               • Schlemiel vs. Schlimazel.
         Nils  began  his  career                       Shlemiels are bumbling
      as marketing director for                         fools. Schlimazels have
      a major book publisher.                           bad luck. Hence the
      He has since edited the                           Yiddish crack that when a
      authors’  manuscripts’ for                        schlemiel spills their soup,
      more than 20 published                            it’s the shlimazel whose lap
      books, written more than                          it falls on.
      200 book reviews, served                          • Assume vs. Presume. To assume is to suppose without      In any case, from now on I will have no more excuses
      as publisher of several                           proof. To presume is to do so with confidence or authority.  for using incorrect words in any of my columns. You have
      million-plus circulation                          • Gala vs. Ball. A Gala is a large, upscale social event. A   my permission to chastise me if I do.
      national magazines, created                       Ball is a large, upscale social event with dancing.
      the official yearbooks for teams in Major League Baseball,
      the National Football League, National Basketball
      Association and National Hockey League, and “retired”   The Importance of Annual Physicals:
      as president of a successful telecommunications company.
         I had intended for this book to take its place alongside
      the dictionary and Roget’s Thesaurus in my home office as   Prioritizing Your Health with
      a helpful reference. Instead, I have been carrying it around
      to share with friends as a source of not only important
      helpful information but to spark a round of appreciative   Dr. Luisa Brito and Dr. Althea Watson
      good humor with the turn of almost every one of its 200
      pages.                                              Your health is your most valuable asset. Taking the time for an
         I believe you will be tempted to do the same once you   annual physical is one of the most proactive steps you can take to
      get your hands on this handy-sized, 5-1/4” by 7-1/4” hard-  ensure your well-being. These routine check-ups are essential not
      cover volume.                                       only for maintaining good health but also for catching potential
         My initial decision to purchase it is my need, as an   issues before they become serious.
      editor and writer, to always select the correct word when   Annual physicals allow doctors to assess your overall health,
      more than one option may seem to be available … and the   discuss any concerns, and run necessary tests to detect underlying
      purpose of The Dictionary of Fine Distinctions is to point   conditions. High blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels
      out the more than 100 examples of two words that most   are just a few examples of silent conditions that may go unnoticed
      people mistakenly believe are interchangeable, but which   without regular screenings. Early detection can lead to timely
      are not … and in each case to explain the differences. The   treatment, significantly reducing the risk of complications and   at 9970 North Central Park Blvd., Suite 400-B. Dr. Watson
                                                          improving outcomes.
      text by author Eli Burnstein is laced with such a wonderful                                          practices in both Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, with her
                                                                                                           additional location at 8200 Jog Road, Suite 204, making it easier
      sense of humor that you hardly realize you are learning so   At Palm Beach Health Network Primary Care, Dr. Luisa Brito   than ever to access quality care.
      much, and many of the explanations are illustrated with   and Dr. Althea Watson are committed to helping you stay on top
      delightful cartoon illustrations.                   of your health. They understand the importance of personalized,   Your annual physical is not just another appointment—it’s an
         If you care about using the correct words in your own   compassionate care and offer next-day appointments to fit your   investment in your future. By addressing potential health concerns
                                                          busy schedule. Whether you’re due for your annual well visit or
      conversations or in your writings this is a must-have reference   have specific concerns, their expertise ensures you’re in good   early, you can take control of your well-being and enjoy peace
                                                                                                           of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late to prioritize your health.
      book. If that is not a problem you care much about, then it   hands.
      is a must-have for the fun it will add to your life. Here are                                        Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Luisa Brito
      just a few examples of words you may be using incorrectly.   Both Dr. Brito and Dr. Watson provide comprehensive services,   or Dr. Althea Watson and start your journey toward a healthier,
      For lack of space here I offer only the author’s brief opening   including same-day appointments, walk-in visits, pre-and post-op   happier you.
                                                          care plans, annual physicals, and pre-surgical medical clearance.
      statement for each. He almost always follows up with a fuller   They are dedicated to creating a comfortable environment where   Boca Raton: 9970 North Central Park Blvd., Suite 400-B | 561-
      explanation, but you will have to see the book for those.  you can discuss your health concerns and work together to achieve   487-7931
      • Poisonous vs. Venomous. Poisonous is when you bite   your wellness goals.                          Boynton Beach (Dr. Watson only): 8200 Jog Road, Suite 204
      it (as with a toadstool mushroom). Venomous is when it                                               | 561-740-4762
      bites you (as with a snake).                        Located conveniently in Boca Raton, Dr. Brito sees patients
      • Irony vs. Sarcasm. Irony is when you say one thing
      but mean another. (Lounging on the beach: “It’s a tough
      life.”) So is sarcasm, only what you mean is insulting.
      (After someone trips: “Smooth move.”)                                        True Treasures
      • Pronunciation vs. Enunciation. To pronounce a word is
                                                                                           Consigned Furniture
      to say it correctly. To enunciate a word is to say it clearly.
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