Page 12 - Boca Exposure - February '25
P. 12
Page 12, Boca Exposure
The Pet Cottage Secures $15,000 Grant For Veterinary
Expenses Supporting Forever Guardianship Program
The Pet Cottage is thrilled to announce a generous loving Forever Guardians, the program ensures each The Pet Cottage invites the community to join us in
$15,000 grant from the Knopf Family Foundation dedicated animal finds a stable, nurturing home. This grant will celebrating this incredible opportunity and to learn more
to covering veterinary expenses for pets in our Forever be utilized to cover essential veterinary needs, including about how they can support our programs. Together, we can
Guardianship program. This vital funding ensures that routine check-ups, vaccinations, surgeries, and chronic make a lasting impact on the lives of pets and their humans.
pets who have lost their human due to death, disability, or condition management. For more information about The Pet Cottage and the
deployment will continue to receive the care they deserve Since its founding, The Pet Cottage has worked tirelessly Forever Guardianship program, please visit thepetcottage.
while living with their dedicated Forever Guardians. to support the emotional and physical needs of both pets and org or contact Wendy at
“This grant represents a significant milestone for our their human guardians. With this funding, we can expand About The Pet Cottage
organization,” said Wendy Derhak, founder/executive our reach and continue to uphold the quality of care that The Pet Cottage is a nonprofit organization dedicated
director of The Pet Cottage. “It reaffirms our mission to defines our organization. to honoring the human-animal bond by providing lifetime
provide lifetime care and support for pets in need, and it “This grant enables us to give our pets the healthiest care for pets who have lost their human due to death,
directly impacts their health and well-being. Veterinary lives possible while easing the financial burden on their disability, or deployment. Through innovative programs
care is one of our most pressing expenses, and this Forever Guardians,” Wendy added. “We are deeply grateful like Forever Guardianship, The Pet Cottage ensures pets
funding allows us to provide necessary medical services to the Knopf Family Foundation for believing in our mission find new loving homes with individuals committed to
without compromise.” and investing in the futures of these beloved animals.” their lifelong care.
The Forever Guardianship program is a cornerstone
of The Pet Cottage’s mission. By pairing pets with
Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center
Multivitamin Intake Robert Greenberg Performing Arts Series
And Mortality – A
Long-Term Study JOY ARI
By Steven E. Reznick, M.D.,
FACP, Boca Raton
I attended a commuter
college in Brooklyn – a
part of the outstanding New Sunday, February 23, 4:00 pm Tuesday, February 26, 7:30 pm
York City Public University Thursday, February 27, 2:00 pm
System Brooklyn College. Her Name is Barbra:
I would drive in every A Streisand Tribute Show Sunrise Sunset;
day with my friend and My Year in Anatevka
lab partner Stu. Before we Along with convincing, high-energy portrayals
would leave for school his of the characters and comedy of Barbra, Joy Music Director, Lawrence Yurman
mother would make him take also provides top-notch emotional delivery
about fifteen vitamins, mineral and supplement pills each of the notes and lyrics, truly invoking the Featuring all the songs you know and
day. He was neither frail nor sickly and he ate well. When impeccable vocal control and unique style of love from A Fiddler on the Roof, “Sunrise,
he moved to Italy to attend medical school in Sardinia, a Streisand, leaving audiences excited, moved Sunset,” “Rich Man,” “Miracle of Miracles,”
package would arrive each day from his mom in Brooklyn and mesmerized! and some gems you might have missed.
with his daily vitamins. I always wondered if that would
improve his health long-term.
One in three adults in the United States consumes a For tickets, call 561-464-3086 or visit
daily multivitamin and multiple supplements. Does it
help you live longer?
Lotfield and associates at the National Institute of
Health published a study in JAMA looking at mortality Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center • Toby & Leon Cooperman Campus
and multivitamin usage. They followed 390,000 adults 21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL 33428 • Ph 561-558-2520 •
for over 20 years and found that taking a multivitamin
had absolutely no effect on mortality. A multivitamin is a
product that contains three or more vitamins at a dosage
below the maximal daily requirements. The article and an
accompanying editorial did not downplay the importance of
micronutrients in our health. They just explained it does not
contribute to us living longer.
We need these micronutrients with a case in point being
scurvy which is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C but was
prevented when sailors ate limes. Brown rice being converted HAPPY HOUR: MON - THURS, ALL DAY AT BAR ONLY
to white rice removed the thiamine that prevented beriberi. Happy Hour
We give pregnant women folate to prevent neural tube MON - FRI 3 - 6 PM Mon. - Thurs.
defects from forming in their developing child. We encourage
use of beta carotene, zinc, vitamins C and E in adults with FULL INDOOR At Bar Only All Day
macular degeneration to slow its progression down. Adults AND OUTDOOR Mon. - Fri. 3 - 6 pm
with traditional gastric bypass surgery used to treat obesity
need vitamin and mineral supplementation to absorb these (COVERED PATIO) LUNCH SPECIALS
nutrients due to changes in post-surgical absorption. While
these are all positive outcomes of vitamin supplementation BAR AND DINING EVERY DAY
there are also negatives.
Smokers and humans exposed to asbestos have an starting at 11
increased risk of lung cancer if they ingest supplemental beta
carotene. Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K store excess
intake in cells and can cause toxicity as opposed to water
soluble vitamins B and C which simply pass through the
kidneys and are eliminated in our urine.
I will stick to getting my micronutrients from fresh
healthy food in my diet. As for my friend Stu, now a retired
73-year-old cardiologist in Southern California, he told me
how each day in Sardinia he opened the package from his
mom, read the letter enclosed walked out onto the pier and
enriched the micronutrients of the Mediterranean Sea.
Dr. Reznick is board certified in internal medicine
with added qualifications in geriatrics. He has practiced
in the local community for over 30 years. To request a
complimentary meeting with Reznick to discuss your health
needs, and his concierge practice, call (561) 368-0191, www.