Page 13 - Boca Exposure - February '25
P. 13
Boca Exposure, Page 13
From The Desk Of Commissioner
Marci Woodward: A Message From Marci
Commissioner Woodward, a next few days my mom, husband, brother and sister-in-law • A funding agreement with the Health Care District
20-year resident of Boca Raton, joined in the reminiscing, and a proper eulogy took shape. of Palm Beach County for up to $10 million in land
was elected in November 2022 It’s hard to limit myself in what I would like to say about acquisition, design and construction services for a Central
as Palm Beach County District him. He lived a big life and loved to tell stories. He had a way Receiving Facility (CRF) as part of the ARPA Response
4 Commissioner. She serves on of reliving events that made you feel like you were there, too. Replacement Fund.
the following board of directors He was a spontaneous prankster and found humor in everyday • An amendment to the Lake Park Scrub Natural Area
as a representative of the county life. He loved to visit new places and explore the area “like a Management Plan to redesign proposed structures and address
commission: Palm Beach local.” He never took the road most traveled. We shared a love public safety and visitor experience.
Transportation Planning of roller coasters, flying and, most importantly, the beach. • Adopted a voter-approved ordinance granting ten-year
Agency; South Florida I try to think of him now as sharing his stories in Heaven in Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions (AVTE)
Regional Transportation a perfect body, reuniting with lost loved ones and knowing that subject to eligibility and BCC approval on a case-by-case basis.
Authority (TriRail); Treasure he raised two great kids who will remember his legacy and are • The proposed 2025 State Legislative Agenda.
Coast Regional Planning Council; CareerSource Palm Beach proud to have called him Dad. • A State Funded Grant Agreement with FDOT for $2.75
County; Palm Beach Cultural Council, and Value Adjustment Bonefish Cove Update. We’ve heard from some constituents million to design and implement an Adaptive Traffic Control
Board. Ms. Woodward graduated from the University of South about traffic disruptions in the Town of Palm Beach due to barge System (ATCS) along Okeechobee Boulevard between I-95
Carolina-Aiken with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. traffic related to the Bonefish Cove Project and bridge openings. and Flagler Drive.
We are well into the new year and much is happening in In response, County staff initiated a call with Congresswoman Nonprofit Spotlight. I’m excited to share that the BCC
both the county and the country. While I am very busy with Frankel, the Mayors of Palm Beach and West Palm Beach, and recently approved an agreement with the Parks Foundation to
exciting projects, my new year had a rough start that I am still their teams. While the County does not have direct authority provide philanthropic support to our county parks.
working through. over the contractor I emphasized our commitment to working Founded in 2023, the Parks Foundation of Palm Beach
As many of you may already know, my father passed collaboratively on solutions to address these traffic concerns. County, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to advancing advocacy
away in his sleep at home in the early hours of New Year’s ERM, drawing from its experience, has proposed operational and philanthropic efforts for our parks. Its goal is to seek and
Day. His health had deteriorated after he suffered a series of adjustments to the Corps to help reduce the impact. Recently, secure opportunities to enhance park access, programs and
strokes, seizures and pulmonary embolisms three years ago. ERM received approval from the Town to work on Sundays, other identified initiatives without filling the department’s
He survived but never fully recovered. His last years were which will help alleviate delays during peak commute hours. budgetary shortfalls.
difficult for both him and my mother, as she became his full- Additionally, the Corps is working with the U.S. Coast Guard Led by a dedicated Board of Directors, who are influential
time caregiver. With the help of the VA and organizations like and the contractor to minimize unscheduled bridge openings. We leaders within Palm Beach County, the Foundation plays
Seniors Helping Seniors they were able to keep him at home will continue to closely monitor this situation and are committed a crucial role in ensuring our parks thrive. Each year the
for most of that time. to ensuring the Bonefish Cove Project moves forward smoothly Foundation evaluates park projects that align with the
We got the call at 5:00 a.m. and were on the road to South while addressing local traffic concerns. department’s strategic priorities, focusing on initiatives that
Carolina by 8:30. The next week was a blur. I was one of the Recently Approved Agenda Items. Each month the Board have a positive impact on the community.
speakers at his funeral and struggled to find the right words. I can of County Commissioners approves a wide range of important I’m thrilled to see exciting proposed projects, such as
only describe it as living in a snow globe. It was hard to see past agenda items that impact areas such as engineering, facilities, tree planting, shade canopies, beach access mats and story
the man who had become so ill he could barely get out of bed. housing, airports, and more. Here are some key items approved walks, which will significantly enhance park accessibility
All my memories swirled so quickly that it was hard to focus on this month: and enjoyment for everyone. I look forward to seeing these
the life of the man who raised me, not just his final years. • An update from the Building Department on Milestone projects come to life.
But then came the night we all sat in my mother’s kitchen, Inspections for condominiums and co-ops three stories For more information, visit
looking through boxes of old photos to create a montage for or higher, 30 years or older. The Board directed reminder
his funeral. There he was, and all the good memories came and non-compliance letters and discussed options for non- If you require assistance, please contact our office at (561)
trickling back. We sat and shared those moments. Over the compliant buildings. 355-2204 or email
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