Page 8 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Page 8, Boca Club News
Boca Happenings
Boca Happenings
2nd Annual Boca International Jewish Film Festival’s
70 Features and Short Films to Open February 23rd
The Boca International Jewish Film Festival returns for The evening features the Palm Beach County premiere Palm Beach County premiere of Technion 10², a film that
its highly anticipated 2nd annual event, from February 23rd of Diane Warren: Relentless, an inspiring documentary celebrates the milestone 100th anniversary of Technion in
to March 16th. With an impressive lineup of more than 70 celebrating the most successful songwriter you never Israel, followed by a special reception hosted by the American
feature films, documentaries and shorts representing 25 heard of with 15 Academy Award nominations, and who is Technion Society.
countries, the festival offers a rich cultural experience for responsible for the soundtrack of our lives, penning iconic “This year’s festival is bigger and better than ever,” added
cinephiles and the community. Screenings and special events hits for the world’s biggest pop stars including Cher, Whitney Lesley Rich, festival co-founder. “We’re proud to showcase
will take place at Cinemark Palace 20 in Boca Raton and Houston, Aerosmith, Britney Spears, Celine and Beyoncé. incredible films that highlight Jewish stories, traditions, and
the Movies of Delray, with appearances from filmmakers, Directed by Bess Kargman and featuring appearances by Jerry humor while creating a space for connection and cultural
producers and actors who will provide unique insights into Bruckheimer, Cher, Gloria Estefan, Quincy Jones and Toni appreciation.”
their work. Braxton, the film delves into Diane Warren’s life, creative Passes and individual tickets are now available, including
“Our vision has always been to bring people together process and achievements. The screening will include a red- virtual options to enjoy films from home. For tickets,
through the power of film,” said Wendy Honig, Co-Founder carpet reception and a Q&A with special guests. sponsorship opportunities and more details, visit www.
of the festival. “This year’s festival continues to reflect the Closing Film–Sunday, March 16th: The festival concludes
diversity and vibrancy of Jewish culture worldwide. We are with Guns N’ Moses, a quirky and heartfelt comedy by director About the Boca International Jewish Film Festival.
thrilled to showcase stories that educate, inspire and entertain Salvador Litvak. Starring Neal McDonough, Dermot Mulroney The Boca International Jewish Film Festival has become
while fostering meaningful conversations.” and Christopher Lloyd, the film follows a small-town rabbi the largest Jewish/Israeli film festival in Southeast Florida,
Opening Day Highlights–Sunday, February 23rd: The turned unlikely gunslinger in the wake of a violent attack on and is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization dedicated
festival opens at 11 a.m. with the Florida premiere of She his community. This special premiere event will include a to celebrating Jewish culture through film. Founded by
Wouldn’t Take Off Her Boots, documentary by director Wilky closing party and a Q&A with the director Salvador Litvak. Wendy Honig, Lesley Rich and Arleen Roberts, the festival
Black that recounts stories of survival during the Holocaust, Special Festival Highlights: presents thoughtfully curated films and events to promote
and the creation of a Monument honoring those who perished Marcella (Florida Premiere): February 24th featuring a understanding, tradition and community engagement in Boca
in Liepāja, Latvia, during the Holocaust. Following the Q&A with Giuliano Hazen, cookbook author and son of the Raton and beyond looking to support Jewish/Israeli film and
screening, producer Paul Burger, the artist Victoria Milstein iconic Italian chef and cookbook author, Marcella Hazen. charities. It is supported by a large group of dedicated Patrons
and historian Dr. Robert Watson will engage the audience in Technion 10² Screening & Reception: February 26th, at including its Grand Benefactors Billi and Bernie Marcus and
a thought-provoking discussion. Cinemark. Celebrating 100 years of Technion-Israel. The Marilyn and Jay Weinberg.
B’nai Torah Congregation Continues Its 2025 Concert Series
B’nai Torah Congregation, the largest conservative breathtaking renditions of traditional and contemporary following among a wide spectrum of audiences. Her
synagogue in Southeast Florida, is enjoying success with Jewish music, Cantor Abramson’s performance promises repertoire includes liturgical masterpieces, Israeli songs,
the return of its popular and inspiring Concert Series. The to be a moving and unforgettable evening. Cantor jazz, musical theater, as well as her own compositions.
2025 Series consists of four live, in-person performances Abramson’s performance is also an opportunity to Prior to her investiture in May 2011, Cantor Fishman
featuring singers, songwriters, orchestras and Cantors honor Israel and the Chief Cantor serving at this very served in the Israeli Army Orchestra as a vocal soloist and
from around the world. The full schedule, which kicked challenging time. trumpet player. She came to the United States as part of
off in January, continues with two remaining that will Tuesday, March 11th, at 7:30 p.m.: B’nai Torah the Tel-Aviv Broadway Musical Theater Project and was
conclude in March. All are produced by B’nai Torah Congregation’s own Cantor Magda Fishman, along with the recipient of the prestigious America-Israel Cultural
Congregation’s Cantor Magda Fishman in collaboration Maestro Tomer Adaddi and friends, lights up the stage at Foundation scholarship. Cantor Fishman has performed
with Maestro Tomer Adaddi. the closing event for B’nai Torah Congregation’s 2025 extensively throughout the United States, Israel, Europe,
The 2025 Concert Series, which takes place in the Concert Series. and Canada. She had a lead role in the Prague State Opera,
sanctuary at B’nai Torah Congregation, located at 6261 About Cantor Magda Fishman. Senior Cantor and she performed during the annual America-Israel
SW 18th Street in Boca Raton, offers a virtual option as Magda Fishman is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Cultural Foundation Gala at Jazz at Lincoln Center and at
well. The Series is presented in loving memory of Eleanor Seminary’s H.L. Miller Cantorial School in New York. a National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene event honoring Elie
and Paul Weiner. Tickets start at $30 for members and $40 Prior to joining B’nai Torah, she served as the Cantor Wiesel. She was featured in Folksbiene’s popular Soul
for guests and can be purchased at https://www.btcboca. at Temple Beth El in Stamford, Connecticut. Cantor to Soul concert at the Central Park Summer Stage and at
org/cs/. If you have questions regarding the Concert Fishman brings vibrant experience to Jewish music the Saban Theatre in Los Angeles with Maestro Placido
Series, please contact the synagogue at (561) 392-8566 through a unique blend of traditional and contemporary Domingo and Melissa Manchester. She also performs with
or styles. Over the years, she has built a large and loving the cantorial group Divas on the Bima.
“Music has a profound impact on our souls, bringing
us together in harmony and lifting our spirits,” said Cantor
Fishman, an accomplished performer with extensive
experience in Israel, the United States, Europe and
Canada. “As a community, we come together to share
this light and enjoy extraordinary artists. We’re thrilled
to take the audience on a Jewish musical and cultural
journey, showcasing performances that transcend genres
and generations, inspiring and delighting everyone in HAPPY HOUR: MON - THURS, ALL DAY AT BAR ONLY
attendance.” Happy Hour
The remaining two events in the 2025 B’nai Torah MON - FRI 3 - 6 PM Mon. - Thurs.
Congregation Concert Series are:
Wednesday, February 26th, at 7:30 p.m.: IDF Chief FULL INDOOR At Bar Only All Day
Cantor Shai Abramson. Experience the powerful voice of AND OUTDOOR Mon. - Fri. 3 - 6 pm
Shai Abramson, the IDF Chief Cantor. Renowned for his
starting at 11
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