Page 6 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Page 6, Boca Club News
      “Mr. Swindle’s Traveling Pecularium”

      All-New Spectacle at Mizner Park Until February 23rd

          Mr. Swindle’s Traveling Peculiarium has returned to Boca      The adults-only Mr. Swindle’s Peculiarium is in   love, this year’s show is guaranteed to deliver thrills, laughter
      with an all-new production that promises a fresh lineup of   performances at the Mizner Park Amphitheater in Boca Raton   and surprises.”
      thrilling performances, shocking new comedy and stunts that   from February 13th through 23rd  and then heads north to Carlin      As always, the fun begins an hour before the show in the
      have had audiences on the edge of their seats.    Park in Jupiter from February 27th to March 16th.   Drink-Ory Garden, where guests can enjoy Dr. Elixir’s signature
                                                            New for the 2025 production of this popular show:  potions and cocktails. Sip on concoctions and grab a bite before
                                                        “Deadly Games”: Featured on America’s Got Talent, this high-  entering the Peculiarium for an evening of astonishment and
                                                        stakes knife-throwing act will leave many breathless.  amusement.
                                                        Hair-Hanging Levitation: A woman defies gravity, suspending      Whether you’re a long-time fan or a first-time visitor, 2025’s
                                                        herself in mid-air using nothing but the strength of her hair.  show is a completely new experience that promises to captivate
                                                        German Seesaw Troop: Watch as these world-class performers   and amaze. From gravity-defying stunts to jaw-dropping danger
                                                        catapult each other into the sky with gravity-defying precision.  acts, this year’s spectacle is designed to leave audiences with
                                                        Flying Trapeze: The iconic trapeze act returns, soaring high   memories long remembered.
                                                        with dazzling acrobatics.                          Tickets and Event Details: Ticket prices range from $55 to
                                                        New Comedy Acts: Another round of uproarious humor and   $90, with discounts available for seniors ages 65+. Shows
                                                        absurd antics, pushing the limits again!           are for guests ages 18 and older. Tickets are available now
                                                            “We’ve outdone ourselves this year,” said Ivan España,   at or by calling (941) 445-7309. For
                                                        co-producer of Mr. Swindle’s Peculiarium. “With new acts, a   group sales of 10 or more, contact
                                                        fresh storyline and the same quirky characters our audiences   For more information visit
      City Celebrates Centennial with Two New Annual Special Events…

      “Bacchanal 2025”                                  Boca’s Inaugural Seafood Festival of Food,

      to Toast Centennial                               Music, Chef Competition Set for March 22nd

      with Celebration                                      Get ready for a sea-sational celebration! The City of   Yora Chan) as they battle for culinary supremacy in

      of Wine, Food,                                    Boca Raton’s inaugural Seafood Festival will take place on   this high-stakes cooking competition showcasing South
                                                                                                           Florida’s finest flavors.
                                                        Saturday, March 22nd from Noon to 6 p.m. at the Mizner Park
                                                                                                              Luna’s Fun Zone. Families can interact with the

                                                        Amphitheater.  This ticketed event promises an unforgettable
      Community                                         day of delicious seafood, live entertainment, nautical-themed   Gumbo Limbo Nature Center staff, learn about marine life,
                                                        activities and more, for residents and visitors alike.
                                                                                                           enjoy crafts and meet Luna, the center’s beloved mascot,
                                                            Tickets are $10 in advance at SquadUP – Create an   during select times.
          Boca Bacchanal, a signature celebration of food and   Event, Share an Experience, or $15 at the door.     Crab Cake Challenge. Feeling competitive? Join this
      wine in Boca, will return on Sunday, April 6th, from 1 p.m.      The festival will feature a bounty of activities and   on-site competition at the City of Boca Raton tent, where up
      to 4 p.m. at The Addison. Proceeds from the event will   attractions to satisfy all ages and tastes, including:  to eight contestants will race to eat their way to glory—and
      benefit the Boca Raton Historical Society and the Schmidt      Seafood Stage. A musical feast with a lineup featuring   the championship belt!
      Boca Raton History Museum, helping preserve the stories   The Holidazed, Vern Daysel and the Burning Breeze, and      Tickets for this event are available at
      and milestones that have shaped Boca over the past century.  UnRavel on the Seafood Stage. These local bands will add   SeafoodFest. Chairs and seating will be available throughout
          “The 2025 Boca Bacchanal is significant as we celebrate   the perfect soundtrack to a day of fun.  the event site. Prohibited Items: No coolers, outside
      Boca Raton’s Centennial,” said Mary Csar, Executive      Claw-some Food Vendors. From conch fritters to crab   alcoholic beverages, chairs or non-service animals. The
      Director of the Boca Raton Historical Society. “This event   legs, the festival will serve up a variety of seafood favorites.   festival will proceed regardless of weather.
      honors the city’s rich history while uniting the community   Local vendors will offer dishes fresh from the sea at a food      Call to Artists. Creative artists are invited to submit
      to support its future. We can’t wait to toast to 100 incredible   lover’s paradise.                  their artwork for a chance to be featured in marketing
      years together!”                                      Neptune’s Marketplace. Explore the north end of   materials for the Inaugural Festival. For contest details and
          The event will kick off with Vintner Dinners, hosted on   the festival site for a curated selection of nautical-themed   guidelines visit Art Contest Information.
      select dates in March and April. Held at exquisite private   vendors offering unique gifts, ocean-inspired wares and      For more information email CommunityEvents@
      residences and iconic venues throughout the city, these   treasures to take home.           Stay tuned for updates on the schedule, ticket
      exclusive evenings pair globally acclaimed vintners with      Seafood Showdown. Cheer on local chefs (Corvina’s   sales and more as we count down to Boca Raton’s seafood
      celebrated chefs, crafting intimate five-course culinary   Jeff Tunks, Penelope’s Kevin Avellaneda and Loch Bar’s   extravaganza.
          Tickets for Vintner Dinners are $350 per person and
      are limited in availability.
          Vintner Dinner tickets will first be available for
      purchase at the Bacchus Beckons event on February 27th,
      from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Saks Fifth Avenue in Boca. The
      locations, chefs and wines for the curated Vintner Dinners
      will also be unveiled during the stylish kickoff celebration.
      Tickets to Bacchus Beckons are $60 per person and can be
      purchased at
          The Grand Tasting, Boca Raton’s premier food and
      wine event, will showcase over 200 varieties of wine,
      champagne, spirits and craft beer. Guests will indulge in
      dishes from top local chefs and restaurants, complemented
      by The Addison’s gourmet creations. The afternoon will also
      feature musical entertainment and a silent auction offering
      exceptional lifestyle items, including wine collections,
      culinary experiences and luxurious travel packages.
          Tickets for the Grand Tasting are $175 per person on
      sale at and A promo
      code for a $25 discount (FIRST100) will be available for
      early ticket purchasers.
          Boca Bacchanal 2025 is made possible through the
      generous support of sponsors, including Publix, Republic
      National Distributing Company (RNDC), The Addison, The
      Boca Raton, Saks Fifth Avenue, Merit Mile, CP Partners,
      Boca Magazine, Boca Chamber of Commerce, Legends
      Radio and many others.
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