Page 3 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Boca Club News, Page 3

      10 More NFL Hall of Famers to Tee Off from page 1  shutdown cornerback for the St. Louis Cardinals who was      The tournament will support cornerstone charities,
                                                        known for his ability to cover the league’s top receivers   including the Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Habitat
      consecutive Super Bowl appearances and had one of   and force turnovers; John Randle, a fiery and relentless   for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County and First
      the most dominant careers in pro football history; wide   defensive tackle who was one of the NFL’s all-time sack   Tee Foundation, reinforcing the event’s commitment to
      receiver  Tim Brown,  who  over  17  seasons  developed   leaders and a disruptive force on the Minnesota Vikings’   community and philanthropy.
      into one of the greatest receivers of his era with 1,000   defense; and  Mike Haynes, the smooth and skilled      “The  announcement of 10  additional  NFL  Hall of
      receptions and 100 touchdowns in his career; Marshall   cornerback who excelled in coverage and was instrumental   Famers to the James Hardie Pro Football Hall of Fame
      Faulk, the engine of the Rams’ high-powered offense   in the Los Angeles Raiders’ Super Bowl XVIII victory.  Invitational brings even more excitement and anticipation
      that led to their Super Bowl win in 1999 who is widely      These NFL greats join Anthony Muñoz, Demarcus   for both fans and participants alike,” said Ken Kennerly,
      regarded as one of the greatest running backs of all time;   Ware, Morten Andersen, Warren Sapp, Rondé Barber,   Executive Director, James Hardie Pro Football Hall of
      linebacker Derrick Brooks, who never missed a game   Dwight Freeney, Jimbo Covert, and Calvin Johnson,   Fame Invitational. “We look forward to seeing these
      during his 14-season career and established himself as   who have also committed to play in the tournament. A   talented Football Hall of Famers on the course battling
      the cornerstone for what was considered one of the NFL’s   total of 26 football legends and 78 PGA TOUR Champions   against our golf greats.” Tickets are now available at
      best defenses for a decade; Steve Hutchinson, an elite   professionals will come together for an exciting three-day
      offensive guard, dominant run-blocker and a key part of   tournament that will be televised live on the Golf Channel.
      some of the NFL’s best rushing attacks; Roger Wehrli, a   They will compete for a purse of $2.2 million dollars.
                                                                                                            City Unveils Centennial Sculpture from page 1

      Pro Football Golf Invitational from page 1            These events celebrate the power of community   concrete and stucco. It features front- and back-channel
                                                        in  advancing  women’s  health. Terry  Fedele  will  serve   letters, acrylic and vinyl elements, and LED lighting for
          The new women’s golf event will open an annual   as Chair of the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health &   a striking, modern aesthetic.
      week-long golf event that this year includes 26 National   Wellness Institute Women’s Pro-Am.            As a centerpiece of the city’s year-long Centennial
      Football  League  Hall  of  Famers  competing  against      “It is my honor to chair this event that represents   celebrations, the illuminated sculpture transitions
      78  PGA  TOUR  Champions  at  Broken  Sound  Club’s   women golfing for women’s health, as all proceeds   through a vibrant color palette reflecting the essence
      legendary Old Course.                             benefit the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness   of Boca Raton:
      Event Highlights:                                 Institute,” said Fedele. “The services and programs offered   Boca Raton Pink – Celebrating the City’s rich history.
          Sunday, March 30th. 6 p.m. Women’s Day Evening   by  the  Institute  greatly  benefit  our  community. We’re   Golden Sun Yellow – Representing the sunny South
      Reception  Presented  by AutoNation.  Location:  Broken   thrilled to have Ellen Latham, co-founder of Orangetheory   Florida location.
      Sound  Club  Course.  This  lively  evening features  a   Fitness, as our keynote speaker. She embodies the values   Ocean Blue – Reflecting the City’s coastal community.
      shopping spree with local women-owned businesses, a   of empowerment, health and resilience that inspire women   Nature Green – Highlighting the parks and green
      silent auction, pairings reveal, guest speakers, and dinner   to achieve their best, making her the perfect voice for this   spaces that make Boca Raton unique.
      with cocktails. Individual tickets are $300.      impactful event.”                                      Mayor Scott Singer shared the significance of this
          Monday, March 31st. 11 a.m. Women’s Day Luncheon      Women’s Day tickets and sponsorship opportunities   moment, stating, “As we embark on our Centennial
      Presented by FPL. Location: The Old Course at Broken   are still available. Participation is tax-deductible.   year, Reflections of Time serves as both a tribute to
      Sound. A shopping spree, delicious lunch and a keynote   Underwriting opportunities are also available, starting   the visionaries who shaped our city and a beacon of
      address by Ellen Latham, founder of Orangetheory   at $2,500. Learn more and purchase tickets here: ttps://  inspiration for generations to come. It symbolizes the
      Fitness. Her talk, “The Power in Your Push,” promises to For more   pride of our community as we look forward to the next
      inspire and empower. Individual tickets to the luncheon   information contact Carly Kennerly at (561) 531-4885   100 years.”
      cost $225 and tables of 10 are $2,500.            and or Terry Fedele at (412)      “Through this sculpture we celebrate Boca
          Monday,  March  31st.  1  p.m.  Women’s  Pro-Am   352-2192 and           Raton’s rich heritage and natural beauty while
      Tournament. Location: The Old Course at Broken Sound.      About  the  James  Hardie™  Pro  Football  Hall  of   sparking a meaningful dialogue about the city’s
      Play an 18-hole round with a PGA TOUR Champions   Fame  Invitational. The James Hardie™ Pro Football   future,” mentioned  Veronica Hatch, Publica Art
      Pro at the Old Course. Following the tournament enjoy   Hall of Fame will be televised on the Golf Channel and   Boca Coordinator.  “Let Sanborn  Square  and  this
      cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and an awards ceremony   will feature a field competing for a purse of $2.2 million   artwork serve as a space to inspire reflection, foster
      presented by Hagar Insurance Company. Opportunity   dollars. It benefits the Boca Raton Regional Hospital,   connection and guide us on our journey forward as
      to golf with the Pros starts at $1,950 per play. Cost of   Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County and   we commemorate a century of growth and shared
      a foursome is $7,500, which includes tickets to evening   First Tee Foundation.                       progress.”
      reception and luncheon.

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                                                                                                            Editor ............................................................................  Nils  A. Shapiro

                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
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