Page 12 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Page 12, Boca Club News
Council Corner: Reimagining Our Downtown
Boca Raton Government Campus
By Fran Nachlas, Boca Raton City group, setting clear terms in the detailed planning, financial and economic benefits of our Brightline partnership and
Council member /CRA Vice-Chair. and infrastructure components of the initiative sometime create a more pedestrian-friendly environment while
The redevelopment of the in March/April of 2025. As part of the process the city preserving the vibrant, welcoming character of downtown.
30-acre Government Campus in has also established a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Moving Forward. As this exciting project moves
downtown Boca Raton is finally section on its website to help residents stay informed. through the review, selection and negotiation process I
moving forward, nearly a decade Some key takeaways include: welcome your engagement. The Government Campus
after the city first set its sights on Impact on Taxes: The project will not raise property redevelopment will be a new landmark that blends civic
revitalizing this aging area. The taxes but will generate new property taxes and land lease needs with a more connected, sustainable future.
process, which started in 2016, has revenues for the city. The next few months will be critical as we
faced delays, but now, in 2025, we are closer than ever Public Input: Residents are encouraged to provide collectively work toward shaping a better future
to realizing a more vibrant, sustainable, and connected feedback via an online form or by attending ongoing for our downtown. For more information visit the
downtown. public meetings. Of course, I am always available to you city’s Government Campus Master Plan page or contact
By the time you read this the City Council will have via email or phone for any thoughts or ideas. me at or (561) 221-7902. As always,
heard proposals from four groups competing to become Community Improvement: A focus of the initiative is to I’d love to hear from you.
partners with Boca Raton to transform this critical space. improve the area’s infrastructure, better utilize the mobility
At the February 11th Council meeting these plans will be
ranked, marking a major milestone in what promises to
be a transformative project. The proposed redevelopment The Importance of Annual Physicals:
aims to blend essential public services with modern spaces
for residents, business, living and recreation, creating a
more pedestrian-friendly downtown, connected to the Prioritizing Your Health with
Brightline station and better suited to the evolving needs
of our community.
A Long Journey. The idea of redeveloping the Dr. Luisa Brito and Dr. Althea Watson
Government Campus was first explored in 2016 when
the City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to rethink
the outdated infrastructure. In 2017, Song + Associates, Your health is your most valuable asset. Taking the time for an
annual physical is one of the most proactive steps you can take to
an architectural firm, was selected to lead the charge. ensure your well-being. These routine check-ups are essential not
However, their proposed plans faced pushback due to only for maintaining good health but also for catching potential
high costs, leading to further delays. Then, in 2020, the issues before they become serious.
COVID-19 pandemic shifted priorities and the project
stalled. Annual physicals allow doctors to assess your overall health,
discuss any concerns, and run necessary tests to detect underlying
But the vision never disappeared because the need is conditions. High blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels
clear. The City Council kept the redevelopment on its are just a few examples of silent conditions that may go unnoticed
radar, listing it as a priority in strategic public planning without regular screenings. Early detection can lead to timely
sessions. By late 2024 the private sector responded treatment, significantly reducing the risk of complications and at 9970 North Central Park Blvd., Suite 400-B. Dr. Watson
and the city received two unsolicited proposals for the improving outcomes. practices in both Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, with her
additional location at 8200 Jog Road, Suite 204, making it easier
redevelopment, prompting an open call for transparent, At Palm Beach Health Network Primary Care, Dr. Luisa Brito than ever to access quality care.
competitive options under a state statute designed to save and Dr. Althea Watson are committed to helping you stay on top
taxpayer dollars and spur innovation. Months later, at the of your health. They understand the importance of personalized, Your annual physical is not just another appointment—it’s an
January 2025 deadline, four groups had submitted their compassionate care and offer next-day appointments to fit your investment in your future. By addressing potential health concerns
proposals. busy schedule. Whether you’re due for your annual well visit or early, you can take control of your well-being and enjoy peace
have specific concerns, their expertise ensures you’re in good
of mind. Don’t wait until it’s too late to prioritize your health.
These proposals—by Boca Raton City Center, hands.
LLC; Namdar Group; Related Ross; and RocaPoint Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Luisa Brito
Partners—have undergone initial financial, planning and Both Dr. Brito and Dr. Watson provide comprehensive services, or Dr. Althea Watson and start your journey toward a healthier,
infrastructure review. Each offers a unique vision for the including same-day appointments, walk-in visits, pre-and post-op happier you.
Government Campus, but all share a focus on enhancing care plans, annual physicals, and pre-surgical medical clearance. Boca Raton: 9970 North Central Park Blvd., Suite 400-B | 561-
They are dedicated to creating a comfortable environment where
connectivity, sustainability and mixed-use development. you can discuss your health concerns and work together to achieve 487-7931
Responding to Current and Future Needs of Boca your wellness goals. Boynton Beach (Dr. Watson only): 8200 Jog Road, Suite 204
Raton. This project is not just about new structures; it’s | 561-740-4762
about reimagining what downtown Boca Raton could be. Located conveniently in Boca Raton, Dr. Brito sees patients
The goal is to create a space that fosters a sense of place,
promotes economic vitality and enhances the quality
of life for residents. The development will focus on
improving public services, creating pedestrian-friendly
streetscapes and offering new opportunities for business
and residential growth.
As part of this process the city has committed to a Going Away?
transparent, inclusive approach. Residents will have the
opportunity to weigh in at every City Council meeting,
during all stages, with public engagement at ongoing
feedback opportunities. The City Council is taking
a leadership role to ensure this effort is successful, Let us manage your home
sustainable and right-sized for a sunny future for all of us.
What Comes Next. The timeline for the redevelopment
process is responsible, ambitious and eminently achievable.
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Once the Council ranks the proposals in February the next
step will be negotiating an interim agreement with the top
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