Page 14 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Page 14, Boca Club News
From The Professionals’ Desks
From The Professionals’ Desks
Healthy Answers – A Guide to Healthy Living:
“Life’s Necessary Losses”
By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C. The past year has made me understand this concept awareness of life’s fragility and the finite nature of time.
Dale is a motivational speaker more than ever before. Close friends have passed away This profound experience can spark a desire to live
who has spent many years as a and, worst of all, my sister. Loss has an uncanny way more fully for several reasons:
Certified Life Coach and has written of bringing to light your own mortality and reminds Reflection on priorities – Step back and take a look at
numerous articles and e-books us how fragile life really is. While the loss of a loved what’s really important in your life. So often we become
relating to self-improvement and one is deeply painful the reflection can lead to personal bogged down in minutia, spending valuable moments
ways to build a high-performance growth, resilience and a renewed commitment to living stressing over stupid stuff that is insignificant in the big
team. She is the author of the book, a meaningful life. Acceptance of this reality and how picture.
“Small Steps...Big Changes: The you deal with it is all important to your own health and Appreciation of the present – Remembering the
Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and happiness. love shared with those you’ve lost can inspire you to
years of experience in physical fitness and training of Grief often leads to reevaluating what is important in express love more openly and more often. It may prompt
elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge life. It can inspire us to prioritize meaningful relationships, a renewed focus on kindness and understanding toward
in many health-related areas. The following introduces a experiences and goals over trivial or material concerns. your fellow man.
new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted Pain of loss can deepen gratitude for people and moments A catalyst for change – Death reminds us of the
to many topics that deal with the mind/body connection still in your life. This newfound appreciation may lead to universal nature of loss and the shared human experience.
and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, more intentional living and savoring the present. It may lead to empathy toward others who are experiencing
a Bocaire resident, can be reached at dalebrown@ Sometimes you go through the motions of living, not a similar loss. As a result of loss, it may prompt you to fully aware that time is slipping away. Then one day you take risks, pursue passions or address unresolved issues.
In this life I’ve learned that in order to grow we must look back and wish you had laughed, loved and lived A shift in perspective – The loss of a loved one may
give up and let go of things and people we love. The road more fully. You reflect and appreciate the little things encourage you to focus on a deeper purpose and a sense to
to human development is paved with necessary losses and may wish you had been more thankful for what you live more authentically. This means being true to yourself,
along the way. At some point in our life we lose our had. Mundane concerns seem insignificant and help you aligning your actions, thoughts and choices with your
parents, friends and other family members. As we age, focus on a deeper purpose and joy. values, beliefs and genuine self. It involves expressing
letting go can mean many things: our vigor, our sense When you lose a friend, loved one, or even people yourself honestly and living in a way that feels meaningful
of adventure, our playfulness, our waistlines, our 20/20 you may not know very well, it makes you stop to reflect. and fulfilling.
vision – the list goes on. Maybe for a day, sometimes longer, you recognize that Inspires Acts of Kindness – Awareness encourages
When you’re young it’s easy to look ahead to what life is transient. You vow to make some changes, let go compassion. Helping others can bring a profound sense
you’d like to accomplish, never realizing that someday of things that don’t matter, make amends with estranged of joy and fulfillment.
that vision may shift. There will come a time that changes family. The acceptance of death, often called mortality
your ability and your view of what you can and cannot do. Inherently, we all long to be present in the world around awareness, can affect happiness and overall well-being.
You may have to hang up your skis, sell your golf clubs, us. There are many books describing the importance of While the idea of death may initially evoke fear or
give up your bike riding or adjust your lifestyle to suit being in a conscious state of mind. The death of a loved discomfort, embracing its inevitability can lead to a deeper
your later years. As much as this sounds like a downer one is often the wake-up call that brings a heightened appreciation of life and more meaningful experiences.
it’s not. It’s simply the evolution of life.
Legal: Easements
By Michael J Posner, Esq., a partner in the easement area will also be prohibited. Conversely,
in Lippes Mathias LLP, a national the use of the easement by the dominant estate owner is
real estate and business-oriented also limited to what rights were granted in the easement.
law firm with sixteen locations For example, if the easement is granted to provide access
nation-wide. Michael specializes in to a single-family residence, the conversion of the single-
real estate and association law. He family residence into a fifty-unit apartment building using
can be reached at (561) 594-1452 the same easement for access would likely over-burden
or at the easement. The key is how the easement is drafted and,
A clickbait headline on an if there is ambiguity, looking to parole evidence such as
article in my news feed proclaimed that a family could the intent of the parties to the easement and the long-term
not build their dream home on a vacant lot because of use will determine the issues of interference with use and
a blanket easement. The article detailed how they had over-burdening of the easement.
purchased a lot in the woods for privacy but that many Easements encompass a wide variety of possible
years prior the land was encumbered by an easement for activities. The most common easements provide access for
utility service. With the easement in place they would not utility providers (electricity, internet, telephone and gas,
be able to get a building permit without either the written etc.), and to provide drainage services. Access over the
consent of the easement holder or the actual release of the servient estate is also common, from access for pedestrian
easement. They said that they had been initially rebuffed use, access for landscaping or for vehicular access. In rural
by the utility company and, therefore, their dream project areas there are also easements for animal/plant access, such
was now on hold. as horse trails, grazing, timber removal or sheep herding.
Easements are a lesser interest in land that are created Easements are created by written instruments duly
between a grantor who grants a limited right over the recorded in the public records. Easements can be created by
grantor’s property—which is commonly referred to as a specific easement agreement, but easements can also be
the servient estate—and a grantee who obtains a limited created by a variety of other written documents. Easements
Southern Exposure Technologies right to use the servient estate from the grantee’s property, can be created by a reservation contained in a warranty
Computer Install/Setup/Repair which is commonly referred to as the dominant estate. Our deed, by a dedication in a plat (the most common form
unhappy landowners own a servient estate for the benefit
of easement reservation) or by covenants and restriction
(561) 315-0144 of the adjacent dominant estate owner for utility purposes (such as a Declaration of Condominium or Covenants and over their dream land. Restrictions for a Homeowners Association).
* DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install Easements are not personal, like leases and licenses, but When buying a property it is important to determine
* Networking, Troubleshooting instead are considered an interest that “runs with the land.” what easements, if any, affect the subject land. This is done
* Instruction This means that a properly drafted easement survives the by reviewing the title insurance commitment, which should
* Hardware/Software Installation sale of the servient or dominant estate. The utility easement disclose all recorded instruments. A review of each instrument
* Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix described above has been in place for many years and has should be undertaken to determine what easements exist, what
* Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup
* Business Consult/Startup/Move survived the transfer of title from many prior owners. they are for, whether they are exclusive or non-exclusive and
* Website Design/Maintenance Easements come in two types, exclusive and non- what part of the property is encumbered by the easement (the
Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer exclusive. An exclusive easement means that the land front or rear xx feet (usually 5–20 feet; or something much
and wireless network”! encumbered by the easement may only be used exclusively wider). In addition, a survey should be obtained that locates
GET S.E.T. GO! by the dominant easement owner to the detriment of each easement on the property.
REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES servient estate owner. The more common type of easement Going back to our forlorn property owners, the question
FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR, is a non-exclusive easement, which means that the servient will be whether they received a title commitment or survey
WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH, estate owner may use the easement area at the same time and, if they did, was the easement missed or properly
BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR. as the dominant estate owner as long as such use does not notated. If the easement was missed a possible claim could
START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS, interfere with the uses granted. be made. If they did not have these items they may still
QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND The issue of what constitutes interference is the be able to make a deal with the easement holder to either
PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT! subject of many lawsuits between servient estate owners pay them to modify or release the easement, or to reduce
(561) 315-0144
CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS! and dominant estate owners. A use that blocks access is the size of the easement to allow for the construction of
generally prohibited and building permanent structures their dream home.