Page 19 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Boca Club News, Page 19
Get Fresh! Tips from The Produce Maven…Peppers
Irving Swedko and his wife, Beverly, new and have specific climate requirements that may not glossy, heavy for their size and have taut, unwrinkled skin
are members of Broken Sound Club. align with most American growing regions. with fresh green stems. Avoid peppers with soft spots or
He hails from Ottawa, the capital of In contrast, the Carolina Reaper is the hottest pepper, wrinkles. The white pith or membrane inside the pepper,
Canada, where he spent more than measuring over 2.2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU). which holds the seeds, is technically edible but often
50 years in the produce business that The Scoville scale, developed by Wilbur Scoville in removed due to its slightly bitter taste.
included taking a small fruit and 1912, measures the heat of peppers by determining the For storage, if using peppers within a few days they
vegetable retail store and expanding concentration of capsaicinoids. The rating in Scoville can be kept on the counter in a cool, dry spot. To store
it across the city and into other areas Heat Units (SHU) represents how many times a pepper’s them for up to a week place them in the refrigerator in
to include wholesale, food service extract must be diluted with sugar water until the heat is a ventilated plastic or mesh bag. Ensure they are dry to
and importing, bringing trucks of fresh produce from across no longer detectable. For example, a jalapeño pepper rates prevent spoilage. To accelerate the ripening of green
the U.S. directly into Ottawa. His experience made him an between 2,000 and 8,000 SHU. peppers place them in a paper bag with a banana. The
expert on all things produce-related, from how to select the Cayenne pepper, originating in Cayenne, French banana emits ethylene gas, a natural ripening agent.
perfect melon to the best way to store fruits and veggies. After Guiana, is another notable chili variety used as a spice after Peppers were first domesticated in Mexico around
retiring, Irving and his wife Beverly became snowbirds and drying and grinding. Paprika, a spice made from milder 6,000 years ago. The exact domestication site is debated,
have been enjoying life at Broken Sound for 20 seasons. He sweet peppers, owes its piquant flavor to capsaicin. The but northeastern or central-east Mexico are likely
is the proud father of three daughters and looks forward to term “paprika” comes from the Hungarian word “paprika,” locations. Birds, which lack receptors for capsaicin,
family time with his seven grandchildren. derived from the Serbo-Croatian word which can be traced played a key role in spreading wild peppers from the
Peppers are native to tropical America and play back to the Latin “piper” and Sanskrit “pippalī.” Brazilian lowlands, known as the “nuclear area” for wild
a significant role in the cuisines of tropical Asia and Peppers are nutritional powerhouses. Red, yellow chili peppers. This symbiotic relationship allowed for the
equatorial America. Traces of pepper fruits have been and orange bell peppers have similar nutrient profiles, widespread distribution of pepper seeds.
found in prehistoric remains in Peru and Mexico, and they but red peppers contain the highest levels of lycopene. In cooking, peppers are highly versatile. Bell peppers
were extensively cultivated by various pre-Columbian Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and add crunch to salads when eaten raw, or sweetness when
civilizations throughout Central and South America. antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress. roasted or grilled. Paprika enhances the flavor of stews,
Though commonly considered vegetables in cooking, Capsaicin, found in both sweet and spicy peppers, has marinades, rubs and dips. Spicy peppers such as cayenne
peppers are technically fruits because they develop anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce pain. and jalapeños add heat to dishes such as stews, stir-fries,
from the flowering part of the plant and contain seeds. Studies show that consuming paprika xanthophylls for salsas and barbecue rubs. Cooking bell peppers can
Botanically, peppers are classified as berries. 12 weeks significantly reduces abdominal fat and BMI in increase the availability of certain nutrients, while eating
Estimates of the number of pepper varieties range from healthy overweight individuals without adverse effects, them raw preserves their maximum vitamin C content.
4,000 to 50,000, with the higher number representing suggesting improvements in lipid metabolism. Peppers offer a combination of rich history, culinary
wild peppers. The diversity of peppers continues to grow, Eating spicy food can also cool the body. Spicy peppers versatility and numerous health benefits, making them an
and different regions often use different names for the typically induce sweating, and as sweat evaporates the essential part of diets worldwide.
same cultivars. All bell peppers start as green and ripen body’s core temperature cools down. However, if you
to yellow, orange or red. Green bell peppers have a more experience an intense burning sensation from eating hot
bitter flavor profile, while red bell peppers are the sweetest peppers the most effective antidote is drinking milk. The Grape Expectations from page 18
and contain the highest levels of lycopene. casein protein in dairy binds to capsaicin, neutralizing
The Leysa pepper is the sweetest pepper in the world, it. Other effective options include yogurt, sour cream Viognier –When made in a fruit-driven style can be
ripening from green to dark red and offering a thick, or eating starchy foods such as bread to help absorb the oily and rich on the palate. This wine is best found
juicy flesh with a sweet, fruity flavor. The Leysa pepper capsaicin. from Condrieu in the Rhone Valley of France.
originates from Ukraine. Specifically developed by the In 2022, Americans consumed 11.1 pounds of fresh bell 2. Rich sweet dessert wines. There are several
Bilous family in the village of Prchlut it is considered peppers per person. In 2018, the United States ranked as ways to produce richly sweet dessert wines and you
a Ukrainian heirloom variety and is known for its thick the third-largest consumer of peppers in the world, behind can understand them better by how they’re made.
flesh and fruity sweetness. However, Leysa peppers are Vietnam and India. Late Harvest – Exactly what it’s called. As
not widely grown in the U.S. because they are relatively When selecting peppers choose ones that are firm, grapes hang on the vines longer they become even
sweeter and more raisinated, resulting in grapes with
concentrated sweetness. In Alsace, late harvest is
called “Vendage Tardive” and in Germany is referred
to as “Spatlese.” Any grape left on the vine can be
used for late harvest wines. Most common, however,
are Chenin Blanc, Semillon and Riesling grapes.
Noble Rot –a type of spore called Botrytis Cinerea
that eats fruits and vegetables. While it may sound
disgusting, noble rot adds unique flavors of ginger,
Scan for a FREE saffron and honey to sweet wines. Sauternes and
In Home Consultat on Barsac that use Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc are
rich golden-hued sweet wines. The most famous is
VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Chateau d’Yquem, which sells for hundreds of dollars
IN BOCA in small amounts!
German Rieslings – The sweetest are labeled
Auslese, Beerenauslese and Trockenbeerenauslese.
These ultra-sweet wines with good acidity are a
perfect match for almost all sweet desserts but will
cost a pretty penny. On the German scale of sweetness
they are a step above Kabinett, the least sweet of the
German Rieslings.
Fortified wines are made when brandy is added
to a wine. Most are high in alcohol (about 17-20%
ABV) and have a long shelf life after they are opened.
My favorite dessert wine is Port. Made in the northern
part of Portugal near the Douro River, these rare sweet
wines are made with a variety of local grapes. After
the fermentation and fortification processes, Port can
be made in a few distinct styles.
First is Ruby. This is the introductory style and
Modern style least sweet. Then there’s Vintage Port & LBV Port.
Des gn Both sweet, but not as sweet as Tawny Port. Tawny
Ports taste of figs and nuts. 30- to 40-year-old Tawny
is best.
WHY CHOOSE US? local grapes are used and purposely oxidized to
Sherry comes from Andalusia in Spain. Again,
12+ Years of Exper ence develop nutty aromatics. There’s Fino, or dry Sherry
Fully Insured, L censed and Bonded and Manzanilla, also dry.
Award-W nn ng Des gners Moscatel is a sweet Sherry with fig and date
Cert fied Profess onals flavors.
Exper enced Project Managers There are so many other so-called dessert wines,
In House Crew Team such as Madeira and Ice Wines, another of my
No Cost Overruns favorites, but you get the idea. Dessert wines are
For Every Budget simply made to accompany sweet, rich desserts
Huge Select ons n Showrooms and should be sipped and savored. A $500 Chateau
d’Yquem or an Inniskillin Ice Wine from Canada (my
19635 FL-7 #46, Boca Raton, FL 33498 561-778-1188 www.k personal favorite) and much lower in price, is a perfect
way to end a grand meal and needs to be savored.