Page 20 - Boca Club News - February '25
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Page 20, Boca Club News

               The Arts
               The Arts

      Book Review…“Dictionary of Fine Distinctions:

      Nuances, Niceties, and Subtle Shades of Meaning”

      By Nils A. Shapiro. Nils began his                believe are interchangeable,
      career as Marketing Director for a                but which are not…and in
      major book publisher. He has since                each case to explain the
      edited the authors’ manuscripts’ for              differences.  The text by
      more than 20 published books, written             author Eli Burnstein is laced
      more than 200 book reviews, served                with such a wonderful sense
      as Publisher of several million-plus              of humor that you hardly
      circulation  national  magazines,                 realize you are learning
      created  the  official  Yearbooks  for            so much, and many of the
      teams in Major League Baseball, the National Football   explanations are illustrated
      League,  National  Basketball Association  and  National   with delightful cartoon
      Hockey League, and “retired” as President of a successful   drawings.
      telecommunications company before being appointed Editor      If you care about using
      of Boca Club News when the newspaper was launched in   the correct words in your
      January 2007.                                     own conversations or in your                       • Pronunciation vs. Enunciation. To pronounce a word is to
         I had intended for this book to take its place alongside   writings this is a must-have reference book. If that is not a   say it correctly. To enunciate a word is to say it clearly.
      the dictionary and Roget’s Thesaurus in my home office as a   problem you care much about, then it is a must-have for the   • Hors D’Oeuvres vs. Canape. Hors D’Oeuvres are bite-size
      helpful reference. Instead, I have been carrying it around to   fun it will add to your life. Here are just a few examples of   appetizers. Canapes are bite-size appetizers on bread, crackers
      share with friends as a source of not only important helpful   words you may be using incorrectly. For lack of space here I   or pastry.
      information but to spark a round of appreciative good humor   offer only the author’s brief opening statement for each. He   • Schlemiel vs. Schlimazel. Shlemiels are bumbling fools.
      with the turn of almost every one of its 200 pages.  almost always follows up with a fuller explanation, but you   Schlimazels have bad luck. Hence the Yiddish crack that when a
         I believe you will be tempted to do the same once you get   will have to see the book for those.  schlemiel spills their soup, it’s the shlimazel whose lap it falls on.
      your hands on this handy-sized, 5-1/4” x 7-1/4” hard-cover   • Poisonous vs. Venomous. Poisonous is when you bite it   • Assume vs. Presume. To assume is to suppose without proof.
      volume.                                           (as with a toadstool mushroom). Venomous is when it bites   To presume is to do so with confidence or authority.
         My initial decision to purchase it is my need, as an Editor   you (as with a snake).              • Gala vs. Ball. A Gala is a large, upscale social event. A Ball
      and writer, to always select the correct word when more than   • Irony vs. Sarcasm. Irony is when you say one thing but   is a large, upscale social event with dancing.
      one option may seem to be available…and the purpose of   mean another. (Lounging on the beach: “It’s a tough life.”) So      In any case, from now on I will have no more excuses for
      “The Dictionary of Fine Distinctions” is to point out the more   is sarcasm, only what you mean is insulting. (After someone   using incorrect words in any of my columns. You have my
      than 100 examples of two words that most people mistakenly   trips: “Smooth move.”)                  permission to chastise me if I do.
      Essays on Life: “LOVE”

      By  Sonia  E.  Ravech.  Sonia  is                    LOVE is the relief I felt, even after many years of      LOVE is being surrounded by my family at the dining
      a  native  of  Massachusetts  and                 marriage, when he opened the door each evening and I heard   room table. It is celebrating holidays, traditions and life
      a  resident  of  Broken  Sound  for               him call out, “I’m home.” It is what sustained me when, one   cycle events together.
      more  than  30  years.  She  is  the              week after our 62nd anniversary, he died from aggressive      LOVE is true friendship, sharing in each other’s joys,
      mother of four, grandmother of                    lung cancer only three months after his diagnosis.  extending compassion in times of sorrow. It is reaching
      seven and great-grandmother of                       LOVE is what helped me accept widowhood and forge   out to help those less privileged and seeing the smiles of
      four. She has been the facilitator                a new way of living. It is maintaining purpose, prayer,   appreciation on their faces.
      of  the  Broken  Sound  Memoir                    faith and spirituality.                               LOVE is the serenity I experience when I sit in the
      Writers’  Workshop  for  the  past                   LOVE is the gratitude I feel for the privilege of having   comfort of my home looking out at the beauty of nature
      seven years.                                      lived to see four of my seven grandchildren married. It is the   that surrounds me. It is warm sunny days filled with
         Valentine’s Day is the one day each year set aside to   contentment I enjoy visiting with them in their own homes.  birdsong and cool moonlit nights filled with stars.
      express our love to those about whom we care, and to      LOVE is the happiness I experience every time I play      LOVE is gratitude for my longevity and good health.
      remind us to appreciate the love that is bestowed upon   with my four great grandchildren. It is the amazement I   It is the greatest blessing God has given me, and I give
      us every day. Love manifests itself in many forms. It is a   acknowledge when I recognize in them so many of their   thanks every day.
      powerful emotion that is reflected in so many aspects of   parents’ traits.
      our lives.
         LOVE is the promises my husband and I made to each
      other when we wed. It is the excitement we shared when       Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center
      we learned we were going to become parents.                                     Robert Greenberg Performing Arts Series
         LOVE is the overwhelming joy we experienced as we
      cuddled each newborn in our arms. It is the memories we
      made reading bedtime stories, attending school plays,
      sporting events and dance recitals as they grew.
         LOVE is the conflict we felt when they became adults and
      left the nest. It is the support we extended unconditionally                    JOY                                             ARI
      even when we disagreed with their choices.
         LOVE is the great joy we shared with the birth of each                       ALTMAN                                          AXELROD
      grandchild. It is the overwhelming pride we felt with each
      grandchild’s accomplishments, from taking their first
      steps to watching them graduate from college.
         LOVE is why I cooked my husband’s favorite meals,
      scratched his back and massaged his scalp. It is why I   Sunday, February 23, 4:00 pm                  Tuesday, February 26, 7:30 pm
      always laughed at his jokes although I had heard the punch                                             Thursday, February 27, 2:00 pm
      lines numerous times before.                           Her Name is Barbra:
         LOVE is the reason I reached for his hand in the movies   A Streisand Tribute Show                  Sunrise Sunset;
      or on long walks. It is the tranquility I experienced as I                                             My Year in Anatevka
      lay next to him each night listening to the rhythm of his   Along with convincing, high-energy portrayals
      snoring, touching our feet together.                   of the characters and comedy of Barbra, Joy     Music Director, Lawrence Yurman
                                                             also provides top-notch emotional delivery
                                                             of the notes and lyrics, truly invoking the     Featuring all the songs you know and
                                                             impeccable vocal control and unique style of    love from A Fiddler on the Roof, “Sunrise,
                                                             Streisand, leaving audiences excited, moved     Sunset,” “Rich Man,” “Miracle of Miracles,”
                                                             and mesmerized!                                 and some gems you might have missed.

                                                                    For tickets, call 561-464-3086 or visit

                                                               Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center • Toby & Leon Cooperman Campus
                                                                          21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL 33428 • Ph 561-558-2520 •
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