Page 21 - Boca Club News - February '25
P. 21

Boca Club News, Page 21
      Film Review–Double Feature:

      “Maria”… starring Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas (2024)

      and “Maria By Callas: A Documentary” (2018)

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                                                                      As its title appropriately infers, this documentary
         When the new film, Maria, had its world premiere at                                               presents more than two hours of historic film and video
      the Venice Film Festival’s Sala Grande Theatre, as the end                                           recordings of Callas revealing her own life story in
      credits rolled the audience responded with an eight-minute                                           interviews and performing in many of her most famous
      standing ovation that brought its leading actress, Angelina                                          roles before worshipping audiences in opera houses
      Jolie, to tears.                                                                                     throughout the world. It is a perfect complement to the
         Maria—in which Ms. Jolie portrays one of the greatest                                             newly released Angelina Jolie drama in that it provides
      divas in the history of opera, Maria Callas, in the final few                                        an informative background for understanding the early
      days of her life—had received so much advance publicity                                              life influences that left the real Maria Callas with a lack
      that I was very surprised to discover it available at no                                             of self-confidence for much of her life and places words
      cost by Netflix in mid-December, only weeks after it had                                             of truth in her statement to an interviewer that she was
      opened in U.S. theaters.                                                                             really just “a normal, average woman” and would trade
         Having myself been blessed to be born to parents who                                              all of her worldwide fame if she could have children, love
      shared their love of opera with my younger brother and                                               and a happy family.
      me from the time we were young teens—I saw at least   Callas’s later years, one returned with equal fervor, was      My suggestion that  you  consider  watching
      10 productions at New York’s Metropolitan Opera House   Aristotle Onassis, the ultrawealthy Greek. It was rumored   the documentary in no way diminishes my strong
      before I graduated from High School and have extended   that she had borne his son, who died within hours after   recommendation for the new film, Maria, which on its own
      into adult life live ballet performances including those by   childbirth. So when she learned—through newspaper   is a powerful and beautifully made drama.
      Nureyev and Baryshnikov and a general love of beautiful   headlines—of Onassis’s sudden marriage to the widowed           *****
      music—I was instantly predisposed to enjoying this film,   Jacqueline Kennedy, an announcement that shocked the      For the first time in my more than 200 Film Reviews
      if only for what I assumed would be to hear moments from   world, she was devastated. Her emotional reaction and its   I have gone an unusual step further in my desire to help
      the late soprano’s glorious career.               effect on her relationship with Onassis and Jackie are an   this column’s readers derive the greatest possible benefit
         I was not disappointed. Moreover, Angelina Jolie had   integral part of Maria, the Jolie film’s drama.   from both these films by doing an extra bit of research on
      devoted seven months learning to lip-synch perfectly      Apparently true from all reports is that, despite his   my own and have come up with the following, which you
      the lyrics to recordings of Maria Callas’s arias that Jolie   marriage to Jackie, Onassis confessed even to his death in   may also wish to keep in mind as you ponder the life of
      is shown performing in brief clips at La Scala, Covent   1975 that Maria Callas was the one great love of his life   Maria Callas.
      Garden, the Metropolitan in New York and other opera   and rumors persist that they continued to see each other      Born in the U.S. to Greek parents she had an unhappy
      houses in the film.                               during his marriage to Jackie.                     childhood that began with a mother who often ignored her
         The real surprise, as I later learned, is that the director,      Maria Callas passed away of a heart attack in 1977   in favor of her sister, teasing from friends and classmates
      Pablo Larrain, decided to literally mix Ms. Jolie’s own   in Paris at the age of 53, an especially moving scene   because of her weight problem, sadness over her parents’
      singing voice with that of Maria Callas in several scenes.   in the film because she is discovered motionless by her   divorce when she was in her teens, and a lifetime vision
         Indeed, Angelina Jolie’s overall performance has   butler, Ferruccio (a role superbly portrayed throughout by   problem of near-sightedness  that finally  approached
      garnered praise from critics worldwide.           Pierfrancesco Favino) the one person in her life who had   blindness at the end.
         Of course, as filmgoers we are interested in the story,   aways sensitively cared for and protected Maria Callas      Her one gift, a potentially beautiful singing voice, led
      and Maria Callas led a dramatic life indeed—but this film,   from a world of hurt.                   to an opportunity to take lessons in Greece where she at
      Maria, while it includes flashbacks to earlier episodes in      If this film, and the brief but soaring excerpts of Maria   last began to be appreciated.
      Callas’s glittering career, leaves unrevealed many of the   Callas’s voice, persuades you to learn more about her,      Maria Callas was 30 years  of age  when she saw
      early life influences from which she formed the sad self-  Netflix offers that opportunity.          Audrey Hepburn in the film, Roman Holiday, and with
      image of herself that took decades for her to overcome.      For a more fully informed visual biography of this   her typical fierce determination decided to finally change
         As internationally famous and envied as Maria Callas   extraordinary woman, including many stunning clips of   her appearance so that, to her, “the woman matched the
      was, her private life was to a great extent a tragedy. But   her famous performances—a film that will add to your   voice” and finally gave her the self-confidence to express
      by the time this film, Maria, picks up the story Callas had   understanding of, and appreciation for, the Jolie film in that   her long-suppressed needs. She lost 80 pounds in one year
      reached the end of the performing career for which she was   it clarifies the many reasons for the sadness of her early   and became the striking dark-haired, strong image who
      known by the world as “La Divina” (“The Divine”) and   life—I highly recommend you follow up your viewing of   appeared in newspapers, magazines, in movie newsreels
      referred to by Leonard Bernstein as “The Bible of Opera.”   Maria by turning to Netflix again for Maria by Callas:   and on television screens throughout the world.
      Highlights from her career are seen as flashbacks, leaving   A Documentary, which was released in 2018. (Ironically,      For  those  who  have  Boca  Raton  library  cards,  the
      many of the problems in her earlier life untouched.   while the Jolie film is free to Netflix subscribers the older   Maria  by  Callas  documentary  recommended  above  is
         Although married to a Metropolitan Opera executive   documentary has a modest fee of $3.99 on Netflix.)   available as a DVD to rent at no cost. In addition, the
      for 10 years that ended in divorce, the true love of Maria                                           library offers Maria Callas’s operatic performances both
                                                                                                           on CDs and online through the Hoopla service.

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