Page 6 - PGA Community News - January '25
P. 6

January 2025
      Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                         2 Spaces                                                                                                                                                               January 2025

      Northern Notes

      Nightjars, Nighthawks And                         goats” and is based                                bristles around
                                                        on an ancient belief
                                                                                                           their beaks called
      Chuck Will’s Widows                               that the birds milked                              rictal  bristles,
                                                        goats with their                                   which are stiff
      By Katie Roundtree,                               enormous mouths                                    hair-like feathers
      Director of Finance and                           each night. In reality,                            that arise around
      Administration,                                   the birds’ attraction                              the base of the
      Northern Palm Beach                               to livestock was                                   beak. The function
      County Improvement                                likely due to the                                  of rictal bristles is
      District                                          presence of insects.                               uncertain, although several possibilities have been
         Nighthawks and Chuck                              T hey     a re                                  proposed. They may function as a “net,” helping to capture
      Will’s Widows are common                          unique birds with                                  flying prey. Some evidence suggests that they may prevent
      birds in South Florida, but                       a distinctive look                                 particles from striking the eyes. There is also evidence that
      most people have never                            characterized by                                   the rictal bristles of some species may function tactilely,
      seen one. They are members                        long wings, small                                  like that of mammalian whiskers, to help detect prey.
      of the Nightjar family and                        feet, short legs,                                     Widows can be found in various habitats, most
      are medium-sized nocturnal or crepuscular (active at   and  very short                               commonly in open areas with some vegetation. Locally,
      dawn and dusk) birds in the family  Caprimulgidae.   bills. They  have                               they live in and around upland preserves. Nighthawks
      Nightjars are found worldwide, except Antarctica and   short bills but                               usually spend their days hidden, sometimes in plain view,
      certain island groups such as the Seychelles. Nightjars   have enormous                              thanks to their cryptic gray, brown, and blackish plumage
      are primarily found in Europe, while Nighthawks and   mouths when                                    and the birds’ squat, “neckless” shape. They often prove
      Chuck Will’s Widows are found more in the New World.   opened to allow                               challenging to spot even while roosting quietly on a tree
      Nightjars, Nighthawks and Chuck Will’s Widows belong   them to catch                                 branch or fence post.
      to a family of birds with the folk name “goatsuckers.” The   insects at night.
      family name, Caprimulgidae, literally means “milker of   T h e y  ha ve                              Northern Notes on page 7


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