Page 2 - PGA Community News - January '25
P. 2
January 2025
Page 2, PGA C.A.N.! 2 Spaces January 2025
Editorial Board PGA POA Communication Corner from page 1 is a relaxing, interesting, engaging way to enjoy an early
and leaving the house with more than enough time to get
to our destination will make life a little less stressful. And morning or late afternoon in South Florida. You might
Editor: James A. Cioffi of course, no TEXTING! also take your camera or use your phone camera to take • We will try to be kind to everyone we meet, in person, beautiful photos of our birds as well! Grassy Waters
Feature Writers: Dawn Levinstein, POA on the phone, on a Zoom call or meeting, or in person Preserve, 8264 Northlake Blvd., West Palm Beach, is
Gail Coppage, POA at meetings and events. There are so many wonderful open from 8 to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday and open
Commissioner Maria Marino neighbors in PGA National who volunteer to make our Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is one amazing
Katie Roundtree community a better place! We are thankful for volunteer nearby site that you can enjoy for a lovely nature stroll,
Contributing engagement! Kindness matters everywhere! some peak birding, some relaxation and beautiful views.
Reporter: Don Kiselewski
Birding Around Us (
Your editors strongly believe that the number The PGA National community is home to so many Sad To Say Goodbye To Holiday Lights
of people who do become involved with any species of birds! If you are up early in the morning, you This is your friendly reminder that sadly, we need to
news medium directly reflects on that medium’s can begin to hear several distinct bird calls. I have so many bid farewell to those holiday lights that we have enjoyed
excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint. favorite birds to watch! Right outside your door, you can this past holiday season. We are thankful for our PGA
Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute enjoy visits of birds and do your own bird watching. What National communities being so responsive and adding
articles or current, timely news items and/or month is best for birding in Florida? A visit anytime of such lovely displays of holiday lights to lift spirits and
“Letters to the Editors.” the year will product good numbers of birds, but January make the holidays so festive. PGA National rules state
Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’ to March are best months and will produce the highest that holiday lights and decorations should be removed
right to publish. Submission must include writer’s number of species. Did you know that Florida is unique within a reasonable time after the passing of the holiday.
name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles for having a higher number of species during winter than Thank you to our neighbors, family and friends who
/letters will not be published. Opposing views to article at any other time of the year? You can visit the Audubon provided us with a little bit of extra holiday joy this season
viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome. Everglades website ( with beautiful light displays and decorations!
Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint for a listing of Palm Beach County Birding Sites. Other Enjoy a great beginning to 2025! Have a fun and safe
of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should nearby counties also have amazing birding sites. Birding January!
be mailed or delivered by the tenth of each month
for the following month’s publication (example: by
January 10 for February publication) to:
C.A.N.! Editors Commissioner’s Update from page 1
Contact the publisher for additional information With more than 550 interlocal agreements spanning we are delivering broadband at a discounted price which
regarding submissions, fax (561) 627-9088 or e-mail public safety, coastal protection, facilities, and broadband, is passing a huge savings on to all our residents. we’re fostering a spirit of collaboration that benefits every Palm Beach County is an award-winning county,
Let’s hear from you. corner of our county. Our ISS department, using $50M in locally, statewide and nationally. We are rewriting the
federal funds, has installed broadband poles and more than rules of what’s possible. Through precision, patience,
500 miles of fiber optic cabling. Free Internet broadband and strategy, we’re driving excellence and ensuring every
is available in 17 branches of our libraries and 47 county resident and every business sees the benefits of living,
parks. And by partnering with agencies like the Boys working, and thriving here. Together, we’re creating
and Girls Clubs and 86 schools, we are bringing Wi-Fi a future where innovation meets sustainability, and
to homes that would otherwise be unable to have this prosperity is shared by all.
necessary tool for kids to do their homework. Pair that For more information on the latest news and initiatives
with many interlocal agreements with our municipalities, in Palm Beach County, please visit:
Attention Dog Owners
It is your responsibility to pick
up after your dog.
It’s the law. Some of you
have been negligent
in doing so.
Please keep our
community beautiful!
Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
Seabreeze Publications
M. Sean Reid
S. Miller • E. Miller
Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
Production Manager Lee Nostrant
Production Department
Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney
All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any
form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, including xerography and
photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed
unsuitable for publication.
1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
(561) 746-3244
FAX (561) 746-2509