Page 8 - PGA Community News - January '25
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Page 8, PGA C.A.N.!     BW                                  2 Spaces                                                                                                                                                               January 2025
                                                                          January 2025

      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                     to our website for more information on a specific topic.
         E a c h da y , a t                                Visit to request a copy of the
      approximately 11 a.m.,                            2025 edition. When you receive the guide, we will invite
      my team and I receive                             you to respond to a brief survey to provide us with
      an email report from our                          your feedback so we can keep enhancing this signature
      client satisfaction survey                        publication. I hope you enjoy this publication as much as
      vendor highlighting the                           we enjoy providing it to you!
      surveys we received from
      clients the previous day. I                       Faces Of The TCO:
      enjoy reading the surveys,
      especially the comments                           AJ Starks
      where clients tell us what
      we are doing right and what needs improvement. We strive   Title: Director of Contact Center Operations
      for exceptional service on each and every interaction   Hometown: Memphis, Tenn.
      with our clients, both in-person and on the phone, and   Favorite Activity: Manning the grill or the smoker     During your “journey” to make a reservation online,
      most of the time we get it right, but there are times that   Favorite Food: My smoked brisket        we first present you with a list of documents that you
      we miss the mark. In either case, it is important that      This month, in our “Faces of the TCO” series, I am   will need for your transaction. Next, upon indicating
      we hear from our clients so we can address issues and   pleased to shine the spotlight on the director of our Client   which documents you have by checking “Yes” or “No”
      make corrections where needed, but at the same time, it   Care and Research Center (CCRC).           and before you officially schedule your reservation, we
      is so rewarding to hear from clients who rave about the      Ajani “AJ” Starks joined my Senior Leadership   present you a summary checklist of the document(s) you
      service they have received from a member of my staff.   Team in 2022, and                            need to bring with you to your reservation. You can then
      That commitment to exceptional from every member of   he oversees 40                                 print the list or email it to yourself to view or print later.
      our team is the driving force behind our industry-leading   employees whose                          Keep in mind that this document is not confirmation of
      client satisfaction results, where 87 percent of our clients   main responsibility                   a reservation, as you still have to select a date, time and
      say that their experience with our office was exceptional   is to answer                             location. This checklist is designed to help you easily keep
      or very good!                                     client  questions                                  track of the documents you need to gather. Once you have
                                       Anne M. Gannon,  and concerns via                                   the opportunity to use our enhanced reservation-making
           Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach   phone and emails.                            system, tell us your feedback by visiting www.pbctax.
                                                County  Handling an                                        gov/website-feedback/.
                                                        average of 1,700
      Get Yours Now! The 2025                           calls a day is not
                                                        an  easy  task, and
      Tax Planner & Services Guide                      to  do  so  effectively, AJ  and  his  team  have  developed
                                                        strategies to ensure all clients receive exceptional service.
         We are excited                                 AJ  says, “Client feedback  is important to  us,  and  we
      to announce                                       monitor calls and utilize call monitor forms to provide
      t ha t  our  2025                                 our client care representatives with feedback. With this
      Tax Planner &                                     comes challenges servicing clients who are unsatisfied
      Services Guide                                    with some aspect of our services. I remind the team that
      will be available                                 it is not personal and to show empathy towards the client,
      beginning in                                      and we specifically train staff for these calls.” Employee
      Ja nu a ry. T h i s                               recognition is important, and AJ says, “We celebrate wins
      comprehensive                                     and best calls, and in fact, we just held our first annual
      guide is designed                                 CCRC Awards,  recognizing  exceptional achievements,
      to keep you                                       such as ‘Most Calls’ and ‘Client Service Excellence.’ I feel
      informed,                                         lucky to be a member of such a great team of professionals,
      connected, and                                    all moving in the same direction to deliver exceptional
      empowered as you navigate our organization’s services,   customer service.”
      values, and resources. Inside, you’ll find everything from
      taxes to motor vehicles services and driver’s license/ID   A Better Journey
      card services. There is also a monthly calendar to help
      you keep track of your payment deadlines.            Our new website, has been online for
         As we worked on this latest edition, one of our   over a month now and I hope you have enjoyed exploring
      priorities was to align with the information on our new   all the new features. One feature that I want to highlight
      website,, so the two complement one   is the enhancements made to our reservation system. We
      another. We made the guide easy to use with color coding   created a new more intuitive interface, featuring pop-up
      guides to services and QR codes that will take you right   icons to provide information about topics related to our

                                                        Super Junior: Getting A

                                                        Jump Start On College Planning

                                                        By Peggy Forgan, M. Ed                             and begin the college admissions process. All of this
                                                           Junior year is a critical                       is time-consuming and overwhelming, from prepping
                                                        time  for college  planning.                       for standardized tests to finalizing resumes. The Super
        HANDY-MAN  It’s when high schoolers                                                                Junior program alleviates the stress of college planning
        HOME SERVICES                                   start to focus on their future                     by helping students achieve their goals before senior year.
                                                                                                             All Super Juniors will complete a “Super Junior

                                                        and make decisions that
                                                        really count. And with most                        Checklist” specifically designed to help them put their
                                                        students just 10 months                            best foot forward. Here’s a look at the seven things they
            NO JOB TOO SMALL                            away from applying to                              will accomplish in 90 days:
                                                        college, it’s clear that the                       1. Create a top 10 list of colleges and universities
                                                        11th grade is crunch time.                         2. Complete three college visits (either virtual or in-
          u Water Stains        u Screen Repair            Class 101’s Super Junior                        person)
          u Painting            u Leak Repair           program helps students get ahead of the curve before   3. Take DISC assessment & review report
          u Caulking            u Misc. Repair          application season even begins. Here’s everything you   4. Establish baseline SAT score
                                                        need to know about becoming a Super Junior, and why
                                                                                                           5. Document top 10 trends from baseline score
          u Interior/Exterior                           it’s one of the best ways to bring your student up to speed.   6. Create a resume with all activities listed
                      ... and much more!                   A Super Junior is an 11th grader who wants to get a   7. Have a parent meeting to review all items on your
                                                        head start on college planning. By completing our fast-  checklist
                                                                                                             All students who complete the program will earn a
        Housesitting Available • References Available   track Super Junior program, students start the planning     Super Junior certificate and will be entered for a chance
                                                        process when it matters the most: during the application
             (Serving Palm Beach County since 1980)     preseason. That way, when application season rolls around   to win a new laptop! The Class 101 Super Junior is
                                Call Rubin              on August 1 of their senior year, they are well ahead of   underway.

                                                        their peers.
        Licensed & Insured   561-346-2467                  Junior year is the most crucial time for students to
                                                        take ownership of their grades, sharpen important skills,
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