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VOL. 35 NO. 1                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                       JANUARY 2025

      PGA POA Communications Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        Annual City Of Palm Beach Gardens Joy Drive        around you (including wildlife), and taking care to take time
      PGA POA Communications                               All of the residents in the PGA National community   to get to your destination will do wonders for keeping PGA
      Committee                                         are extremely generous and their efforts made the holidays   National safe. Our PGA National family is important to us,
         Happy  New Year!                               brighter for a lot of local children; however, the Glenwood   and we want everyone to remain safe.
      Happy New Opportunities,                          and Villa D’Este communities go above and beyond and      • We will be smart about security, keeping car doors
      Friendships and                                   collect gifts at their annual holiday party. Both of these   locked when parked, removing delivered packages from
      Involvement!                                      communities deserve a lot of recognition, both for the   our doorsteps, being aware of our surroundings at home,
      Annual Meeting Date And                           amount of work their boards and committees undertake to   and remaining on the lookout for any suspicious behavior
      NEW PLACE                                         make their community’s holiday event a success, and for the   unusual for your neighborhood. We are thankful for St.
         This is a reminder that the                    generosity and kindness of their residents who help make the   Moritz security patrols throughout PGA National, but we
      PGA POA Annual Meeting                            City of Palm Beach Gardens Police and Fire Department’s   all need to do our part to keep our communities safe and
      will be held  Wednesday,                          Annual Joy Drive a huge success. Thank you to everyone!  protected.
      February 26, 2025, at 6 p.m. at Mirasol in the Mirasol   PGA National New Year’s Resolutions            • We will offer a lending hand if an older neighbor needs
      Clubhouse. Sign-in begins at 5 p.m. Parking will be      It’s that wonderful early time in the new year where we   help transporting trash barrels, or reaching for a newspaper
      available at the Mirasol Clubhouse. Please add the date,   think about where we have been, where we are going, and   in the driveway, or if there is a spot of trash on the ground
      time and new place to your calendar. Residents will receive   what lies ahead. New Year’s resolutions are always a good   near us, we will remove it to keep PGA National looking
      the notice and ballot for the annual meeting in January.   way to prepare us for the new year. Here are some thoughts   good. Our community is only as good as all of us are
      Remember: Even if you cannot attend the annual meeting,   for resolutions:                           collectively!
      we ask that you still review the candidate materials and cast      • We will take care when driving throughout all PGA      • We will remember to find our patience when the roads
      your vote for directors of the Board of Governors. Your   National neighborhoods, understanding that young children,   around us are crowded, and it takes longer for us to get to
      vote is important and your vote counts! We want to hear   older adults, walkers, joggers, bikers, strollers and ongoing   appointments, meetings, golf games, pickleball, lunch and
      from you! We welcome your attendance and engagement at   resort maintenance and PGA National maintenance are all   dinner. Counting to five (and sometimes more than 5…),
      the annual meeting. Please stop by and say hi to us! Thank   a daily part of our traveling lives in our community, not   doing some simple shoulder stretches while we are waiting,
      you in advance for your time and attention regarding this   to mention public access through Ryder Cup Boulevard.
      election.                                         Keeping the speed limit, remaining aware of the movement   PGA POA Communication Corner on page 2
      Commissioner’s Update

      Palm Beach County: Driving                        Palm Beach County Fire Rescue and the Palm Beach Sheriff’s   quality, and enhancing coastal resilience. Coastal resilience
                                                        Office (PBSO), we are committed to ensuring residents feel
                                                                                                           is important for maintaining our pristine beaches and natural
      Innovation, Safety, And                           secure. A shining example is our whole blood program, one of   habitat. The county spent nearly $6M this past year on dune
                                                                                                           projects and beach renourishment and over 1.4 million cubic
                                                        only 121 in the nation, which enables medically trained first
      Growth For A Brighter Future                      responders to perform life-saving blood transfusions in the   yards of sand was placed on county beaches. That volume
                                                        field. Through its safety education, the Drowning Prevention   would fill 150 Jupiter Lighthouses!
      By Mayor Maria G. Marino                          Coalition reached nearly 24,000 people, and 2,200 kids ages      Education in Palm Beach County is more than Vanderbilt.
         It’s truly an honor                            2 to 12 took free or reduced-cost swim lessons.    In addition to our higher education options, we have three
      to become the mayor of                               Investments in public safety provide tangible returns:   technical high schools in our county. College may not be
      a  county  that is a  driving                     stronger communities, lower insurance premiums, and   for everyone, but education is.
      force for economic growth,                        enhanced quality of life. When people feel safe, businesses      Palm Beach County is buzzing with transformational
      innovation and quality of                         thrive, families grow, and communities flourish. That’s the   projects designed to meet the needs of yesterday and today
      life. Palm  Beach  County                         kind of return on investment we can all celebrate.  while anticipating tomorrow. Recent accomplishments
      stands as a beacon of                                What makes Palm Beach County such  a  desirable   include the completion of the PBSO District 1 Marine Unit
      progress, built not by chance,                    destination for businesses and families? It’s the outstanding   Facility, the Supervisor of Elections Production Facility,
      but through thoughtful                            quality of life, with 110 parks, beaches, and recreational   and the Canyon Branch Library. Upcoming renovations at
      planning, consistent effort,                      areas that turn living here into a dream. These spaces are   Roger Dean Stadium and expansions to the Animal Care
      and unwavering commitment                         more than just amenities; they are vital investments in our   and Control Building will further enhance our infrastructure.
      to excellence.                                    shared well-being. Programs like Park Rx, also known as Park   Solid Waste Authority has the No. 1 renewable energy
         Palm Beach County thrives on strategic investments that   Prescriptions, is part of a national initiative that encourages   facility in America.
      yield transformative results. For every dollar invested in   healthcare professionals to prescribe time spent in nature to      Transportation is another cornerstone of our growth
      economic development, we see exponential returns—more   improve patients’ health and well-being.     strategy. By collaborating with all 39 municipalities, we are
      businesses, more jobs, and a stronger tax base. We’ve proven      This past year, we completed two major restoration   developing a Countywide Transportation Master Plan that
      that we act local while thinking global.          projects in our estuaries: Sawfish Island and Tarpon Cove.   ensures safe, efficient, and sustainable mobility for everyone.
         Public Safety is the foundation of any thriving community.   These initiatives created critical seagrass, oyster reef, and
      From emergency management during storms to initiatives by   mangrove habitats, supporting wildlife, improving water   Commissioner’s Update on page 2

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