Page 8 - Boca Exposure - December '24
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Page 8, Boca Exposure
      American Humane To Honor Heroic Canines

      At 14th Annual Hero Dog Awards  Gala

         American Humane, the country’s first national humane      Nominees for the American Humane Hero Dog Awards  are:      About American Humane. With offices in Palm Beach
      organization, will host the 14th Annual American Humane      Dayo  (Therapy);  Sampson  (Service  and  Guide/  and Washington, DC, American Humane is the country’s
      Hero Dog Awards  Gala at The Breakers Palm Beach on   Hearing); K-9 Niki (Military); Bo (Law Enforcement and   first national humane organization and the world’s largest
      Jan. 8, at 6 p.m.                                 First Responder), and Penny (Shelter and Emerging Hero).  certifier of animal welfare, overseeing the humane
         Known as the “Oscars  for Canines,” this year’s star-     The American Humane Hero Dog Awards  is an annual,   treatment of more than one billion animals across the
      studded gala will be hosted by supermodel, actress and   nationwide competition that recognizes America’s standout   globe each year. Founded in 1877, American Humane has
      entrepreneur Christie Brinkley and TV personality Carson   working dogs—often ordinary dogs who do extraordinary   been First to Serve™ the cause of animals and has been
      Kressley. Before sitting down to a sumptuous dinner, video   things—such as saving lives on the battlefield, lending   at the forefront of virtually every major advance in the
      presentation and live entertainment, guests will have the   sight or hearing to a human companion, or helping people   humane movement. For more information or to support
      opportunity to mingle on the red carpet with the canine   achieve their goals.                       our lifesaving work, visit:, and
      finalists from five key categories, including therapy dogs;      To  purchase  tickets,  visit:  herodogawardsgala2025.  follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for
      service and guide or hearing dogs; military dogs; law,  call  (561)  537-5887,  or  email  events@  the latest breaking news and features about the animals
      enforcement and first responder dogs; and emerging hero                        with whom we share our Earth.
      and shelter dogs.                                    For sponsorship opportunities, email herodoginfo@
         “Whether they protect us on the frontlines, help us
      with medical challenges or just lighten our spirits with an
      enthusiastic kiss after a long day, dogs save and improve
      our lives in infinite ways,” said Dr. Robin Ganzert, president
      and CEO of American Humane. “We are thrilled to kick off
      the Palm Beach season with the American Humane Hero
      Dog Awards Gala honoring the best of our best friends.”

       ‘Just Give Me

       A Z-Pak’

       By Steven E. Reznick,
       M.D., FACP, Boca Raton
          The common cold and
       similar upper respiratory
       tract infections of viral
       origin  are one  of the
       most frustrating types of
       illnesses to treat. Patients
       feel miserable. Their noses
       drip and the postnasal drip
       irritates the back of their
       throats. Their bodies may
       ache with muscle and joint pains or exacerbations of existing
       pains. They cough and the irritative cough hurts their chest
       wall. Sweats, chills and low-grade temperatures are common.
       Change in taste and digestion with alteration of bowel habits
       occur frequently as does fatigue.
          When a patient acquires a viral upper respiratory
       tract infection and they do not have asthma, emphysema,
       chronic bronchitis or other lung disease and or
       immunosuppression, we recommend rest, hydration with
       warm clear solutions (tea and manuka honey, chicken or
       beef broth), Tylenol for the aches and pains and time.
       Cough syrup or cough drops help as well. These illnesses
       frequently are accompanied by a visit or a call to their
       physician for an antibiotic. When the physician is reluctant                True Treasures
       to provide the antibiotic because it provides no healing
       benefit and may cause harm they are often greeted with                              Consigned Furniture
       disdain, anger and “I know my body better than anyone
       else. They gave me an antibiotic at the urgent care center                               & Home Décor
       for this in the past.”
          A November research paper in the Journal of Clinical
       Investigation looked at this issue. Researchers exposed                 
       mice to a cocktail of antibiotics while exposing them to
       influenza. A control group of mice just received influenza   Why pay retail when you can find a True Treasure?
       exposure. The antibiotics disrupted the gut micro biome
       of the mice allowing the development of fungal invaders
       in proportions higher than normal.
          The mice immune systems reacted to this by producing                                     Now Accepting
       more cells called eosinophils. The eosinophils released a                                    Consignments
       chemical mediator that suppressed the development of
       and function of bacteria eating cells caused macrophages.
       The antibiotic group developed more pneumonias and of a                                  Over $1,000,000
       severe nature. The antibiotics did nothing to help or limit the
       viral infection and, in fact, were detrimental. Using these                             paid to consignors
       findings, researchers examined hospital records of humans                                     in 2023.
       treated with antibiotics for a viral illness. They too had a
       very high eosinophil count which inhibited the development
       and function of the bacteria gobbling macrophages.                                     10% OFF the ticketed
          The next time your doctor suggests your viral                                                price
       illness does not need an antibiotic, think about the                                     (Expires 12/31/2024)
       research providing an explanation as to why that
       doctor is likely correct.
          Dr. Reznick is board certified in internal medicine                                 3 Convenient Locations
       with added qualifications in geriatrics. He has practiced   111 N US 1,                 3918 Northlake Blvd,             14555 S Military Trail,
       in the local community for over 30 years. To request a   North Palm Beach, FL 33408   Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403      Delray Beach, FL 33484
       complimentary meeting with Dr. Reznick to discuss         561-625-9569                     561-694-2812                      561-699-9797
       your health needs, and his concierge practice, call
       (561) 368-0191.             Store Hours Mon - Sat 10 - 6,  Sun 11 - 5  (Sun 12 - 5 at US 1 location only)
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