Page 6 - Boca Exposure - December '24
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure

      The Junior League from page 1

      November 1st. Terry Fedele, the nominee for Florida Atlantic
      University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, was named
      Woman Volunteer of the Year; and Ambassador Nancy G.
      Brinker, the nominee for Promise Fund, won the Lifetime
      Achievement Award. The luncheon raised the most money in
      the history of the event with the leadership of Event Cochairs,
      Meryll Bangsil and Khris Kellerman and Honorary Chair,
      Kelly Woods Fleming. The luncheon featured a lavish runway
      fashion show with looks from The Boca Raton boutiques.
         Terry Fedele’s healthcare background and passion
      for service have propelled her from a board member to a
      dynamic leader, serving as chair of the College of Nursing
      and president of the Caring Hearts Auxiliary Board.
      Her leadership has significantly increased community
      engagement among leaders, faculty, students, and advisory   WVOY winners: Maureen Mann, Nikki Stelzer, Terry Fedele,   FEDELE Winner: Mark Larkin, Maureen Mann, Terry
      board members. Her efforts have been crucial to addressing   Nancy Brinker, Khrisna Kellerman, and Meryll Bangsil  Fedele, Meryll Bangsil, Khrisna Kellerman, Nikki Stelzer
      Boca’s nursing shortage, as many students stay local after
      graduation. Over the last 13 years, Terry’s dedication has      The  nominees  were Amiee  Hawkins, Alzheimer’s   Jennifer Nawrocki, Palm Beach Symphony; Judy Noren,
      directly improved countless lives in our community.  Association; Althea Largie Ceasor, American Association of   Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League; Haley Winstead,
         Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker founded the Susan G. Komen   Caregiving Youth; Elaine Tobita, Barky Pines Animal Rescue   Place of Hope at the Leighan and David Rinker Campus;
      Foundation which has raised several billion dollars for breast   & Sanctuary; Sue MacDonald, Best Foot Forward Foundation;   Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, Promise Fund; Tabitha
      cancer research, and she founded Promise Fund which provides   Loretta Parker, Boca Ballet Theatre; Zoe Lanham, Boca   Stambaugh, Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton; Sudane
      access to mammograms and cervical cancer screenings for   Helping Hands, Inc.; Eileen Travasos, Boca Raton Christian   Ricketts, Scholar Career Coaching; Gabby Teran, Student
      underserved women in Palm Beach County and beyond.  School; Olivia Hollaus, Boca Raton Historical Society;   ACES; Abby Bernstein-Henderson, Sweet Dream Makers;
         There were 43 local women who were nominated for the   Nicole Flier, Boca Raton Police Foundation; Marcia Mithun,   Reilly Glasser, The Diaper Bank, Covering South Florida;
      37th Annual Woman Volunteer of the Year Award. Nonprofits   Boca West Children’s Foundation; Mandy Bohlman, Boys   Robyn Perlman, Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship
      from across Palm Beach and Northern Broward counties   & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County; Jan Savarick, Brain   Program; Caroline Johnson, Women’s Executive Club; Nicole
      nominated one of their valued volunteers to be considered   Bowl Events, Inc.; Janet Diaz-Martinez, Caridad Center;   Grimes, YMCA of South Palm Beach County; and Daniela
      for Woman Volunteer of the Year Award.            Andrea Cannon, Congregation B’nai Israel; Cheryl Crowley,   Levenson, YWCA Palm Beach County.
                                                        Cultural Council for Palm Beach County; Amanda Perna,      “We were thrilled to recognize 43 outstanding volunteers
                                                        Delray Beach Public Library; Tammera Atkins, Dress for   and were so impressed with the award winners and all that
                                                        Success Palm Beaches; Randee Wechsler, Eda and Cliff Viner   they have accomplished,” said Nikki Stelzer, president of
                                                        Community Scholars Foundation; Teresa Fedele, Florida   the Junior League of Boca Raton. The event was the most
                                                        Atlantic University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing;   successful ever as a result of the generosity of our honorary
                                                        Ashley Cacicedo-Surdovel, Friends of Foster Children of   chair, sponsors, and guests and the dedication of our cochairs
                                                        Palm Beach County, Inc.; Danielle Rosse, George Snow   Meryll and Khris and their Event Committee.
                                                        Scholarship Fund; Shawn Sherlock, Gina Rose Montalto      The Woman Volunteer of the Year Luncheon celebrates
                                                        Memorial Foundation Inc.; Mindy Shikiar, HabCenter of   outstanding women in the community, nominated by
                                                        Boca Raton; Robyn Raphael Dynan, Habitat for Humanity   nonprofit organizations for their dedication and expertise as
                                                        of Greater Palm Beach County; Michelle Makris, Hanley   volunteers, as well as the work they do to further the missions
                                                        Foundation; Iris Urbina, Hispanic Entrepreneur Initiative;   of the organizations they serve. Proceeds benefit the Junior
                                                        Carrie Rubin, Impact 100 Palm Beach County; Elizabeth   League of Boca Raton.
                                                        Rivera, In The Pines; Nancy Dockerty, Junior League of Boca
                                                        Raton; Arlene Herson, National Society of Arts and Letters;   The Junior League on page 7

      William Fleming and Kelly Woods Fleming


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