Page 10 - Boca Exposure - December '24
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Page 10, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      ‘Now Can We Please Get Along?’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                               have made residences more private. At least a minimum of      I will keep my cool and try not to stress over what I
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             three hours a day are spent indoors watching TV, surfing   cannot control.
      motivational speaker who                           the net, texting or talking on the phone. Even in gated      I will temper my strong views and be willing to listen
      has spent many years as a                          communities where many people know one another the   to another perspective.
      Certified Life Coach and has                       tendency is still one of privacy. When the doorbell rings      I will make this year a “year of acceptance.”
      written numerous articles                          I can assure you it will not be a neighbor stopping by      I will channel my energy into living a more purposeful
      and e-books relating to self-                      unexpectedly for a cup of coffee.                 life.
      improvement  and ways  to                             As we look to a new year there is no better time to      I will share the holidays with friends and family and
      build a high-performance                           turn over a new leaf. Let us all take a step back and accept   promise to get along, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
      team. She is the author of                         others for who they are, regardless of whether we share their      In conclusion, I’d like to thank all my fellow readers
      the book,  “Small Steps...                         opinions. Try if you will to rethink your new year resolutions   who have supported me and read my column throughout
      Big Changes: The Personal                          and make a list that might go something like this:  the years. Your comments, notes and compliments have
      Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of      I accept the will of the people even if I don’t agree.  been my inspiration. I wish all of you Happy Holidays
      experience in physical fitness and training of elite athletes      I will try to understand the differences of opinion and   and a very healthy New Year!
      has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-  why so many disagree with one another.
      related areas. The following introduces a new approach to
      Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that
      deal with the mind/body connection and the importance of
      living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be
      reached at
         As I sit down to write this article I’m saddened with all   Going Away?
      that has transpired during this very contentious election
      our country endured. Maybe things didn’t go your way, but
      regardless of the outcome America has spoken. We now
      have to accept this truth and move on with our lives with
      hope that what divided us can someday bring us together.                   Let us manage your home
         As I reflect on this past year I’m concerned by how many
      people have become disconnected with friends and family
      members. You may have found yourself scratching your
      head wondering why it’s so hard to talk to even your closest
      relations if you disagree. Why have people disengaged from
      one and other just because they see things differently?   JDF House Management Services
         These times may seem troubling, but it’s not all that
      different from what our forefathers lived through and
      survived. It’s the challenges that have changed. We live
      in an age of technology and the internet has opened up a                                Family Owned
      whole new avenue in which to receive information. What
      you watch and who you listen to influences your view.
      Where you live and how you were raised plays into your                   One Call, We Do It All!
      perspective. This may be understandable, but it would
      appear to me that people are just plain angry over any
      and everything. This misdirected anger is often harmful
      to others in your path, especially to those you love.                           561.386.4630
         Sometimes  it  takes  a  reality  check  for  someone  to
      realize that words and gestures are hurtful and unkind.                                                                      After 3 months
      This is an example of an incident that happened to me
      recently: I was pulling into a parking space at Publix,                                                                     One Month
      which in itself can be dangerous. Thinking that the driver
      of an oncoming car didn’t see me, I gave my horn a blast.
      With that the driver threw me the middle finger with a                                                                         FREE
      nasty remark and expression to go along with it.                                            with coupon      JDF
         As he hurried off I clearly said within earshot, “I didn’t
      deserve that, I simply thought you didn’t see me”. Upon
      my return I was surprised to find a note on my windshield
      that read, “I’m sorry, I’m just so used to people blowing
      their horns for no reason that I overreacted. You’re right,            NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      you didn’t deserve it!” This may be a stretch as an act of
      kindness, but to me it was enough to restore my belief that
      people are basically kind at heart. They might just need
      a little wake-up call.                                              Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
         It begs the question, “Why is this happening and why have
      people become disconnected?” It might be a byproduct of
      external factors such as excessive exposure to social media,              Board Certified in
      or internal factors such as anxiety, stress, depression or lack
      of sleep. Disconnection happens when something gets in the                Internal Medicine
      way of the energy flow between people. It could stem from          with Added Qualifications in
      a misunderstanding, misinterpretation, miscommunication
      or simply from one person becoming distracted.                            Geriatrics (2002).
         There are other reasons, too, that cause more isolation
      than in the past. People have friends over for dinner 45%          Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      less often than they used to. Fenced backyards, coupled
      with the disappearance of front porches and verandas,                   Voted a “Best Doctor”
                                                                                    by his peers.
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