Page 13 - Boca ViewPointe - November '24
P. 13

November 2024                                                   Viewpointe, Page 13
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                        When you visit the site, you will notice our use of color   commemorative pin, no need to request again. You must be
         ’Tis the season! No, I am                      and imagery to help our visitors navigate our website,   a Palm Beach County resident to participate. We thank you
      not referring to the upcoming                     allowing them to locate needed information easily. In addition   for your service and we are most honored to recognize you
      holidays or the arrival of our                    to the color and imagery we made significant upgrades to the   with this special commemorative lapel pin.
      friends from the north for the                    functionality including a new accessibility widget that assists
      winter. I am talking about tax                    individuals with disabilities to customize the site allowing   Congratulations, TCO!
      season! Yes, tax season is                        them to navigate the website more effectively. We also
      upon us and my office is in                       worked on editing the content of our website – simplifying      Our organization has
      full swing. Once the tax bills                    the language and the display of information.       recently been the recipient
      are mailed at the beginning                          I invite you to experience the new website for yourself,   of five awards – one for the
      of November, we see a jump                        by visiting We invite you to take a   Finance & Budget team and
      in online payment activity,                       moment to share your experience with our website by visiting   four for the Communications
      which is your easiest and quickest way to pay your taxes.                 and New Media team!
      Our mailroom is about to become overrun with mail trays                                                 The F&B team were
      for those who prefer to send in their tax payment through   Honoring Palm Beach                      once again awarded the
      the mail. Whichever way you choose to pay, remember                                                  Certificate of Merit for Audit
      that paying your taxes in November provides you with the   County’s Vietnam Veterans                 by the Florida Tax Collectors
      largest money saving discount of 4%                                                                  Association. This award recognizes our office’s achievement
      so getting your tax payment to us by                 Our organization has                            for a perfect 2023/24 audit! Congratulations to Carmen C.
      November 30 will save you money.                  the honor to participate                           Richardson, Chief Financial Officer, and her hardworking
         For complete information about                 in  the United States of                           team for all they do to ensure we are fiscally responsible and
      paying your property and tangible                 America Vietnam War                                delivering exceptional service to our clients.
      personal property, visit our website              Commemoration program.                                The Communications and New Media team is proud of
      at                         Over the past several years,                       the hard work that went into our Welcome Guide, which was
                                        Anne M. Gannon,  we have honored hundreds                          created and designed for people relocating to Palm Beach
                               Constitutional Tax Collector,   of Palm Beach County                        County. It details the services offered by the TCO, including
                               Serving Palm Beach County  Vietnam Veterans and their                       driver’s license, motor vehicle registration and property tax
                                                        families with a special commemorative lapel pin as my way   payment information. It also includes valuable information to
      First Look! Introducing Our                       of saying “thank you” for their service and sacrifice. This is   assist new residents with voter registration, school enrollment
                                                        the fifth year we have participated in this special partnership
                                                                                                           and other popular county services. We are extremely proud and
      New Website                                       with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor   honored that several national communication organizations
                                                        Vehicles (FLHSMV).                                 have awarded the TCO’s Welcome Guide. 
         I am pleased to announce the new Tax Collector website is      This is the official pin of the United States of America
      ready for its debut with a new look and name – say goodbye   Vietnam War Commemoration, authorized by Congress to
      to and hello to With the new “.gov”   recognize the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Each pin
      domain, we get enhanced levels of security and reliability.  is embossed with the heartfelt message, “A Grateful Nation
         Our new website was developed using years of feedback   Thanks and Honors You.”
      from visitors to our website. Our goal is to ensure that we      Requests can be made by completing a request form
      provide exceptional service in everything we do and that   online at Your pin, along with my personal
      includes our website. Our goal with a new website was to not   letter of appreciation will be mailed directly to you. These
      only give it a cosmetic refresh, but a total renovation from   commemorative pins are available to Vietnam Veterans
      the ground up featuring a new look, enhanced functionality,   now through November 30. Veterans are only eligible to
      and updated content.                              receive one pin; therefore, if you previously received your

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