Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe - November '24
P. 8

Page 8, Viewpointe                                                  November 2024
      Magen David Adom:

      Heroes On The Front Lines Since October 7th / 1 Year Later

      By Yishai Mizrahi and Leslie Viselman             equipping participants with lifesaving skills. These courses   in peripheral areas. Thousands of emergency response teams,
                                                        were offered across all segments of the population, creating   municipal workers, security personnel, and civilians were
                                                        a safety net of trained responders throughout the country.  trained and equipped to offer first aid, becoming the first
                                                           MDA’s blood donation services collected around 325,000   responders in their communities.
                                                        units of blood from donation drives nationwide, at MDA      “We are on the front lines in the battle for the lives of
                                                        stations, and at IDF bases. All donations were rigorously   Israeli citizens. When our people go out to save lives, they
                                                        tested and supplied to hospitals and the IDF. For the first time,   don’t ask where the threat is or what the risk is—they focus
                                                        whole blood was also provided directly to combat zones,   on who needs help,” said Eli Bin, MDA director-general.
                                                        saving the lives of soldiers and civilians alike.     As we remember the difficult year it has been, we are
                                                           The MDA Sussman Family Foundation Human Milk Bank   reminded of the challenges we’ve endured. The unwavering
                                                        provided 4,078 liters of milk to premature babies in need   support of the Boca Pointe community has been a beacon of
      Dear Friends,                                     this past year. Of that, 2,107 liters were supplied to infants   hope, touching thousands of lives in the process. Leslie and
         This month we want to focus on the front on the   directly affected by the war, including those whose mothers   I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to you all for making
      importance and impact Magen David Adom has had since   were injured, kidnapped, or called up for military duty.  MDA’s impact that much stronger.
      October 7th, 1 year into this war.                   Amid the war, MDA launched the “First Contractions”      If you’d like more information or to get involved in our
         Since the devastating morning of October 7, Magen David   midwives project in collaboration with the Israeli Midwives   efforts, please feel free to reach out to either myself, Yishai
      Adom teams have been on the front lines of rescue operations.  Association. The project equipped around 50 on-call MDA   Mizrahi, or Leslie Viselman, Co-Area Directors for AFMDA,
         Amid heavy fire, they have shown extraordinary courage   midwives with the necessary supplies for safe deliveries. Several   at 561.288.5658 or via email at
      and tireless dedication, saving lives under the most dangerous   babies have already been born under their care, bringing new      Your dedication means the world to us, and we are forever
      conditions. As we mark the anniversary of these attacks   life into the world even in the most difficult conditions.  grateful for your continued support.
      and the war that followed, we honor the stories behind the      In addition, the “Magen Project” was launched to provide               Am Yisrael Chai.
      numbers, remembering the heroes we’ve lost and those who   rapid, accessible medical care through community members                 Leslie and Yishai 
      continue to work relentlessly to protect lives in Israel.
         On that fateful day, MDA teams rushed to the front lines
      without hesitation, fully aware of the dangers they faced.
      They entered terror-stricken areas, confronted unimaginable
      pain, and risked everything to save others. Some of these
      heroes tragically did not return, sacrificing their lives in
      service to others. Their loss is deeply felt, yet it fuels MDA’s
      commitment to saving lives.
         Thirty-Seven MDA medics have lost their lives in service
      during Magen David Adom, or as combat ready medics
      since the beginning of the war. May their memories forever
      and always be a blessing. Twenty MDA medics remain in
         Eighteen MDA ambulances were damaged on October 7,
      with eight completely destroyed. Yet, MDA’s response never
      faltered. Since the war began, MDA has expanded its fleet by
      around 600 new vehicles, including 189 ambulances (five of
      which are bulletproof) and 163 mobile intensive care units
      (two bulletproof). This also includes 80 Medicycles, 10 blood
      donation vehicles, a seven-bed intensive care evacuation bus
      (with capacity for 10 more lightly injured patients), and 41
      emergency trailers equipped with lighting and generators.
      These additions ensure that MDA can respond swiftly across
      the country, even under enemy fire and missile attacks.
         Since the war’s onset, approximately 5,000 new volunteers
      have joined MDA, including 3,500 youth volunteers aged
      15–18. These volunteers come from every corner of Israel,
      eager to give their time and skills to help save lives. Amid
      this uncertainty, MDA has trained about 410,000 people in
      CPR and first aid through roughly 3,000 emergency courses,

                                                        Many of the other fallen MDA medics since Oct 7th
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