Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - November '24
P. 12

Page 12, Viewpointe                                                 November 2024
      Yet Another Look At The Cost Of Prescriptions

      By Harold Katz, R.Ph.                                                                                genetically engineered microbes, or cultures from
                                                                                                           mammalian cells, insect, yeast, or bacterial cells. They
         In the marketplace,                                                                               then carefully grow the desired product. This is a very
      the buyer and the seller                                                                             slow, time-consuming process, which accounts for much
      frequently disagree on                                                                               of the high costs.
      the price of a product,                                                                                 (If the previous paragraph on the process is confusing
      with the buyer feeling he/                                                                           to you, be assured you have lots of company, including
      she is being overcharged                                                                             this writer.)
      and the seller knowing                                                                                  When we add the time for the original research to
      otherwise. Thus has it been                                                                          find a promising cell, learning how to cultivate it, make
      for  some  time  concerning                                                                          a pharmaceutical product, pass the three stages of FDA
      prescription  pricing. This                                                                          (Federal Drug Administration) approval and place on the
      paper attempts to show both sides of the disagreement                                                market, we are looking at many years of time, effort, and
      but offering no “magic solutions” to the problem.                                                    expense. Does this justify what we call a high price tag?
         Prescription costs have caused some patients to not fill      There  have  been  instances  in which  the  choice  has   In terms of time and money expended, the manufacturer
      their new prescription; others to stretch out the prescribed   been food on the table or fill the prescription.  This   believes so.
      quantity because of the cost. This prevents the prescribing   conundrum has confounded both retired seniors with      Congress has attempted to ameliorate the problem by
      doctor from making a fair diagnosis of the problem for   just enough income to get along, and young families   approving Biosimilars. These are drugs that are similar
      which the drug was prescribed. Still others may complain to   with children as well. A few market studies point out that   to the named pharmaceutical, but not identical. There
      the prescriber, and he may choose a secondary medication   some manufacturers raise their prices, even of established   is no generic equivalent to a biologic drug, because
      with less success than the original drug offered.  generic, drugs to meet their profit goals for the year. All   others cannot start with the same organism. Approval of
                                                        this pales in the face of a new category of drugs on the   biosimilars has been slow for some of the same reasons
                                                                                                           … the long processes of growth, manufacture, proof of
                                                        market, the biologicals.
       Lease Renewals                                     cells taken from plants, animals, or bacteria.  When   safety, and efficacy. So Biosimilars are not much less
                                                           Biologicals are a class of medicines made from
                                                                                                           costly than the original drugs.
                                                        formulated into available prescription medications …      Therein lies the problem. Science has presented us
          Renters- If you plan to renew your lease      oral,  intramuscular,  or  intravenous  … they  hold  the   with the possibility of exciting progress which may be
       at Boca Pointe, please provide the BPCA          potential for therapeutic breakthroughs in areas which   unaffordable to most patients. This writer believes that
       Management office  a copy of  your renewal       were previously untreatable. The future of biologicals   our pharmaceutical scientists, as they have in the past,
                                                                                                           will find a way to make these products affordable to
                                                        in human therapy is exciting; however, the excitement is
       lease and vehicle registration prior to your lease   somewhat diluted because they are expensive. Costs to a   all. In the interim, perhaps the government can create a
       expiration date. Both items are needed to ensure   patient frequently run from $10,000 to $30,000 annually   process to make these drugs available to select critical
       that your transponder does not get deactivated   and more. These costs are prohibitive. Why are biological   cases as a lifesaving measure. “There is light at the end
       when the lease ends. Please email to admin@      pharmaceuticals so expensive?                      of the tunnel.”                                     Bios are harvested rather than synthesized chemically.
         Thank you!                                    Large  stainless-steel  vats  called  bioreactors  are  fed      Harold Katz R.Ph., Edgewater Estates. 

                                                                                              Sabra Wall Decor                                   B’H
        How To Add                                                EstimatEs

        Your Guests To                                        Painting & More ...

        The Gate                                           •      Popcorn Ceiling                       •      Wallpaper Removal

           The Boca Pointe Community Association offers a   •     Knock Down
        few different methods to add guests to your visitors list,   •   Drywall Repair
        so please ensure that you add your guest BEFORE they
        arrive. If your guest is not on the list, they may be denied           Cell: (954) 931-4716                            Licensed & Insured
        without a phone call being placed to get your approval.              Office: (561) 395-3057                             CC: 03-11120-P-K
        Phone calls are placed as a courtesy depending on how
        busy the guard is when they arrive.
           To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several
           • Website-
           • Cell phone app- Download ABDI/Gate Access from
        the app/play store
           • Access Control- Call 561-395-3392 or leave a
        voicemail message at 561-395-3369                                                                                                                                                         Operating as
           The advantage of using or the app is
        the ability to:
           • Add a guest for the day or permanently
           • Remove a guest
           • Send a pass with barcode
           • Receive notification of guest arrival
           If you have any questions regarding access methods,                          Complimentary first office visit
        please call the Boca Pointe Community Association
        561-395-7551.                                                                                       AND
                                                                                  $ 5  off your first grooming and spa day
          Current Events

                     Group                                   Healthy Pet Foods • Gourmet Baked Goods • Toys, Treats & Accessories

                                                             Grooming & Spa Services • Full Service Veterinary Care and Much More!
          The Current Events Group meet every Monday from
       10am-11:30am at the BPCA office. The members consist   Dr. Barry M. Wander, MS, DVM • Dr. Robert B. Wander, DVM
       of both men and women and all Boca Pointe residents are
       invited to attend. If you would like more information or
                                                             The Garden Shops at Boca                                    Phone: 561-447-7966
       to sign up, please call 516-835-2670. 
                                                             7050 W. Palmetto Park Rd, # 21                                          Fax: 561-447-8868
                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33433                                  
                                                                                            ANIMAL CLINICS OF FLORIDA
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