Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - November '24
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Page 14, Viewpointe November 2024
Navigating Back-To-School Season With Peace Of Mind:
How Mediation Can Help Divorced Families
By Ilene Brookler Mediation offers families a constructive, peaceful that Phil’s monthly child support payments and part of his
alternative to litigation. It allows parents to work together, bonus were already enough to cover her share. A mediator
Now that the school year with the help of a trained mediator, to reach agreements that could have facilitated a conversation to ease her concerns and
is underway, many parents suit their unique circumstances. Instead of having a judge help them agree on a solution, where Phil paid the full tuition
are focused on planning impose a decision, parents retain control over the outcome directly, instead of giving Melissa part of his bonus. This
schedules and organizing and can focus on solutions that prioritize their children’s approach would have not only addressed the financial issues
extracurricular activities for needs. With a mediator guiding the process, families can but also helped maintain a cooperative relationship between
their children. For divorced resolve disputes more quickly and affordably than they the parents, reassuring their children that both parents were
families, this time can bring would in court. equally invested in their future.
added stress—especially Consider a situation where divorced parents, Melissa and This is just one example of how mediation can help
when parents struggle to Phil, disagreed about how to split their children’s private families navigate challenges in a healthier, more peaceful
agree on important decisions school tuition. After turning to the court system to resolve way. Whether it is deciding on a holiday schedule, handling
about their children’s education and daily routines. It is the issue, both parents were left emotionally upset and they extracurricular activities, or addressing other issues,
crucial for families to maintain clear communication and spent over $30,000 on legal fees. The court ruled that Phil mediation allows parents to focus on solutions, rather than
set agreements in place, but what happens when that is not would pay for the two older children while Melissa, whose battles. It is a process that benefits everyone involved—
possible? What are the options? income was lower, would cover the youngest child’s tuition. especially the children.
Many people assume that the only way to resolve these Although legally binding, this decision did not address the As the school year continues and the holiday season winds
kinds of disputes is to go to court. Unfortunately, taking deeper issues at play. Worse still, the court process strained down, consider how mediation can help create a smoother
these issues to court can lead to drawn-out, lengthy and their relationship further, and their children felt caught in path forward for families facing challenges.
expensive legal battles, usually leading to decisions that the middle.
leave both parents feeling dissatisfied. Even worse, the Had they chosen mediation instead, Melissa and Phil Ilene Brookler, a Boca Pointe resident and Columbia Law
adversarial nature of court proceedings can intensify family could have saved not only money but also the emotional School graduate, brings over 30 years of litigation experience
conflicts, adding unnecessary emotional stress for everyone, toll. In mediation, they would have had the chance to openly to her role as a certified mediator. She founded Family First
especially the children, who are caught in the middle of their discuss their concerns and work collaboratively toward a Divorce Mediation Services with the goal of helping families
warring parents. solution. Melissa’s biggest worry was affording her share navigate divorce quickly and affordably. She can be reached
However, there is a better way to resolve these of the tuition, especially since she had little experience at For more information, visit
disagreements—through mediation. managing the family’s finances. What she did not realize was
The Magic Story Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
Save up to $164.90
By Josette Veltri Josette Veltri, a Boca Point resident, is a certified
educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose,
In his updated and on your Part B to assist clients heal and move forward so they can go from
revised edition of The I Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be reached
Magic Story, Frederic Van at (https://www.linkedin.
Rensselaer Dey writes about premium com/in/josettejveltri/)
characters who after reading
this story, turned everything
around for the better. Our Medicare Advantage plan,
Marriages were restored, HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
old wounds from the past
gives you up to $164.90 back each month
healed, fortunes once lost Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
were regained, careers improved, and more. The Magic Story’s through the Part B giveback benefit. This
real power lies in the realm of the reader’s consciousness, will return part of your Part B premium
imagination and what they perceive can be accomplished. Save up to $174.70 Call a licensed independent
So, the initial story is told of a father wanting to finish to you through a credit to your Social sales agent
Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
Security check or by reducing the monthly
reading his magazine without being disturbed. He tears on your Part B
out a page with a picture of the world on it and then tears Save up to $164.90
premium you pay directly to Medicare.
that sheet into multiple little pieces. Now thinking this premium
That’s not the only way our plan is looking
will keep the child busy for some time, he sits and begins on your Part B Peter Gratzon
reading through several articles in the magazine. out for your wallet, your goals and your
However, much to his surprise, in a few minutes, Our Medicare Advantage plan, HumanaChoice
health. It also comes with benefits beyond
the child returns with a taped-up picture of the world. Florida H5216-311 (PPO), gives you up to
Original Medicare, such as:
Our Medicare Advantage plan,
Bewildered, he asks, “How did you put the picture back $174.70 back each month through the Part B 561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
together so quickly?” The child responds, “That was easy gives you up to $164.90 back each month
Part B premium reduction, putting
on the other side of the world was a picture of a man and giveback benefit. This will return part of your Monday – Friday
through the Part B giveback benefit. This
up to $164.90 back into your Social
will return part of your Part B premium
woman. So, I just put that picture together and when I Part B premium to you through a credit to your 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Call a licensed independent
Security check each month*
got the man and woman right, all I had to do was turn the to you through a credit to your Social
sales agent
Security check or by reducing the monthly
picture over and the world was right too.” Social Security check or by reducing the monthly
No referral required to see in-
premium you pay directly to Medicare.
The Magic Story shares many other stories of premium you pay directly to Medicare. That’s not Peter Gratzon
That’s not the only way our plan is looking
network specialists
out for your wallet, your goals and your
individuals experiencing success after being down on their the only way our plan is looking out for your wallet,
Routine dental, hearing and
luck – for example, a real estate agent and a clerk who health. It also comes with benefits beyond
Original Medicare, such as:
after reading the story experienced successful outcomes. your goals and your health. It also comes with 561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
vision coverage
• Part B premium reduction, putting
A coincidence? You decide! benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as: Monday – Friday
up to $164.90 back into your Social
So, what does The Magic Story tell? The tales tell Security check each month* 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
• No referral required to see in-
of how one can look at their current situation and see • Part B premium reduction, putting
network specialists
through new eyes while remembering it does not matter up to $174.70 back into your Social Security check 561-361-7173
how one peels a fruit as long as they get what’s inside. • Routine dental, hearing and 561-289-9396 (c)
vision coverage
And, so it is with you and me IF we keep the following each month* Monday - Friday
in the forefront of our minds: • No referral required to see in-network specialists
• What matters is the results we get from our expressed • Routine dental, hearing and vision coverage 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
communications and the real meaning behind our
• Although fortune is meant to be part of our lives, it A more human way
is unpredictable. The secret to retaining fortune relies on A more human way
our diligence, ingenuity and appreciation. to healthcare™
to healthcare™
• Life has many pathways, some steep, and some not,
choose one. * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
* The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
• Failure lives in the grave and as long as you are alive, amount may change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
amount may change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
you did not fail. amount may change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
• Free yourself from self-destructive thoughts and idle Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
amount may change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
friends for both sap your time and energy. Remember, HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
neither one will benefit you in the long run. treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
• Stay awake and remain present. It is your shadows age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
that renders the body, soul, and mind as despicable and English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
despised. 877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
And, now, herein lies the secret key to power – it’s (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
YOU. The YOU, you will find in The Magic Story. age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
(TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。