Page 16 - Boca Club News - November '24
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Club News
      Grape Expectations: Merlot

      By  Ed  Wolfarth,  who  recently                  wines tend to be more acidic than Cali wines and are      Washington State – Merlot is one of the most planted
      moved to South Florida after                      medium bodied with a bit less alcohol. Look for Shinn   red wine varietals in the U.S. In Washington, where dry
      retiring with his wife, Vicki, as                 Estate Nine Barrel Reserve, Channing Daughters Syrah/  sunny days followed by cool nights, produces wines
      Professor of Sports Sciences &                    Merlot blend, Duck Walk Reserve Merlot, Lieb Family   that attain beautiful acidity, brightness and balance. The
      Physical Education at both Queens                 Cellars Bridge Lane and Lenz Estates Selection Merlot,   Columbia Valley is home to some of the most reputable
      College and Hofstra University.                   which  has  often  been  compared  to  some  of  the  finest   appellations including Yakima Valley, Walla Walla Valley,
      He is a nationally ranked senior                  French Merlots.                                    Horse Heaven Hills and Red Mountain. Warmer areas like
      tennis player and long-time USPTA                    France – In Bordeaux, Merlot is one of the primary   Red Mountain deliver power and concentration while cooler
      Elite Teaching Professional. Ed has               blended grapes along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet   climates like Horse Heaven Hills produce wines of nuance
      written many educational and tennis articles in the past.   Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot. While all Bordeaux wines   and complexity.
      Over the past few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine   are blends, Merlot is most prevalent on the so-called Right      Many years ago (a little aside here) we were dining at Sonia
      collecting into a way of continuing his passion for writing,   Bank, where it is often blended with small amounts of   Rose, a now defunct boutique restaurant in Chelsea. Their
      and has written on the subject for publications. As a self-  Cab Franc to make the famous wines of St. Emilion and   house red wine was a fabulous Merlot. I asked the owner to
      proclaimed “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many   Pomerol. You may have heard of Chateau Petrus. A 100%   please bring the bottle. It was a 1983 Waterbrook from the
      wine lists for private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can   Merlot from Pomerol that has sold for as much as $3,500   Walla Walla region. We’ve been drinking it ever since!
      be reached at                   on auction and has been scored a perfect 100 by wine critics      For the deep pocket crowd look for Leonetti, Pedestal,
         Shame on you, Paul Giamotta! You single-handedly put   and the Wine Spectator. Take that, Paul Giamotta! In St.   Northstar and Substance (ME) Merlot. For us more
      the sale of Merlot wines back 20 years. If you recall the move   Emilion I would search out the vintages of 2015, 2016   concerned with value the best QPR Merlots are: Chateau
      Sideways, back in 2005, his character exclaimed “I am not   and 2017. For you folks with discretionary funds look for   Ste. Michelle, Columbia Crest H-3, Milbrandt and of
      drinking any f……n Merlot!” That single line stigmatized   Chateau Ausone, Figeac, Cheval Blanc and Chateau Pave   course Waterbrook. The 2020, 2021 and 2022 vintages
      the wine drinking public for years. It is somewhat true that   and Chateau Angelus. For more affordable Right Bank   are drinking fine.
      back in the ‘90s California was producing a great deal of   wines I, in particular, look for Chateau Monbousquet, Cos      Whether you like big bold wines with more alcohol
      “plonk”–cheap reds made with the Merlot grape. Today,   De L’Oratoire, Chateau Sansonne and any 2015 Gran Cru   and a long finish or nuanced wines with balance and good
      California, Long Island, France and my favorite for Merlot,   from St. Emilion.                      acidity, there’s a Merlot for everyone, even Paul G!
      Washington State, are producing world class Merlot in
      different styles. The 2020, 2021 and 2022 were excellent
      vintages. Let’s take a cursory look at each of them.
         California – Like most Cali wines, Merlot here is made
      in the “New World” style where grapes are harvested late
      to produce inky colored, high alcohol wines with velvety
      tannins. California Merlots tend to be lush and exhibit
      tastes of blackberries and plum. Recommended producers
      for those with unlimited “resources” are; Duckhorn, Lewis
      Napa Vamley, Matanzas Creek Sonoma Valley Journey,
      Pahlmeyer  Napa, Pride Sonoma, and  Beringer Howell
      Mountain Bancroft Ranch. Remember, these are big wines
      meant to be drunk with red meat. For more affordable ones
      I recommend Beaulieu Vineyard Napa Valley, Beringer
      Howell Mountain, Blackstone and Chateau Souverain.
         Long Island – Merlots and Merlot blends produced
      here tend to be more European or “Old World” in style.
      That is, with earlier harvesting that maintains freshness,
      a silky finish and tastes of plum and black cherries. These

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