Page 12 - Boca Club News - November '24
P. 12

Page 12, Boca Club News

                From The Professionals’ Desks
                From The Professionals’                                         Desks

      Healthy Answers – A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “Oh, My Aching Back!”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                     For as long as I’ve known my husband he has practiced      Back pain and feeling stiff in the morning are normal
      Dale is a motivational speaker                     a daily stretch routine that was recommended by his   physiological responses to inactivity during sleep, but with
      who has spent many years as a                      muscle therapist. It only takes about 20 minutes and I   some adjustments it can be minimized for a smoother start
      Certified Life Coach and has written               have to say he never misses. I tease him about looking a   to the day. Here are a few suggestions that might help you
      numerous articles and e-books                      little silly swinging his arms or holding up the wall while   reduce morning stiffness:
      relating to self-improvement and                   doing his hamstring stretch, but it gets him up and going.      Stretch Before Bed: Gentle stretching or yoga before
      ways to build a high-performance                   He is clearly dedicated to this routine that he claims helps   sleep can help keep your muscles more limber during the
      team. She is the author of the book,               jump start his day with vim and vigor.            night.
      “Small Steps...Big Changes: The                       However, not everyone adheres to a similar regimen.      Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the
      Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and   There are some people who rise early in the morning,   day and before bed (but not too close to sleep to avoid
      years of experience in physical fitness and training of   throw on their clothes and hit the golf course for 18   waking up).
      elite athletes have enabled her to sharpen her knowledge   holes. I’m not surprised when I hear they suffer with back      Use Proper Sleeping Posture: Use a supportive pillow
      in many health-related areas. The following introduces a   problems. I recently joined a group of golfers after their   and mattress that help keep your spine aligned and avoid
      new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted   game and the topic of conversation dealt with their aching   putting strain on your muscles and joints.
      to many topics that deal with the mind/body connection   backs. One guy was wearing a back brace, another was      Gentle Movement Upon Waking: Start your day with
      and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale,   taking pain medication, and another could barely finish   light stretching or a short walk to get your blood flowing
      a Bocaire resident, can be reached at dalebrown@   the last hole because his back was so bad.        and loosen up your muscles and joints.                                    Often, we take our physical abilities for granted until      Warm Showers or Baths: A warm shower in the
         There may be a time in your life when your night   we do something that reminds us that our bodies are not as   morning can help increase blood circulation and relax
      table might start looking like the “pain relief” aisle at the   young as they used to be. You realize you can’t easily get up   stiff muscles.
      pharmacy. Let me give you a shortlist: Tylenol, Advil,   off the floor or get on your shoes or clip a toenail. As we age      Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can help
      Aleve and eye drops. Anything to help you sleep better   our flexibility decreases because collagen, the protein found   keep your muscles strong and flexible, reducing stiffness
      and avoid the dreaded and anticipated morning pains.   in connective tissue, begins to change. Collagen fibers in   over time.
      Hopefully, you’re not there yet but let me ask you: When   skin, muscle sheath, bone, tendons, ligaments and cartilage      Stretching doesn’t have to involve a major time
                                                             Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
      you wake up in the morning does it take you a while, not   begin to stick together making them less elastic. The less   commitment but can end up giving you huge results.
      only to open your eyes, but also to straighten up?   active you are the more your joints stiffen up.   Consistency is more important than doing it for long
                                                             Save up to $164.90
         Those first few movements of sitting up, getting out of      This is the reason that stretching is so important! It   periods. Maintaining flexibility throughout your lifetime
      bed and taking a walk to the bathroom can make you feel   keeps your body limber by lengthening the muscles and   is probably one of the most important factors affecting
      like you’ve aged 10 years during the night. Even bending   tissues that hold your body’s structure in place. It helps   the quality of life as you age.
                                                             on your Part B
      over or brushing your teeth is enough to send sharp pain   your equilibrium and gives you the range of motion you      Consider joining a yoga class, or a “stretch zone” near
      to your lower back. Yet, after a few minutes of moving   need to live independently. Stretching also promotes   you if you prefer instruction and the benefits of a group
      and walking you find yourself gradually feeling better.   relaxation by triggering the release of endorphins, which   dynamic. I can tell you from experience that learning the
      Why?                                               are natural mood lifters. There is a peacefulness that results   correct way to stretch with proper breathing techniques
         This is because during sleep your body is inactive for   from slow, static stretching that helps us be less uptight   will help you get the results you desire.
      several hours, resulting in less blood flow to your muscles.   and more relaxed.
      This lack of movement causes a temporary decrease in   Our Medicare Advantage plan,
      circulation so your muscles feel stiff when you wake   HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
      up. Also, the production of synovial fluid, which during
                                                             gives you up to $164.90 back each month
      the day keeps your joints lubricated, slows down during   Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
      sleep. So, until you start moving again you walk around   through the Part B giveback benefit. This
      stiff legged, zombie-like until things loosen up.      will return part of your Part B premium
         There are a variety of reasons why people have back   Save up to $174.70                               Call a licensed independent
      pain as they age. It could be arthritis, worn and torn   to you through a credit to your Social           sales agent
                                                            Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
                                                             Security check or by reducing the monthly
      cartilage or a lifetime of playing sports that have taken   on your Part B
      their toll. Regardless of the cause the important thing is   Save up to $164.90
                                                             premium you pay directly to Medicare.
      to warm-up and stretch for at least three to four times per   premium
                                                             That’s not the only way our plan is looking
      week, if not daily, to maintain and improve flexibility.  on your Part B                                           Peter Gratzon
                                                             out for your wallet, your goals and your
                                                           Our Medicare Advantage plan, HumanaChoice
                                                             health. It also comes with benefits beyond
        From the Desk of Commissioner from page 11         Florida H5216-311 (PPO), gives you up to
                                                             Original Medicare, such as:
                                                            Our Medicare Advantage plan,
                                                           $174.70 back each month through the Part B           561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
                                                            HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO),
        activities within a watershed over 40 times the size   gives you up to $164.90 back each month
                                                                Part B premium reduction, putting
        of the lagoon itself. Since the late 1990s, Palm Beach   giveback benefit. This will return part of your   Monday – Friday
                                                            through the Part B giveback benefit. This
                                                               up to $164.90 back into your Social
                                                            will return part of your Part B premium
        County’s Department of Environmental Resources     Part B premium to you through a credit to your       8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                    Call a licensed independent
                                                               Security check each month*
        Management has focused on protecting and restoring   to you through a credit to your Social   
                                                                                                                    sales agent
                                                            Security check or by reducing the monthly
        the lagoon’s health through initiatives aimed at   Social Security check or by reducing the monthly
                                                                No referral required to see in-
                                                            premium you pay directly to Medicare.
        improving water quality and enhancing habitats.    premium you pay directly to Medicare. That’s not                   Peter Gratzon
                                                            That’s not the only way our plan is looking
                                                               network specialists
                                                            out for your wallet, your goals and your
           A key effort includes maintaining and expanding   the only way our plan is looking out for your wallet,
                                                                Routine dental, hearing and
        seagrass habitats through projects such as Snook    health. It also comes with benefits beyond
                                                            Original Medicare, such as:
                                                               vision coverage
        Islands Natural Area and Bonefish Cove Restoration.   your goals and your health. It also comes with        561‑361‑7173 (TTY: 711)
                                                            •   Part B premium reduction, putting
        Seagrass serves as an important indicator of water   benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as:            Monday – Friday
                                                               up to $164.90 back into your Social
        quality and overall ecosystem health. Since 2007       Security check each month*                           8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
        the county has conducted surveys every five years   •  Part B premium reduction, putting
                                                            •   No referral required to see in-
                                                               network specialists
        to monitor seagrass presence.                      up to $174.70 back into your Social Security check       561-361-7173
                                                            •   Routine dental, hearing and
           From April to October 2023, scientists documented   vision coverage                                      561-289-9396 (c)
        1,269 points and mapped a total of 2,079 acres of   each month*                                             Monday - Friday
        seagrass – a gain of 528 acres since 2018 and the   •  No referral required to see in-network specialists
        largest area recorded since mapping began. This is   •  Routine dental, hearing and vision coverage         8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
        fantastic news for our ecosystem! The resurgence                                                  
        of seagrass in Lake Worth Lagoon highlights the
        effectiveness of  ongoing  conservation  efforts  and                               A more human way
        the importance of environmental stewardship.                                          A more human way
           If you require assistance, please contact our office                             to healthcare™
                                                                                              to healthcare™
        at (561) 355-2204 or email
                                                            * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                             * The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                            amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                             amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                             The Part B Giveback Benefit pays part or all of your Part B premium and the
                                                            Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
                                                            Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
                                                             amount may  change based on the amount you pay for Part B.
                                                            HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
                                                            treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
                                                             Humana is a Medicare Advantage PPO organization with a Medicare contract.
                                                            civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                            age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
                                                             Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to
                                                            marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
                                                             HumanaChoice Florida H5216-311 (PPO). . At Humana, it is important you are
                                                            English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                            877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
                                                             treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
                                                            su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
                                                             civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                            (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
                                                            務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
                                                             age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
                                                             marital status, religion or language. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak
                                                             English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                             877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
                                                             su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 877‑320‑1235
                                                             (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese):注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服
                                                             務 。請致電 877‑320‑1235(聽障專線:711) 。
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