Page 10 - Boca Club News - November '24
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Page 10, Boca Club News


      Mayor’s Update:

      Count the Many More Reasons to Love Our Boca!

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor of                  monitoring and technology. Without a tax increase we   information, including on social media, turn out to be wrong.
      Boca Raton and was re-elected                      have also invested millions in road resurfacing and median      It’s impossible to get perfect information instantly,
      in 2023. A South Florida native,                   landscaping and beautification. The city has worked with   especially when dozens of calls to 911 are being logged and
      attorney and small business owner,                 state and local agencies to improve connectivity for public   investigated. It takes some time, so a bit of patience may go
      Scott and his wife Bella live in Broken            transportation, bike paths and more.              a long way. This incident has already provided lessons for
      Sound with their two children. You                    The city recently held its “Vision Zero” kick-off meeting   more tools and ways to get the facts out there. It also starts
      may also want to stay in touch on                  where residents received an overview of the Action Plan   with what we each share.
      social media at @scottsingerusa. As                being developed to achieve safe streets.             For the most up-to-date and official information follow
      always, please reach out by email to                  In October 2022 the City Council passed a resolution to   Boca Raton Police Services on Facebook and Twitter. with any thoughts or requests. Honored   designate Boca Raton as a “Vision Zero City,” an aspirational   Residents can also sign up for police emergency alerts
      to serve you!                                      policy that traffic-related crashes should never result in a   by texting AlertBoca (no space) to 38276 or visiting the
         As we transition into the height of season, we have much   severe injury or loss of life.         city’s website.
      good news to report and many events to highlight.     After passing the resolution Boca Raton was awarded      Boca Raton remains a safe and vibrant place. Each
         Low Taxes in Boca Raton, Again. As in every year since   a $300,000 grant in February 2023 and a $4 million grant   possible event shows how ready we are for potential
      I was first elected in 2014, Boca Raton’s tax rate has not   earlier this year–two of the largest grants of this type. The   challenges, and our first responders deserve the praise they
      increased. Indeed, this year we had another small decrease–to   city continues to champion safe, multimodal transportation   received for their preparedness. We prepare for the worst but,
      3.67 mils. It is a testament to our strong planning, careful   options so pedestrians and bicyclists can also enjoy our   thankfully, we haven’t experienced it. May we never.
      investment and outstanding city staff that we are able to   expanded offerings.                         Winter Events. As we approach the height of season,
      maintain world-class city services and keep the tax rate the      Public Safety News and Gratitude. Boca residents   please check out signature events in Boca Raton.
      lowest of any full-service city in Palm Beach County, and   enjoy one of the safest communities anywhere. Boca Raton’s      We will welcome in the holiday season on Saturday,
      about 60% less than such larger cities as Miami.   crime rate remains at levels among the lowest in 40 years   November 23rd with our Holiday Tree Lightning at Mizner
         Please remember that there are at least seven other taxing   and continues to show a consistent downward trend. Our   Park.
      jurisdictions on your tax bill, and only 20% of your property   paramedic-firefighters’ success in reviving heart attack      The holiday spirit will be on full display on Wednesday,
      taxes are paid to the City of Boca Raton. We’ll keep doing   victims on scene is several times better than the national   December 4th when the city’s 52nd Annual Holiday Parade
      our part to balance low taxes, great services and strong   average, and we continue to enjoy the best in public safety   will turn Downtown Boca Raton into a “Winter Wonderland.”
      property values.                                   services.                                         The parade will start at Federal Highway and SE 5th Street,
         Traffic and Mobility Improvements. The city has      In the wake of the recent “swatting” incident at Town   and travel north to the Mizner Park Amphitheater.
      continued to improve traffic signals through greater   Center, which turned out to be a false alarm, we have many     Federal Highway will be closed from Camino to Glades Road
                                                                                                             The parade begins at 7:30 p.m. To prepare for the floats,
                                                         reasons to be grateful. We are grateful that the scary situation
      Council Corner:                                    we feared did not actually happen. As always, we are so   from about 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.
                                                         grateful for the swift action by our first responders: Boca

                                                                                                             Music fans can enjoy the Holiday Pops Concert featuring
      “RunTheCity”                                       Police, Boca Fire, many other law enforcement partners, and   The Symphonia and FAU chorus conducted by Jacomo Bairos
                                                                                                           at 7 p.m. on Dec. 7th at Mizner Park Amphitheater.
                                                         employees who helped the situation.
                                                                                                             The monthly Night Market at Sanborn Square will have

                                                           Swatting is a prank call to emergency services in efforts

      Update                                             to dispatch a large number of police officers to a particular   a holiday twist on Dec. 12th. Meet “Olaf” from Disney’s
                                                                                                           Frozen between 6 and 8 p.m.
                                                         area. Swatting diverts community resources and quickly

                                                         spreads fear. Often, these calls come from a “spoof” number
                                                                                                             For college football fans the 11th Annual Boca Raton
                                                         that doesn’t originate locally.                   Bowl game returns on December 18th. Kick-off is 5:30
      By  Andy Thomson, who was re-                         Swatting incidents are designed to create panic and chaos.   p.m. at FAU Stadium. Our city will again be showcased
      elected to the City Council at the                 These types of false alarms are not exclusive to Boca Raton.   to a national TV audience on ESPN, but the best view is
      last election after having previously              Cities across the nation have faced similar false scares. As   from inside the only college stadium with a view of the
      served from 2018-2022. He has lived                unfortunate as “swatting” is, our police department takes   Atlantic Ocean.
      in South Florida his entire life,except            these threats seriously and will respond and investigate.     Winter festivities will continue at Mizner Park with
      for four college years in Atlanta.                    Because these situations are fluid we may have to   Cookie & Cocoa from 6-8 p.m. on December 20th and Let it
      Andy resolves business  disputes                   realize that rumors will fly in the first moments while law   Snow, snow cones from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Decrmber 28th.
      for a living. He is also an adjunct                enforcement responds to an incident. Minutes may drag on      For more information on city events please check out
      professor at FAU, where he teaches                 but we’d all benefit by trying to remain calm until reports   the city’s website,, or like my Facebook page at
      local and state government. Andy and his wife, Joanna,   can be confirmed. Very often, early reports and unconfirmed
      have five young children
         Back in 2021 we started the RunTheCity initiative, where
      we resolved to run every mile of every street in Boca Raton
      while cleaning up trash and identifying safety improvements.
      That first year we completed the 475.82-mile journey and
      picked up 1,276.76 pounds of trash, identified 329 safety
      improvements, and were helped by 427 volunteers from
      a variety of non-profit groups, churches and community
      organizations throughout Boca Raton.
         After completing that first round through the city we’ve                              561-989-0611
      kept going. At this point we’ve run 602.36 miles (1.27 times
      around the city), have cleaned up 2,235.42 pounds of trash,             EXCEPTIONAL HOMECARE SERVICES
      identified 482 safety improvements (most of which have
      now been addressed), and have had 907 volunteers.     Boca Home Care Services has been South Florida’s preferred home health care company for over
         This year, we came up with a new innovation to the   25 years. The caregivers we refer into our clients’ homes provide essential care to the most valued
      RunTheCity program: a virtual 5K where participants run   members of our community with compassion and dignity. Trusted by physicians and geriatric care
      any 3.1-mile route of their choice and clean up trash along   professionals, we treat every client and family with a level of respect and professionalism that sets us
      the way. This inaugural RunTheCity Virtual 5K took place   apart.
      on September 21st. We had 216 participants who picked                                                                           Accepting ALL
      up 509.81 pounds of trash (and that’s just by the folks who   Tailored Services Include:
      brought their trash back for weighing, so that true impact was                                                                  forms of Long-
      likely much greater). We determined the winners of the 5K   • Alzheimer/Dementia  Care                                            Term Care
      based on the families/group and individuals who picked up   • Transferring/Bathing/ Toileting
      the most trash. Those winners were:                   • Personal Care/Housekeeping                                               Insurance &
      Family/Group                                                                                                                     Private Pay!
      Mary Craumer and Janixx Parisi: 60 pounds             • Errands, Cooking  and Transportation
      Reggie Borges and Brett Earl: 53.5 pounds             • Live-In/Hourly Care
      Jeanpierre Family: 42 pounds                          • Respite
      Individual                                            • Hospice
      Heather Danan: 53 pounds                              • Post-Rehab or Hospital Care
      Kathy Harrington: 47 pounds
      Alex Drozd: 41 pounds                                 • Short-Term  or  Long-Term
         Congratulations to these winners for loving their   • And much more!
      community in such a tangible way!
         Hope you’ll join us for next year’s event. For more   Mention this ad to receive a discount on our fee.
      information about RunTheCity, please visit https://www.         Open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week          NR license # 30211009
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