Page 18 - Boca Club News - November '24
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Page 18, Boca Club News
      Get Fresh! Tips from The Produce Maven:

      1 Billion-Year-Old Fossilized Fungi

      Found in Canada’s Arctic

      Irving Swedko and his wife, Beverly,              them in a paper towel or                           to ergothioneine, which helps reduce oxidative stress and, in
      are members of Broken Sound Club.                 storing them in a paper bag                        turn, alleviates symptoms of depression. Additionally, button
      He hails from Ottawa, the capital of              helps absorb moisture and                          mushrooms contain potassium, which may reduce anxiety.
      Canada, where he spent more than                  prevent sliminess.                                    A study by the National University of Singapore found
      50 years in the produce business                     When cooking                                    that consuming two servings of cooked mushrooms weekly
      that included taking a small fruit and            mushrooms timing matters with seasoning. Adding salt   could reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment, further
      vegetable retail store and expanding              before or immediately after tossing mushrooms in the pan   highlighting the mental health benefits.
      it across the city and into other areas           will draw out their water, causing them to simmer in their      In addition to these cognitive and mood-boosting
      to include wholesale, food service                own liquids. This can make them rubbery and tough, with   effects, mushrooms are heart-healthy. They provide a rich
      and importing, bringing trucks of fresh produce from across   diminished flavor. For the best results, wait to add salt   umami  flavor  due  to glutamate ribonucleotides, which
      the U.S. directly into Ottawa. His experience made him an   until after the mushrooms have released and evaporated   allows them to replace salt in recipes without affecting
      expert on all things produce-related, from how to select the   their moisture.                       blood pressure. A cup of mushrooms contains just 5 mg of
      perfect melon to the best way to store fruits and veggies. After      Nutritionally, mushrooms are low in calories, fat, and   sodium, making them an excellent substitute for red meat
      retiring, Irving and his wife Beverly became snowbirds and   are cholesterol-free. They provide a modest amount of fiber   in any dish, reducing calories, fat and cholesterol.
      have been enjoying life at Broken Sound for 20 seasons. He   and contain over a dozen essential vitamins and minerals,      The wild “chicken of the woods” mushroom is famous
      is the proud father of three daughters and looks forward to   including copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins   for its striking resemblance to the taste and texture of
      family time with his seven grandchildren.         such as folate. These nutrients make mushrooms a valuable   fried chicken. Found on oak, cherry and chestnut trees
         In a remarkable discovery, scientists uncovered a billion-  addition to any diet.                 across Europe and North America, this bright-colored
      year-old fossilized fungus in Canada’s Arctic, offering a      Beyond their culinary versatility, mushrooms boast several   soft mushroom is a favorite among foragers. However, it
      glimpse into the ancient origins of fungi. The word “fungus”   health benefits. According to a 2017 study by Penn State,   closely resembles toxic species, so it’s best left to expert
      (plural, fungi) is Latin for “mushroom” and mushrooms remain   mushrooms are rich in such antioxidants as ergothioneine   foragers.
      the most recognizable and commonly consumed fungi.  and glutathione. These antioxidants work together to protect      If you’re feeling adventurous and curious about
         Culinary enthusiasts will recognize that button, cremini   the body from oxidative stress, a major contributor to aging   legal psychedelic experiences, there’s a shop in Ybor,
      (white), and portobello mushrooms are actually the same   and conditions like wrinkles.              Florida, that sells magic mushrooms, or “shrooms.” These
      species–just at different stages of maturity. Button mushrooms      Mushrooms may also help protect the brain as we age. A   products are legal because they don’t contain the mind-
      are the youngest, cremini are more mature, and the large,   2021 study from Spain found that food polyphenols, including   altering compound psilocybin. Instead, they contain other
      flavorful portobello is the fully grown version.  those found in mushrooms, may protect against cognitive   compounds that can have similar effects. Psychedelics
         As they mature mushrooms lose water, with the portobello   decline in older adults. The antioxidants ergothioneine and   are  increasingly  recognized  for  their  potential  benefits
      being the most robust in flavor. When selecting mushrooms   glutathione are also linked to a reduced risk of Parkinson’s   in treating trauma, PTSD and anxiety. Even microdosing
      look for firm ones with smooth, dry surfaces that aren’t dried   and Alzheimer’s diseases. Researchers suggest eating   these compounds can help the average person manage
      out. A plump, closed veil under the cap indicates a delicate   at least five button mushrooms a day to help lower your   stress and enhance their daily routine.
      taste, while an open veil and exposed gills promise a richer,   chances of developing these neurological conditions. For      From ancient discoveries in the Arctic to modern
      earthier flavor.                                  the best nutritional retention, microwaving or grilling is   scientific research, mushrooms continue to captivate us
         For optimal storage keep mushrooms in the fridge and   recommended.                               with their versatility and health benefits. Whether in the
      avoid washing them until you’re ready to cook. Wrapping      Mushrooms can also improve mood. In 2021, Penn State   kitchen, as a therapeutic tool, or even as part of legal
                                                        researchers found that individuals who regularly consumed   psychedelics, mushrooms are a timeless and fascinating
                                                        mushrooms had a lower risk of depression. This is likely due   part of our world.

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