Page 15 - Talk of Tequesta - October '24
P. 15

The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 15

      booK review from page 14                          which demanded that
                                                        President  John Adams
      years earlier and declared itself an independent nation—  turn over the “mutineer
      one of the most objectionable policies of the British   and murderer” to Britain
      crown and its navy was the practice of “impressment”: the   for punishment. It was
      stopping and boarding of other nations’ vessels, capturing   awkward timing, for
      members of their crews and forcing them to sail and work   Adams was then in the
      as seamen on British ships, most likely never to see their   process of ratifying an
      families again.                                   economic trade treaty
        Such was the case of many on the Hermione’s crew as   with Britain that had
      it sailed near the island of Puerto Rico on that September   just been negotiated.
      day in 1797. Adding to what was already a tinder box of     Adams had to weigh
      a situation was the fact that this ship’s captain, Admiral   the success of the treaty
      Hugh Pigot, was a disciplinarian so stern that whipping   against  the American
      and other punishments for minor crew offenses became   public’s  anger  about
      unbearable and sparked the bloody insurrection that ended   the British policy and                   electoral campaign focused on driving the public’s anger,
      in the death of the captain and other officers.   actions of impressment on the high seas and the idea of   form the major part of this compelling story.
        One of the main leaders of the mutiny was a man whose   turning over to Britain a claimed American citizen who     Eventually—and critical in light of today’s political
      name throughout this book varies between Thomas Nash   “had the right to regain his freedom after having been the   climate and  immigration  crisis—the American people
      (if he was actually Irish) and Jonathan Robbins, depending   victim of such impressment” and return home.   eventually decided that, whether or not Jonathan Robbins
      upon whether his claim to have been an American from     Adams’s decision to turn Robbins over to Britain—  (or Thomas Nash, if that was his real name) was in fact
      Connecticut was true or not.                      where he was executed by hanging without a trial—  an American citizen, anyone fleeing from oppression
        Eventually, after the mutiny Robbins made his way to   Adams’s Federalist Party’s defense of his decision, and the   should be able to find sanctuary in the United States and
      the U.S. and was tracked down by the British government,   consequences of Jefferson’s Republican Party’s national   not have to fear being turned away. It is to this day at
                                                                                                           the heart of our nation’s self-image, symbolized by the
                                                                                                           Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and the inscription
                                                                                                           on her base addressed to “the huddled masses yearning
                                                                                                           to be free.”
                                                                                                             This is the story of how and when that all started. I
                                                                                                           loved every word of it.

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