Page 14 - Talk of Tequesta - October '24
P. 14

Page 14, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                   booK review

                            American Sanctuary: Mutiny, Martyrdom,

                    And National Identity In The Age Of Revolution

                                                                         By Nils A. Shapiro

        I  cannot  recall  ever                         Rico. Little remembered today, its aftershock was to     The details that enrich this narrative, garnered from the
      enjoying a scholarly work                         lead directly to the election of Thomas Jefferson over   author’s extraordinary research, add enormously to the
      of early American history                         the incumbent John Adams as president of the United   overall experience, as do the many contemporary portraits
      so interestingly and vividly                      States … and the resulting lasting image of America as a   and illustrations from that period.
      told, so extraordinarily                          sanctuary of freedom for those fleeing from persecution     Revolutionary and early American history being one
      researched and impressively                       in other lands—an issue that dominates today’s political   of my preferred reading tastes I was surprised never to
      detailed, exciting as any                         campaigns just as it did the one in 1800.          have heard of the very significant event that is the pivotal
      novel, and as timely in                             I must admit that, although it was published in 2017, I   subject of this book: the mutiny aboard HMS Hermione.
      subject  as  next  month’s                        had never heard of American Sanctuary and was fortunate   Nor, shockingly, was it ever mentioned in any class, even
      presidential election!                            to come across it by accident on a table stacked with books   through college.
        The date was September                          while shopping in a market. Its author, A. Roger Ekirch,     At the time the mutiny took place—after the United
      21, 1797.  The event was                          is a professor of history at Virginia Tech, has written four   States had already won the Revolutionary War several
      a vicious mutiny by the crew of a British naval vessel,   earlier books, received a Guggenheim Fellowship and is
      HMS Hermione, in the Caribbean off the coast of Puerto   widely recognized as one of our finest historians.  Book Review on page 15

                                                          arTs & enTerTainmenT

       Lighthouse ArtCenter Receives A $42k Grant To Expand

             Free Art Classes For Individuals With Special Needs

        Lighthouse ArtCenter                                                                               Foundation,” said Jeni Licata, executive director at
      (LAC) is pleased to                                                                                  Lighthouse ArtCenter. “These classes play a crucial role
      announce a $42,000 grant                                                                             in our Art For All outreach programs, which aim to make
      to expand free art classes                                                                           art accessible to underserved populations and contribute
      for youth and adults with                                                                            to their education, skill development, and overall well-
      special  needs. Awarded                                                                              being.”
      through the Cultural                                                                                   Lighthouse ArtCenter’s  art  outreach  initiative, Art
      Council of Palm Beach                                                                                For All, ensures access to art for everyone, including
      County’s Arts  &  Cultural                                                                           veterans, individuals with special needs, at-risk children
      Education Fund, this two-                                                                            and adolescents, seniors, and economically disadvantaged
      year  grant  spans  through                                                                          individuals. With a focus on community collaboration,
      May 2026, allowing LAC to increase its support for this                                              Lighthouse ArtCenter runs sixteen art outreach programs
      important community initiative.                                                                      in partnership with ten local organizations.
        In 2009, thanks to the generosity and vision of Doctors                                              For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s
      Vince and Anne Palumbo, Lighthouse ArtCenter launched     “We are thrilled to expand our special needs art classes   special needs programs and how to get involved, visit
      The Olivia Palumbo Special Needs Art Class, inspired   thanks to the generous support of the Cultural Council
      by their granddaughter, which provided free monthly art   of  Palm  Beach  County  and  the  Frederick A.  DeLuca   classes/.
      classes to individuals with special needs. With the new
      funding, these classes will now be held weekly, opening
      up more consistent artistic expression and a wealth of
      personal growth opportunities for our participants.   Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?
        “It has always been our long-term goal to offer weekly
      rather than once-a-month classes. This grant will make
      this dream come true,” Anne Palumbo explained. “It is     For The Next Storm?
      especially meaningful because those we serve flourish
      most readily with familiar environments and routine. It
      is also a boon to their caregivers, who can count on a                                                              No Air Conditioning?
      few hours off each week, knowing their loved ones are                                                                 No Refrigeration?
      enjoying a safe and enriching experience.”
        Research shows that weekly art classes for individuals
      with special needs improve social skills, self-expression,                                              FREE                 10% OFF
      and self-esteem and reduce stress.  They also foster                                                   7 Year Warranty
      community and enhance well-being through creative                                                      on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
      expression.                                                                                            Standby Generators*
        Participants in the youth classes engage in various art                                                $ 350                     $ 1,000
      projects using pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers,
      watercolor paints, and tempera paints. Similarly, adult                                                   One-Time                OFF
      students explore these mediums while working on projects                                                Maintenance*                Install*
      tailored to their interests and abilities.                                                                               *Must show coupons. Call for details.

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                                                                           offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
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