Page 11 - Talk of Tequesta - October '24
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The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 11

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       Statewide Leaders To Convene With Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

                                 To Support The Well-Being Of Babies

      Pioneer of ACEs/former Attorney General of California   and trauma left on repeat. These dilemmas are often the result   Celebrate Babies’ Donors And Corporate Partners
      to lead discussion to better shape the future of Florida’s   of unbuffered, untreated trauma experienced early in life.    Donors and corporate sponsors who are making this
      youngest generation.                                But there are solutions we’ve been building for more   important  conversation  possible  include:  Children’s
      What                                              than 20 years, so we have reason to celebrate! Our babies   Services Council of Palm Beach County, The Children’s
        Center for Child Counseling in partnership with   can be better from birth—for the rest of their lives.  Movement of Florida, The Breakers Palm Beach, Stephens
      Florida Association of Infant Mental Health are hosting     Dr. Burke Harris is the woman who thrust the subject   & Stevens Marital & Family Law, Valley Bank, Sunshine
      “Celebrate Babies with Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.” on   of adverse childhood experiences into our national   Health, and Jane Robinson.
      Tuesday, October 22, to help better shape the future of   consciousness and dialogue. Our understanding of ACEs     CFCC’s  Fighting ACEs  initiative  to  build  trauma-
      Florida’s youngest generation. With Kathy Leone as the   today is due to her insights and work in revealing how   informed communities is made possible with the generous
      honorary chair and WPTV Channel 5’s Ashley Glass as the   early adverse events affect lifelong health and well-  support of Quantum Foundation, Community Foundation
      emcee, the hybrid event will take place at The Breakers   being—for individuals, families, and communities.   for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, and private donors.
      by special invitation only and online for the public from   When
      12:30 to 2:30 p.m.                                Tuesday, October 22, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. (in-person
        Dr.  Burke  Harris  is  the  former  attorney  general  of   registration begins at 12 p.m.)
      California and an internationally renowned pediatrician,   Where
      public health advocate, and author. She is best known   The Breakers Palm Beach (by special invitation only)
      for her pioneering work in the field of adverse childhood   1 South County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480
      experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Joining the event     Online registration is $25 and open to the public:
      virtually, Dr. Burke Harris will lead statewide business and
      system leaders in an interactive conversation that explores   lp/26e63720-0d0f-43f2-a9cf-cd1c2baa7d71
      the  profound impact of early adversity and trauma  on   About Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.
      childhood development. The event is taking place during     Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., MH, FAAP, is an
      Celebrate Babies Week—a week dedicated to celebrating   internationally renowned pediatrician, public health
      infants, toddlers, young children, their families, and early   advocate,  and  author—best  known  for  her  pioneering
      childhood professionals across the globe.         work in the field of ACEs and toxic stress.
        Kathy Leone will host 175 by-special-invitation-only     Dr. Burke Harris is the founder and former CEO
      attendees at The Breakers. Registration to attend virtually   of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco,
      is $25 and open to the public. For more information, visit   an  organization  dedicated  to  improving  the  health  of     children exposed to ACEs. Dr. Burke Harris served as
      Why                                               California’s first  Surgeon  General,  where  she  focused
        Science clearly confirms what our experience already   on addressing the root causes of health disparities and
      knows—what happens early in life impacts everything.   promoting  early  interventions  for  childhood  trauma.
      For better or worse, we carry our early events with us   Her influential book,  The  Deepest Well:  Healing  the
      for the rest of our lives, and into our future families and   Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity has brought
      communities.                                      widespread attention to the impact of early adversity on
        Society is grappling with big, complex issues: a   long-term health and well-being.
      youth mental health crisis, crime and overflowing jails,
      uncontrollable addiction, and generational cycles of abuse

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