Page 20 - Talk of Tequesta - October '24
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Page 20, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                               Cleveland CliniC

                                                                  florida news

                    Cutting Colon Cancer Out Of The Family Tree

        About five of every 100 people with colon or rectal cancer   medical care, education and           polyps, FAP can also cause growths or cancer in the stomach,
      have the disease because of a gene passed down through   support,” says Giovanna da                  pancreas, bone and other areas. The earliest preventive
      their family. Researchers at Cleveland Clinic in Florida are   Silva,  M.D.,  a  Cleveland           care ranges from medicines that stop the growth of polyps
      investing in specialists and resources to identify these families   Clinic colorectal surgeon        to simple colonoscopies to remove those that have not yet
      at risk, with the goal of preventing inherited colorectal cancer   and researcher in Florida.        become cancer.
      from ever developing at all.                         The centerpiece of the                            “Using the registry, we’re able to let patients know what
        The focus is on familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).   program is the Jagelman                    screenings they should have and how often,” says Dr. da Silva.
      “Familial” means inherited, or passed down through families.   Registry, a database of               “That can save their lives and those of their family members.
      Adenomas are specific types of polyps that can become cancer.   patient information of               We’re definitely very proud of our program, and we’re looking
      People with FAP have a 100 percent chance to get colorectal   families with FAP. Using               forward to helping more and more patients through it.”
      cancer, and parents with FAP have a 50/50 chance of passing   this data, physicians at                 To make an appointment with Dr. da Silva or another
      it down to their children.                         Cleveland Clinic in Florida                       Cleveland Clinic specialist in Florida, call (877) 463.2010
        “We want to get the word out about our program, so we   work with teams elsewhere   Giovanna da Silva, M.D.  or visit today.
      can let as many people as possible know if they’re at risk,   to research the condition and
      educate others in their family and offer each one the latest   share the latest medicines and other treatments. Besides colon


                         Palm Beach North Chamber Of Commerce

                                             Honored With Five Awards

                         At Florida Festivals And Events Association 2024 “Sunsational” Awards

        The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce is proud   Chamber of Commerce. “We are deeply grateful to our   fostering a prosperous economy. The Chamber remains
      to announce its recent recognition at the Florida Festivals   members, community partners volunteers, and everyone   committed to creating an environment where businesses
      and Events Association (FFEA) 2024 “SunSational” Awards,   involved in these initiatives. Their support is crucial in   can thrive and the community can flourish.
      where the organization earned five prestigious honors.  helping us achieve our mission.”               For more information about the Palm Beach North
                                                           These recognitions are in alignment with the    Chamber of Commerce and its upcoming events, please
                                                         Chamber’s  strategic  imperatives,  which  focus  on   visit
                                                         enhancing the quality of life in Palm Beach North while     For more information, visit

        The Chamber’s ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival, presented
      by  Tampa General Hospital received significant
      accolades, securing second place for both the Mobile
      App category and the Television campaign category,
      third place for its Commemorative Poster, and third
      place in the PR/Media Campaign category. These awards
      underscore the festival’s commitment to delivering an
      exceptional cultural experience that resonates with the
      community and visitors alike.
        Additionally, the Chamber was recognized with a
      second place award in the Multi-Agency Program category
      for its collaboration with the Jewish Federation of Palm
      Beach County on the impactful event, “Confronting
      Hate: Insights from the Israeli Frontline.” This program
      exemplifies  the  Chamber’s  dedication  to  fostering
      dialogue, understanding, and action within the community.
        “We are incredibly honored to receive these awards,
      which reflect the hard work and creativity that go into
      making our events and programs successful,” said Brian
      Elkins,  Director  of  Events  at  the  Palm  Beach  North
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