Page 6 - PGA Community News - October '24
P. 6

Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 October 2024                                                                                                                                                   October 2024
      Tequesta Chili Cook-Off To Spice Up

      Veteran Support With Unforgettable Celebration

         Details – 2 to 6 p.m.,                         and your participation
      on November 9, at One                             directly contributes to their
      Main Street in Tequesta                           vital work.
         Get ready for a sizzling                          “The  Joe  Namat h
      day of fun, flavors, and                          Charitable Foundation
      heartfelt tributes  at the                        (JNCF) is proud to return
      13th Annual  Tequesta                             and support the 13th Annual
      Chili Cook-Off!                                   Tequesta Chili Cook-Off
         The Tequesta  Chili                            benefitting our veterans.” –
      Cook-Off is an annual  Chili. Photo by Liz McKinley   The JNCF
      fundraising event  Photography                    Event Highlights
      dedicated to celebrating                             • Live Music: Dance to
      local flavor and community spirit while supporting   energetic performances by
      veterans’ charities. With a blend of culinary competition,   No Big Deal Band.
      live entertainment, and charitable giving, the cook-off   • Pipes and Drums:
      has become a cherished tradition in Tequesta, bringing   Experience the stirring
      together people to honor and support our nation’s heroes.   sounds  of  traditional  Joe Namath Foundation.
      This year’s cook-off is not just about great food and fun;   military music.  Photo  by  Liz  McKinley
      it’s a powerful fundraising event with 100 percent of the   • Military Flyovers   Photography
      proceeds benefiting five veterans’ charities: Wounded   • Celebrity Guests and
      Veterans Relief Fund, Southeast Florida Honor Flight,   Judges: Meet notable personalities and culinary experts who
      Operation 300, Warriors Renewal Coalition and Tequesta   will help judge the chili competition.      Veterans. Photo by Vanessa Allison
      Friends of Public Safety, Inc. These organizations work   • Craft Beer: Sip on a diverse selection of craft beers
      tirelessly to support and uplift our veterans and their families,   from Tequesta Brewing Company.   Tequesta Chili Cook-Off on page 7


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