Page 3 - PGA Community News - October '24
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October 2024 October 2024 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
From The Editor:
Beware, New York City…
My fiancée, Ann, has near the towel incident also had cameras so he hoped he I have always loved New York City but I realize elections
lived in an apartment in would see the video of the crime as it occurred with the have consequences. Hopefully District Attorney Alvin Bragg
Manhattan for many years two other accomplices. Detective Valdez wants to catch and Mayor Eric Adams will only serve one term in their
at East 86th Street and the thieves. We are thankful for Detective Michael Valdez. respective positions. Until there are changes in New York
Second Avenue. Whenever After the criminal act, Ann discussed the incident with City, please advise all you know, “Beware, New York City.”
questioned about crime in neighbors, shopkeepers and banking staff in a branch Until next month…
New York City, Ann always nearby. All confirmed stories in the neighborhood and James A. Cioffi, Editor
responded in a positive throughout New York City of increasing brazen crimes.
manner citing the safety Ann’s neighbor, who walks with a walker because of P.S. If you know someone who experienced crime in New
she and her neighbors have stability issues, was slapped in the face by a man for no York City and you would like us to inform the readers of this
known. It all changed on reason and he walked away. newspaper, please contact me.
Labor Day this year. Since Alvin Bragg became District Attorney in
Ann exited the hair salon two blocks from her apartment Manhattan, he has refused to prosecute most misdemeanors
and walked north on Second Avenue. After a half block, and some felonies. It is obvious that crime will increase Reminder From
the nicely dressed man in front of Ann turned around and when there is no punishment for it. Police officers are
started shaking a towel from side to side. She attempted frustrated because there is reduced accountability for
to step to the left, but a woman came from that direction criminal conduct. Mayor Eric Adams, a former police The POA/ARC
and took the arm of the man. Ann did not feel the man captain, has not addressed the crime situation realistically.
behind her unzip her handbag and remove her purse. My motivation in advising you of the increasing crime
The towel motion stopped, and Ann proceeded to the is to make you aware and encourage you and those you POA documents
front of her building. Suddenly, the towel man appeared know to be conscious of your surroundings when in require that all
to Ann’s right and said he would open the door for her. New York. Be careful about suspicious behavior of those residents apply
Ann was suspicious, looked down at her handbag, saw around you and women should wear handbags close to for POA and HOA
the zipper was open and realized she had been robbed. their bodies on a strap as a shoulder bag. Ann’s handbag approval prior
She immediately said to the man, “You robbed me,” and was held in her hand and the perpetrator was able to unzip to making any
the man started to run away. Ann followed him but then the zipper during the commotion with the towel. Do not changes to the
stopped. use your phone or text while walking in the street since exterior of your
Fortunately, there is a doorman in the lobby of Ann’s you will be a target when you are distracted. home, including but not limited to tree removal
building, and she called the police. She was interviewed I remember New York City in the sixties and early or planting, new landscaping, painting, roofing,
over the phone. The police did not come to see her. A seventies when crime began increasing. My mother was additions or construction, fencing, hurricane
few days later, Ann decided to go the local police station thrown to the floor in an elevator in an attempt to steal shutters, impact glass, play equipment, garage door
and file a police report in person. She met with Detective her purse. Fortunately, she did not suffer any injuries, but replacement or any other change, you must contact
Michael Valdez. Shortly thereafter, the detective appeared we made sure she moved from the neighborhood shortly the PGA POA Architectural Review Committee for
at her building and met with her. He had examined video thereafter. Some young men thought they would rob me approval. Information and forms are available at
surveillance from a camera in the lobby of her building when they opened an elevator door only to find I was not under the “Documents & Forms”
and the image of the criminal was captured. It also alone. I had heard them say, “Let’s get this boy” before heading or call 627-2800.
showed another man with the towel on his arm entering they opened the elevator door. A teenage friend of my Thank you,
her building through the pedestrian door, closed it and family was raped in a Co-op City building in The Bronx Jack Hughes,
exited through a revolving door just before Ann arrived by a stranger. Her family had thought Co-op City would Chairman, POA ARC
home. Detective Valdez advised Ann that a medical clinic be a safe area after they moved from the Grand Concourse.
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