Page 2 - PGA Community News - October '24
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Page 2, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 October 2024                                                                                                                                                   October 2024
      Let Me Tell You…                                      PGA POA Communication Corner from page 1       their surroundings, both within and outside of PGA

      The Light Side Of Aging                                 2. Never leave children or pets in a car. Please   HOA Interest
                                                           check the back seats for passengers, two-legged or      Would you like to know more about how your HOA
      By Marie Pinschmidt                                  four-legged.                                    or Condo Association works, when they meet, or know
         On  October  25.  I  will                            3. Never leave firearms in your car – even if you   more about the issues affecting your HOA or COA?
      celebrate my 96th birthday.                          think they are secured or hidden.               It’s a good time to get involved! Attend a meeting or
      No more trying to hide that                             4. Don’t leave your purse, wallet, phone, laptop, or   follow up with your property manager or one of your
      fact. I share that birthday                          other valuables in plain view. Even change exposed in   HOA  board  members.  Board  members  work  very
      with Picasso who, in the                             a cup holder can be an invitation for theft.    diligently on a volunteer basis to help support 40+
      middle of the 20th Century,                             5.Never get to your destination, get out of your car,   PGA  National  communities.  In  many  instances  the
      was considered the greatest                          and then hide your valuables under the seat or in the   HOA or COA board meets once monthly or in some
      living artist in the world. To                       trunk. Burglars watch for this kind of action, especially   cases, meets quarterly. Meetings might be in person
      quote him, “Art washes away                          at fitness facilities and shopping centers where people   or on Zoom, or a hybrid of both approaches. There
      from the soul the dust of                            may go directly from work.                      are always interesting discussions about a variety of
      everyday life.” He also said                            6.  Even  if  you  are  home,  parking  in  your  own   topics. If you are a new homeowner, you will find that
      at the peak of his career, “If I spit, they will take my spit and   driveway, the above reminders still apply – Secure   attending association meetings will provide you with
      frame it as great art.” Just for fun, I’m sharing a poem I wrote   your property, lock your car and don’t leave the “key   community updates, and it’s also a great way to meet
      on my 92nd birthday.                                 fob” in the vehicle.                            the residents in your neighborhood. The Community
                                                              Don’t  make  yourself  an  easy  target  for  thieves.   list on the POA website provides contact information
                           AGING                           Please take a moment when you park your car to be   for your association. We welcome your interest and
               Never ‘til now have I been ninety-two       sure that your valuables are not in view. Be aware of   involvement!
            Of distant stars and satellites, I haven’t a clue  your surroundings and walk with purpose which does      Enjoy a great October!
         Electric cars, gas shortages, high prices at the pump  not include looking at your phone while walking.
               No more dancing - can’t even jump.          We want our residents to remain safe and aware of
              What’s a gal to think, what’s a gal to do?
              Never, ‘til now have I been ninety-two.

                Pandemics and other new diseases          Commissioner’s Update from page1                 once  a month  during Matters  by  the Public. When
             Face masks, vaccines, worry never ceases                                                      individuals realize that their voices can have an impact,
              Fathers out of work, mothers in distress     a hallmark of our success as a county, much of which is   they become more involved in the political process.
                Children out of school – no recess.        a direct result of various partnerships between the county   Advocacy and civic engagement are crucial to the health
            What’s a gal to think, what’s a gal to do since  and FDEP. However, the plan amendment was directly   of a democracy.
              Never ‘til now have I been ninety-two.       detrimental to environmentally sensitive lands and      As demonstrated in Palm Beach County, when
                                                           water quality to the Loxahatchee River. Along with my   citizens come together to advocate for change, they can
               No longer shopping, no longer driving       colleagues, I penned a letter to the secretary of the FDEP,   profoundly impact their government and community
            Days mostly filled with attempts at surviving  expressing our opposition to the proposal and requesting   for the better. Thank you for staying engaged and
              “You can’t do this, be careful with that”    its withdrawal.                                 making your voices heard. If you’re interested in
                 Guarded conversations, tit for tat           Advocacy empowers individuals to take action on   learning more about the Palm Beach County boards
              What’s a gal to think, what’s a gal to do    issues they care about, fostering a sense of ownership   and committees that citizens may participate in,
              Never ‘til now have I been ninety-two.       over the direction of government policy. As an elected   please visit
                                                           official,  I  often  have  the  opportunity  to  hear  from   Pub_ABCReports.aspx. As always, please contact me
              Think happy thoughts, eat healthy food       constituents daily through letter writing, phone calls,   if I can be of assistance at (561) 355-2201 or by email
            Phone chat with friends – a change of mood     public comment on agenda items, and additionally   at
               A good book to read, a hot cup of tea
              Glad in the fact there is still you and me
            I’m a gal who can think, I’m a gal who can be
             Smiling and waiting to reach ninety-three.

         I hope you enjoyed my small attempt at humor. In our
      topsy-turvy world, taking time to smile is necessary. Oh, I
      also share the same birthday as sliced bread.
         On a more serious note, if I may. On voting day if you
      are uninterested in politics or are not abreast of the pros and
      cons of what each party can do for the future of our beautiful
      country, then do the kind thing and don’t vote. An uninformed
      vote has consequences for all of us.
                                         Until next time,

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

        Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid
                       S. Miller • E. Miller

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
                     Production Department
           Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
            Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney

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            1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                  (561) 746-3244
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