Page 4 - PGA Community News - October '24
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Page 4, PGA C.A.N.! October 2024 October 2024
Editorial Board Ask The Juris Doctor
By James A. Cioffi J.D., Dear Reader;
Editor: James A. Cioffi Attorney-At-Law The title company that was the closing agent should have recorded your Chase Bank mortgage in Palm Beach
Feature Writers: Dawn Levinstein, POA Dear Juris Doctor, County in 2002. However, since it was recorded in Martin
Gail Coppage, POA I have lived in PGA National County and the Satisfaction of Mortgage is also recorded
Commissioner Maria Marino for 20 years. In June 2020 we in Martin County, it is evidence that the mortgage has been
Katie Roundtree paid off our mortgage with Chase paid in full. It is important that you retain recorded copies
Contributing Bank. When the “satisfaction of both documents so that you may provide evidence of the
Reporter: Don Kiselewski
of mortgage” statement finally payoff in the future if there is ever a question about them.
Your editors strongly believe that the number came, I noticed it gave our correct You should not have any problems when you sell the PGA
of people who do become involved with any address but was registered in Martin County. I called Chase National property since the Palm Beach County records do
news medium directly reflects on that medium’s immediately and after six months of phone calls to Chase was not contain the mortgage or the satisfaction. There is no need
excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint. finally told that when we refinanced in 2002 the title company to correct the improper recording of the documents.
Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute registered the mortgage in Martin County by error because that Sincerely, J.D.
articles or current, timely news items and/or is where its home office is. The title company says this does not
“Letters to the Editors.” affect our home ownership. We get our tax bills and homestead If you have a legal question in the area of real estate,
Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’ statements from PBC, but I worry that having the mortgage state planning, wills, trusts or probate, please submit it to
right to publish. Submission must include writer’s registered in Martin County may be a problem when we decide this newspaper at
name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles to sell. How can we get this corrected? Do we need to?
/letters will not be published. Opposing views to article I will appreciate your advice,
viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome. A Confused Reader
Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint
be mailed or delivered by the tenth of each month What Is The Difference Between
of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should
for the following month’s publication (example: by
January 10 for February publication) to: ADD And ADHD?
C.A.N.! Editors
Contact the publisher for additional information Jim Forgan, Ph.D., impulsivity the diagnosis would be ADHD, predominately
regarding submissions, fax (561) 627-9088 or e-mail Licensed School hyperactive presentation and if your child had both Psychologist symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity,
Let’s hear from you. You may have wondered they would be diagnosed with ADHD, combined
things like “What is ADD? presentation. What this shift in terminology did was
Is it different from ADHD?” combine both inattentive and hyperactive impulsive
or “How do I know if my symptoms into one disorder with specific presentation
child has ADD or ADHD?” types so everything could be categorized the same way.
ADD was an older term for How Do I Know If My Child Has ADHD?
attention deficit disorder, Children can be evaluated for ADHD with several
which is the classification instruments that assess their functioning in different areas
for symptoms like and look at the severity of their symptoms. The testing we
inattention, distractibility, forgetfulness, and making provide in our office targets the specific areas of concern
careless mistakes. While people still use the term ADD related to ADHD and allows us to diagnose and provide
to classify these symptoms, it is no longer the technical specific recommendations to support your child at home
John Deloach term used in the medical and psychology community to and at school. Our evaluations are comprehensive and
diagnose these types of symptoms. In the late 1980’s
offer a “whole child” approach so we will be able to assess
Experienced Driver the medical community shifted to the term ADHD or their cognitive processing, like attention, memory, and
processing speed, as well as their social-emotional and
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the early
For your errands and airport transportation 1990s ADHD was classified into three different types, behavioral functioning. Our testing will provide you with
Ride in my Lincoln or presentations, that we use today. The three types are: the answers to know if your child really has ADHD or if
Continental inattentive presentation, hyperactive presentation, and they are struggling in some other area that is contributing
to their ADHD-like symptoms. You will leave this process
combined presentation.
References available So, if you’re seeing inattentive symptoms in your with targeted and specific recommendations tailored to
upon request child and they were to be diagnosed, the official diagnosis your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
Please call (561) 310-1063 would be ADHD, predominately inattentive presentation.
Likewise, if your child struggled with hyperactivity and
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