Page 30 - PGA Community News - October '24
P. 30

Page 30, PGA C.A.N.!                                                October 2024                                                                                                                                                   October 2024
      Film Review…

      Remembering Gene Wilder: A Documentary

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                Wilder in a restaurant                             for the audiobook version of his 2005 memoir, Kiss Me Like
         Almost 20 years ago I read, and thoroughly enjoyed, Kiss   the physical image I                   a Stranger, and works seamlessly here together with the
      Me Like a Stranger: My Search for Love and Art, the memoir   had of him from those                   film’s scenes of Wilder’s growing-up years in a middle-class
      written by actor, writer and director Gene Wilder, who in   films was shattered                      Milwaukee Jewish family and his first big break when Mel
      those pages came across as one of the sweetest, gentlest   when I realized that                      Brooks’s wife, Anne Bancroft, tells her husband she suggests
      and just plain nicest human beings ever to have graced the   he was actually quite                   the young Wilder be hired for a role in her Broadway play.
      American theater and screen.                      handsome in person,                                   Gene Wilder had been born with the last name of
         Like millions of others I had for many years enjoyed   his eyes a piercing                        Silberman. As a young boy he was told by his father that
      his performances as a vulnerable, zany, hilarious comedian   blue.)                                  his mother had a serious heart condition, could not bear any
      in such films as: Young Frankenstein; Blazing Saddles;      Having enjoyed                           stress, and that it was important for the boy to try instead to
      The Producers; The Woman in Red; The Frisco Kid; Willy   his memoir,  when I                         make his mother laugh as much as possible. That was the
      Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and others–and paired   noted in late August                         moment and motivation that set the boy on his life path. As
      with Richard Pryor in See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Silver   the release of this                     he later relates, “I didn’t think the name Silberman seemed
      Streak. (I should add that after I had moved from New York   documentary of his                      right for the job. I wanted to be wilder!” And that is how the
      to Los Angeles in 1981 as a magazine publisher and ran into   life on Netflix, I was                 rest of the world came to know and love him.
                                                        drawn to it immediately and, sure enough, amid the many      Among those who appear in this film to discuss the Gene
                                                        laughs inspired by brief clips of several of these films I shed a   Wilder they knew are his widow, Karen Wilder, Mel Brooks,
                                                        tear or two as well. Despite all the wonderful humor that was   Alan Alda, Carol Kane, Harry Connick Jr., Dick Cavett,
                                                        his gift to us, for Gene Wilder himself all of life’s success was   producer Mike Medavoy and Ben Mankiewicz, among others.
                                                        nothing to laugh at in the end. With all his comedic genius,      It is all here, in this documentary: his loves—which
                                                        he died on August 29th, 2016 at the age of 83 as the result   included an earlier marriage to the Saturday Night Live
                                                        of complications from Alzheimer’s.                 comedienne Gilda Radner, and tragic loss of her to cancer—
                                                           Interestingly, although one of the most appealing aspects   and his extraordinary successes as an actor, writer and
                                                        of this documentary is the fact that Wilder himself narrates   director. Now this documentary of his life has won numerous
                                                        the story of his childhood and start in show business. Yet   awards, among the most recent the Best Documentary Feature
                                                        the actual production of the film did not begin until years   at the 2024 Boca International Jewish Film Festival.
                                                        after Wilder’s death. It turns out the narration used in the      Remembering Gene Wilder. You won’t forget it for the
                                                        documentary was picked up from the one Wilder had made   many memories it will bring back to you.

                                                          Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

                                                          Surpasses 100th Orthopedic Case Using

                                                          Advanced ROSA  Robotics Knee System

                                                             Palm  Beach  Gardens Medical
                                                          Center surpassed its 100th orthopedic
                                                          case using the advanced ROSA ®
                                                          Robotics Knee System earlier this
                                                          month.  The milestone minimally
                                                          invasive procedure was performed by
                                                          board-certified orthopedic surgeon
                                                          Harvey E. Montijo, Jr., M.D. Dr.
                                                          Montijo, Jr. also performed the first
                                                          procedure at the hospital using the
                                                          ROSA  Robotics Knee System less
                                                          than one year ago.
                                                             The  ROSA  Robotics Knee
                                                          System, manufactured by Zimmer
                                                          Biomet, is a medical device designed to
                                                          enhance the precision and efficiency for knee replacement.  Service Line at 1-(855) 769-2969 or visit https://www.
                                                          It combines advanced robotics and artificial intelligence
                                                          to assist surgeons in planning the surgery and accurately  orthopedic-patient-navigator.
                                                          placing the artificial joint during the procedure. With its  About Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center
                                                          capabilities, the ROSA  Robotics Knee System has the     Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center (PBGMC), part
                                                          ability to improve patient outcomes, reduce recovery times,  of the Palm Beach Health Network, the largest health
                                                          and minimize the risk of complications. It also does not  care network in Palm Beach County, is a 199-bed acute
                                                          require CT scans potentially saving money for the patient  care hospital. It has served the Palm Beach County
                                                          and radiation exposure.                          and Treasure Coast communities for over 50 years. The
                                                             “We  are  excited  and  proud  to  have  achieved  this  hospital was the first in Palm Beach County to perform
                                                          important milestone as part of our ongoing efforts to  open-heart surgery and has remained on the forefront as
                                                          provide our patients with the latest advancements in  one of the area’s leaders in cardiac care. PBGMC also
                                                          medical technology,” said Erik Cazares, the hospital’s  offers award-winning stroke care, neurosurgery, urology,
             Southern Exposure Technologies               CEO. “Expanding our surgical technology capabilities last  orthopedics, robot assisted and minimally invasive
           Computer Install/Setup/Repair                  year with the addition of this innovative robotic system  surgical techniques, bloodless medicine and a 24-hour
                                                          demonstrated our unwavering commitment to investing in  emergency room. For more information, visit https://www.
                     (561) 315-0144                       the health and well-being of our community. We are pleased
                        that we have been able to offer our patients a minimally
                            * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install  invasive option for knee replacement surgery.”  1
                            * Networking, Troubleshooting     The Center for Joint & Spine Care at Palm Beach  newsroom/2023/10/04/palm-beach-gardens-medical-
                            * Instruction                 Gardens Medical Center uses advanced technology and  center-expands-robotic-surgical-capabilities-with-
                            * Hardware/Software Installation  equipment to conduct minimally invasive procedures for  acquisition-of-rosa-robot
                            * Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix                                         3           2
                            * Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup  shorter hospital stays and faster recovery times.  In addition
                            * Business Consult/Startup/Move  to the ROSA   Robotics  Knee  System,  the  hospital’s  newsroom/2023/10/04/palm-beach-gardens-medical-
                            * Website Design/Maintenance  robotic surgical fleet also includes a CORI , two Mako  center-expands-robotic-surgical-capabilities-with-
              Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer  SmartRobotics  and a NAVIO Surgical System.    acquisition-of-rosa-robot
                       and wireless network”!                Robotic-assisted procedures may provide better   3
                       GET S.E.T. GO!                     accuracy and usually make smaller incisions that may help  orthopedic-care/orthopedic-robotic-surgery
         REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES         lessen potential risks and speed up healing for patients. This   4
       FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,  advanced technology may also promote greater safety for  newsroom/2023/10/04/palm-beach-gardens-medical-
            OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED         patients as it can help reduce the use of and exposure to  center-expands-robotic-surgical-capabilities-with-
                  BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.            radiation and fluoroscopy.                       acquisition-of-rosa-robot
          START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS,           For more information about knee replacement surgery at   5
        QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND      The Center for Joint & Spine Care at Palm Beach Gardens  orthopedic-care/orthopedic-robotic-surgery
                        (561) 315-0144                    Medical Center, contact our Director of Orthopedic
          CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!                                              Paid Advertisement
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