Page 28 - PGA Community News - October '24
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Page 28, PGA C.A.N.!                                                October 2024                                                                                                                                                   October 2024
      Statewide Leaders To Convene With Dr. Nadine

      Burke Harris To Support The Well-Being Of Babies

      Pioneer of ACEs/former Attorney General of California      Online registration is $25 and open to the public:   The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of
      to lead discussion to better shape the future of Florida’s  Childhood Adversity has brought widespread attention
      youngest generation.                              lp/26e63720-0d0f-43f2-a9cf-cd1c2baa7d71            to the impact of early adversity on long-term health and
      What                                              About Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.                    well-being.
         Center for Child Counseling in partnership with      Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., MH, FAAP, is an   Celebrate Babies’ Donors And Corporate Partners
      Florida Association of Infant Mental Health are hosting   internationally renowned pediatrician, public health      Donors and corporate sponsors who are making this
      “Celebrate Babies with Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.” on   advocate, and author—best known for her pioneering   important conversation possible include: Children’s
      Tuesday, October 22, to help better shape the future of   work in the field of ACEs and toxic stress.  Services Council of Palm Beach County, The Children’s
      Florida’s youngest generation. With Kathy Leone as the      Dr. Burke Harris is the founder and former CEO   Movement of Florida, The Breakers Palm Beach, Stephens
      honorary chair and WPTV Channel 5’s Ashley Glass as the   of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, an   & Stevens Marital & Family Law, Valley Bank, Sunshine
      emcee, the hybrid event will take place at The Breakers   organization dedicated to improving the health of children   Health, and Jane Robinson.
      by special invitation only and online for the public from   exposed to ACEs. Dr. Burke Harris served as California’s      CFCC’s Fighting ACEs initiative to build trauma-
      12:30 to 2:30 p.m.                                first Surgeon General, where she focused on addressing   informed communities is made possible with the generous
         Dr. Burke Harris is the former attorney general of   the root causes of health disparities and promoting early   support of Quantum Foundation, Community Foundation
      California and an internationally renowned pediatrician,   interventions for childhood trauma. Her influential book,   for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, and private donors.
      public health advocate, and author. She is best known
      for her pioneering work in the field of adverse childhood                                   “Service is our number one priority”
      experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Joining the event
      virtually, Dr. Burke Harris will lead statewide business and                                              561-743-0070
      system leaders in an interactive conversation that explores
      the  profound impact of early adversity and trauma  on
      childhood development. The event is taking place during                                      
      Celebrate Babies Week—a week dedicated to celebrating
      infants, toddlers, young children, their families, and early
      childhood professionals across the globe.
         Kathy Leone will host 175 by-special-invitation-only
      attendees at The Breakers. Registration to attend virtually
      is $25 and open to the public. For more information, visit
         Science clearly confirms what our experience already
      knows—what happens early in life impacts everything.
      For better or worse, we carry our early events with us
      for the rest of our lives, and into our future families and
         Society is grappling with big, complex issues: a                                                                           Expires 11/15/24.
      youth mental health crisis, crime and overflowing jails,
      uncontrollable addiction, and generational cycles of abuse                                                   State Licensed & Insured CPC #
      and trauma left on repeat. These dilemmas are often the   Serving Palm Beach County                               1457468 • LPG#30099
      result of unbuffered, untreated trauma experienced early
      in life.
         But there are solutions we’ve been building for more
      than 20 years, so we have reason to celebrate! Our babies   Financial Focus                  ®
      can be better from birth—for the rest of their lives.
         Dr. Burke Harris is the woman who thrust the subject
      of  adverse  childhood  experiences  into  our  national   Vote For Solid Investment                 you may want to invest in instruments that provide stability
      consciousness and dialogue. Our understanding of ACEs                                                of principal. For your long-term goals, most important of
      today is due to her insights and work in revealing how   Strategies                                  which may be a comfortable retirement, you’ll need to own
      early adverse events affect lifelong health and well-                                                a reasonable number of growth-oriented investments.
      being—for individuals, families, and communities.   By Sally Sima Stahl                                • Your risk tolerance – When you build and maintain
      When                                                  With the presidential                          your investment portfolio, you’ll need to accommodate
      Tuesday, October 22, 12:30  to  2:30  p.m. (in-person   election just a few weeks                    your individual risk tolerance. All investments carry some
      registration begins at 12 p.m.)                     away, the public is naturally                    type of risk, but you need to be comfortable with the overall
      Where                                               interested in not just the                       risk level of your investments.
      The Breakers Palm Beach (by special invitation only)  outcome but what the                             • Your time horizon – Where you are in life is an
      1 South County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480           results will mean for issues                     important consideration when investing. When you are
                                                          of national importance. As                       young and just starting out in your career, you may be able
                                                          a citizen, you likely share                      to focus more on growth, as you have time to overcome the
                                                          these concerns—but how                           inevitable short-term market downturns. But as you near
                                                          about as an investor? After                      retirement, you may want to consolidate any gains you may
                                                          the votes are counted—or                         have achieved, and lower your risk level, by moving your
                                                          even before—should you make some moves in anticipation  portfolio toward a somewhat more conservative approach.
                                                          of possible changes in policy?                   Even in retirement, though, you will need some growth
                                                            Let’s look at the big picture first, through the lens of history.  potential to stay ahead of inflation.
                                                          The financial markets have performed well—and at times, not    • Your needs for liquidity – As you invest, you’ll
                                                          so well—under Democratic and Republican presidents alike.  need to maintain an adequate amount of cash and cash
                                                          And the same is true about which party controlled Congress.  equivalents in your holdings. Without this liquidity, you
                                                            While it might be an overstatement to say that decisions  might be forced to sell long-term investments in case you
                                                          made in Washington have no effect on the markets, it’s not  have unexpected expenses.
                                                          always so easy to draw a direct line between what happens    In any case, when it comes to investing, you may want
                                                          there and how the markets perform. For one thing, political  to pay less attention to what names are on the ballot—and
                                                          candidates often make promises that are not fulfilled, or, if  instead “vote” for the longer-term strategies that reflect
                                                          they are, have different results than intended. Also, other  your needs and goals.
                                                          institutions can have a significant impact on the markets.    This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                          For example, the Federal Reserve, which controls short-  your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
                                                          term interest rates, can certainly affect many market  Member SIPC.
                                                          sectors. And there will always be external events, such as    Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
                                                          foreign conflicts and even natural disasters, that can make  and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
                                                          short-term impacts on the investment world.      and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
                                                            So, rather than making changes to your portfolio in  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
                                                          anticipation of what might happen if certain candidates  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
                                                          get elected, or even in response to actual policy changes,  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                                                          look to other factors to drive your investment decisions.     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
                                                            These factors should include the following:    provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
                                                            • Your goals – You probably have short- and long-term  advisor regarding your situation.
                                                          goals you’d like to achieve. For your short-term goals, such    Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
                                                          as a wedding, a down payment on a house or a long vacation,  AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
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