Page 25 - PGA Community News - October '24
P. 25

October 2024                                                             October 2024                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 25
       Tampa General Hospital Loggerhead Triathlon

       Returned To Carlin Park In Jupiter For 38th Race

         On Saturday, August 24, the Tampa General Hospital   race—it’s a day where
      Loggerhead Triathlon once again proved to be a highlight   the community comes
      in our community’s sporting calendar. Among the many   together.”
      participants who took to the course, the Reback family      Since its inception
      stood out, making the event a true family affair. Spanning   in 1985, the  Tampa
      four generations, 16                              General Hospital
      members of the Reback                             Loggerhead Triathlon
      family joined the race,                           has  built  a legacy,
      embodying the spirit                              attracting athletes from
      of community and                                  across the country
      competition.                                      who are drawn to its
         Their youngest                                 stunning oceanside
      participant, a 3-month-                           course, welcoming
      old baby, lent a helping                          atmosphere, and  high
      hand at the volunteer                             level of competition.
      water station, while the                          It has become a staple
      eldest, an 83-year-old                            on the southeast race
      grandfather, competed                             circuit, fostering the
      fiercely on a relay team.                         growth of some of the
      The Reback family’s                               top triathletes in the   The Reback family that was covered in the Shining a Light Spotlight
      involvement underscored                           United States.
      t h e  i n c l u si v e  a n d                       For more details
      multigenerational appeal  Matt Young              on the race or to
      of  the  Loggerhead                               stay connected with
      Triathlon, creating memories that will be cherished for   future events, visit
      years to come.                                    loggerheadtriathlon.
         Adding to the excitement, Lara Trump competed and   com or follow them on
      secured an impressive second place finish in her age category   social media.
      for the women, showcasing her athleticism and dedication.     The Tampa General
         The event was a resounding success, bringing together   Hospital  Loggerhead
      seasoned athletes, enthusiastic beginners, and supportive   Triathlon, held annually
      families for a day filled with camaraderie, competition,   in Jupiter, Fla., is one
      and celebration. The Tampa General Hospital Loggerhead   of the state’s longest-
      Triathlon continues to thrive as a cornerstone event, fostering   running triathlons. Since
      a vibrant and active community. “The Loggerhead Triathlon   1985, it has attracted
      continues to be a celebration of athleticism and community,”   athletes nationwide,   Bill Bone
      said Brian Elkins, director of events for the Palm Beach   known for its scenic
      North Chamber of Commerce. “Every year, we see incredible   location and competitive course. This event is produced by
      dedication from participants and volunteers alike, making this   the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce and presented
      event a true cornerstone of our region. It’s more than just a   by Tampa General Hospital.

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