Page 26 - PGA Community News - October '24
P. 26

Page 26, PGA C.A.N.!                                                October 2024                                                                                                                                                   October 2024
      Lighthouse ArtCenter Receives A $42k Grant To Expand

      Free Art Classes For Individuals With Special Needs

         Lighthouse ArtCenter (LAC) is pleased to announce a      “We are thrilled to expand our special needs art classes   For All, ensures access to art for everyone, including
      $42,000 grant to expand free art classes for youth and adults   thanks to the generous support of the Cultural Council   veterans, individuals with special needs, at-risk children
      with special needs. Awarded through the Cultural Council of   of Palm Beach County and the Frederick A. DeLuca   and adolescents, seniors, and economically disadvantaged
      Palm Beach County’s Arts & Cultural Education Fund, this   Foundation,” said Jeni Licata, executive director at   individuals. With a focus on community collaboration,
      two-year grant spans through May 2026, allowing LAC to   Lighthouse ArtCenter. “These classes play a crucial role   Lighthouse ArtCenter runs sixteen art outreach programs
      increase its support for this important community initiative.  in our Art For All outreach programs, which aim to make   in partnership with ten local organizations.
         In 2009, thanks to the                         art accessible to underserved populations and contribute to      For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s
      generosity and vision of                          their education, skill development, and overall well-being.”  special needs programs and how to get involved, visit https://
      Doctors  Vince  and Anne                             Lighthouse ArtCenter’s art outreach initiative, Art
      Palumbo, Lighthouse
      ArtCenter  launched The
      Olivia Palumbo Special                              American Academy Of Pediatrics
      Needs Art Class, inspired by
      their granddaughter, which                          Guidelines Call For Childhood Obesity
      provided free monthly
      art classes to individuals
      with special needs. With                            Treatment For Disease Prevention
      the new funding, these
      classes will now be held
      weekly, opening up more                                Children diagnosed with                       surgery, he said patients and their parents need to fully
      consistent artistic expression and a wealth of personal   obesity should be treated                  understand the procedure.
      growth opportunities for our participants.          early  and  aggressively                            “You have to be very cautious,” said Dr. Betancourt. “It
                                                          with nutritional support,                        is not about chronological age. It is about, I would say, ‘How
                                                          therapy, medication, and                         mature is the patient?’ because if you are going to undergo
                                                          in some extreme cases,                           and put a patient through surgery, and you want to have the
                                                          weight-loss surgery for                          best outcome of the surgery, you have to be sure that the
                                                          teens 13 and up, according                       patient understands what the challenges are ahead.”
                                                          to new guidelines from                              Dr. Abraham Betancourt is a gastrointestinal and
                                                          the American Academy of                          bariatric surgeon with nearly 20 years of experience in
                                                          Pediatrics. It is the first time                 practicing patient-centered medicine. His practice has
                                                          in 15 years the academy has                      focused on people who sometimes feel most vulnerable
                                                          updated its guidance.   Dr. Abraham Betancourt   in the healthcare world, including patients facing chronic
                                                             More than 14 million                          morbid obesity. Dr. Abraham Betancourt is a bariatric
                                                          kids live with this common, chronic disease, the academy  and general surgeon with the Palm Beach Digital Surgery
                                                          says, adding that if obesity is untreated, it can lead to short-  Institute, a general surgery and robotic surgery practice
                                                          term and long-term health issues, including cardiovascular  focused on providing minimally invasive treatment options
                                                          disease and type 2 diabetes.                     and care for patients suffering from colorectal disease,
                                                             Heart disease is the number one killer among men and  endometriosis, hernia, and life-threatening obesity. Dr.
                                                          women, which helps explain why the academy updated its  Betancourt is on staff at Good Samaritan Medical Center
                                                          advice. In addition to heart disease, heart attack, stroke, heart  in West Palm Beach.
                                                          failure, arrhythmia, and heart valve problems are all associated     In addition, Dr. Betancourt is fluent in Spanish, his
                                                          with cardiovascular disease.                     native language, and English.
                                                             While it may seem extreme to some to encourage weight-     Palm Beach Digital Surgery Institute is located in
                                                          loss surgery on a child as young as 13, the old method of  the Victor Farris Building adjacent to Good Samaritan
                                                          “watchful-waiting,” taking a “wait-and-see” approach, was  Medical Center at 1411 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 8900,
                                                          not working. Early intervention helps lead to a healthier heart  West  Palm  Beach,  FL  33401.  For  more  information
                                                          throughout that child’s life.                    visit or call (561)
                                                             Good Samaritan Medical Center robotic and bariatric  227-9238. Find information on bariatric surgery at Good
                                                          surgeon Dr. Abraham Betancourt stated that the updated  Samaritan Medical Center by visiting goodsamaritanmc.
                                                          guidance is long overdue. However, before deciding on  com/services/bariatric-surgery or call (866)-306-2225.
                                                                                                 Paid Advertisement

         “It has always been our long-term goal to offer weekly
      rather than once-a-month classes. This grant will make   Are You Ready                                                  Hurricane?
      this dream come true,” Anne Palumbo explained. “It is
      especially meaningful because those we serve flourish
      most readily with familiar environments and routine. It     For The Next Storm?
      is also a boon to their caregivers, who can count on a
      few hours off each week, knowing their loved ones are
      enjoying a safe and enriching experience.”                                                                          No Air Conditioning?
         Research shows that weekly art classes for individuals                                                             No Refrigeration?
      with special needs improve social skills, self-expression, and
      self-esteem and reduce stress. They also foster community                                               FREE
      and enhance well-being through creative expression.                                                                          10% OFF
         Participants in the youth classes engage in various art                                             7 Year Warranty
      projects using pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers,                                             on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
      watercolor paints, and tempera paints. Similarly, adult                                                Standby Generators*
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      tailored to their interests and abilities.
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