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VOL. 34 NO. 10                                   FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                      OCTOBER 2024

       PGA POA Communication Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        New Barcode Anyone?                                and detail. It also makes sense to read all the protection
      PGA POA Communications                               If you are a new owner, remember that one item you   detail at least once (prior to a storm on the way) so that
      Committee                                         will need right away from the PGA POA is a barcode for   you are familiar with what needs to be done to be ready
         Happy Fall! Here’s to the                      your car to gain access to PGA National. Although access   for a storm. If you are a single-family homeowner who
      aroma of pumpkin spice: in                        to PGA National is available during the day, access is not   has responsibility to handle your own landscaping/
      coffee, beer, bread, muffins,                     available after 9 p.m. without being stopped by security at   tree trimming, please make sure to check outside your
      pastry and candles; falling                       each of the entrance gates. If you are a new owner and you   home now for any dead landscaping, trees that may need
      leaves; cooler weather and                        need to purchase a barcode for your vehicle, please stop   pruning, etc. If you are a condo owner with an outside
      the need for sweaters. Oh!                        by the PGA POA offices between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to   patio area, please make sure that outside plants, table,
      No, that’s not right. No                          4:30 p.m. to provide a copy of your license and registration   chairs, etc. can be moved quickly indoors if needed. It is
      falling leaves, and still a bit                   and pay $15. PGA POA office staff will call you when your   always great to have a plan, and if you do not plan to be
      early for the cooler weather                      barcode is ready, usually within 24 hours. The process is   here in October, please plan to have a local connection
      and need for sweaters (except for air conditioning). But   easy! Once hearing back from POA staff, drive your car to   available who can help you to prepare your home or condo
      Fall is in the air, even in South Florida!        the front entrance of the POA office at 7100 Fairway Drive,   in the event of a storm on the way. Thank you for your
      New Homeowner                                     Suite 29; call the POA office to let them know you are out   involvement and engagement as a PGA National owner.
         Are you a new homeowner/condo owner in PGA     front, and a staff member will come out to affix the new   Car Safety And Protection
      National? If this is your first Fall living in PGA National,   barcode to your car. Barcodes are not affixed during the      While PGA National is a beautifully maintained and
      welcome to our beautiful community! You may not have   rain. This process remains the same if you have purchased   monitored gated community, residents still need to remain
      read all the declarations and rules of PGA National   a new car and/or leasing a new car and need to request a   responsible about car safety and protection. Please do not
      before your closing, but it always makes sense to read   new barcode. The POA staff is very helpful!  get lulled into a false sense of security, even here in PGA
      the rules and regulations as a new owner. You can also   Counting The Days                           National. Some great tips:
      find all necessary guidance on the PGA Property Owner’s      Hurricane season ends November 30. Even though      1. When you leave your vehicle, lock your doors and roll
      Association (POA) website: If you   it may seem a little bit cooler and quieter, the weather   up the windows, even if you will “only be away for a minute.”
      have a question, please do not hesitate to call the PGA POA   can turn quickly. It is very important to be prepared and   Do not leave your car running in the driveway or parking lot.
      Office at (561) 627-2800. Staff is wonderfully helpful, and   remain current on weather patterns and weather updates.
      they will guide you with a response to your questions.  The PGA POA website offers great hurricane information   PGA POA Communication Corner on page 2
      Commissioner’s Update

                                                           Civic engagement is a broader concept that encompasses
      Advocacy And Civic                                  any activity that allows citizens to be involved in public   their concerns, and organized protests. In a matter of
                                                                                                           days, thousands of residents had signed petitions and
      Engagement In Government                          life. This ranges from voting and participating in town   coordinated protests. As a result, the outcry attracted
                                                        halls to volunteering and joining community boards.   attention from officials across the state, including Florida
      By Vice Mayor                                     Civic engagement emphasizes collective action to address   Cabinet members, U.S. Congress representatives, and state
      Maria G. Marino                                   societal issues and fosters a shared responsibility between   senators. These leaders called for increased transparency
         Advocacy and                                   citizens and their government.                     and urged FDEP to withdraw the proposal.
      civic engagement are                                 A recent example of effective advocacy and civic     As Vice Mayor of Palm Beach County and a member of
      fundamental to a healthy                          engagement occurred in Palm Beach County when the   the Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating Council,
      democracy. These practices                        Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)   I was acutely aware of the proposed plan’s potential impact
      allow  citizens  to  influence                    unveiled  its  2024/25  Great  Outdoors  Initiative.  This   on the Loxahatchee River, a designated National Wild and
      government policies, hold                         initiative is aimed to increase public access, recreation and   Scenic River. Protection of water quality and lands has been
      officials accountable,                            lodging at Florida state parks. However, the proposal to
      and actively shape the                            amend the Unit Management Plan of Jonathan Dickinson   Commissioner’s Update on page 2
      decisions that impact their                       State Park (JDSP) to develop
      communities. When citizens                        environmentally sensitive
      and organizations engage, they can drive government   lands into a golf course
      responsiveness, transparency, and effectiveness.  sparked wide concern.
         Advocacy refers to the efforts of individuals, groups, or      Local residents,
      organizations to influence public policy and government   outraged  by  the  potential
      decisions. These efforts can take various forms, such as   environmental damage,
      lobbying, public campaigns, and grassroots mobilization.   quickly  mobilized. They
      It often involves educating decision-makers and the   reached out to elected
      public on specific issues, persuading them to adopt certain   officials at the local, state,
      policies or actions.                              and federal levels, voiced
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