Page 9 - Stuart Exposure - October '24
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Stuart Exposure, Page 9

                                                             Club news

      Finding Cause Of Death                             research, specifically the study of investigational drugs for   Library including an extensive research library, access to
                                                         FDA approval. She became interested in medical genetics
                                                                                                           several genealogy websites and assistance from MCGS
      With The Martin County                             after a relative’s sudden death, and she has applied her   volunteers. For more information about membership,
      Genealogical Society                               research skills to her family genealogy.          activities and services go to

                                                           Zaccone has been conducting genealogy research
                                                         for most of her life. She has a Bachelor of Science in
         Do you know or ever wonder how your ancestors died?   journalism and a Master of Arts in history. A member   Good Works from page 8
      Was it an infectious disease, a chronic illness, an injury   of the MCGS board of directors, she currently serves as
      or some other cause? At the Martin County Genealogical   chair of the Communications Committee.
      Society’s (MCGS) November meeting, genealogists Janet      Free and open to the public, the meeting will be at the
      Mar and Janene Zaccone will present “Cause of Death:   Blake Library, 2351 S.E. Monterey Road in Stuart, from 1
      Past, Present and Future.” They will explain how our   to 3 p.m., Friday, Nov. 15. The meeting begins with social
      ancestors’ deaths can tell us about their lives, lead us to   time followed by a business meeting; the presentation
      new sources of information for our genealogy research and   is at 2 p.m. If you can’t attend the meeting in person, it
      even alert us to our own risk of developing heart disease,   will be available on Zoom. For registration details, go to
      diabetes or cancer.                      
         Mar is a retired nurse practitioner and university      The Martin County Genealogical Society offers a
      professor. Much of her nursing career focused on medical   variety of services at the Genealogy Room in the Blake
        The Singles Scene Column  October 2024

        Special Edition Hot Tips By:                    constructive advice they may give you will exponentially increase your
        Kelly Leary, M.S. & Miranda                     chances of finding your perfect match that fits like a glove. Hire the best
        Capparelli                                      in the business. Be a smart person and connect to the right people at the
                                                        right time with the right mindset (looking for a true match).
        Find Your                                        On that note, thank you to our new applicants who have PRE-BOOKED
        Perfect Fit                                     their First Interview in advance. Clients who get started in October have a   The Henley Family
                                                        higher chance of meeting an ideal dating partner before the holidays and the
        “’Cause every girl crazy ‘bout                  turn of the New Year 2025 for the most important kiss of the year. Make the      Natalizio’s orders increased from about two to 15
        a sharp dressed man”- ZZ Top                    last three months of this year count. Your future self will thank you later.
           As October begins, witness                                                                       loaves per bake day in just the first month.
        wardrobe  changes  and  cooler                  We can’t wait to meet you in our gorgeous office on PGA Boulevard--     “We’ve had a great response from the community,
        weather, signaling the best time                where we have been for ten successful years and counting! Make the last   people sharing their bread stories, and I really love
        of the year has arrived (and so                 quarter of the year the best part of the year and end with a powerful and
        have you). Sweaters, boots, and extra cuddles resurface as requirements   life changing win!        seeing my neighbors order bread to share with one
        of Fall, while summer trends and flings fade away. In fashion, as in love,                          another,” she said.
        certain things never go out of style—they evolve, adapt, or return new and   Xoxo, Kelly & Miranda      Natalizio’s own story began with her mother,
        improved. Today, we will draw a relatable comparison between the pursuit
        of romantic happiness and the ideal wardrobe that will create your best date   #FALLinLove    #End2024Strong    #MatchmakingRoyalty     Pierrette, for whom the baker named her signature
        night look. You want a good “fit”--right?       #LeaveYourComfortZone  #TellYourFriends             loaf, the Perri. The original sourdough bread is a
        The Rules.                                      Kelly Leary© has 33 years in the dating industry and a master’s degree in   “well-balanced combination of tangy deliciousness,
        As always, if you are TAKEN, do share these words of hope with your   clinical psychology. She has been profiled by Modern Luxury Magazine   a chewy texture and crispy crust,” she said.
        single, divorced, and widowed family and friends. We are sure you would   in the Fall 2023 and 2024 Issues as a Dynamic Business Woman. Look for      “My youngest memories are of my brother and me
        be thrilled to see your favorite single people smile brighter this holiday   it on shelves now. She has won three awards for BEST MATCHMAKER   sitting in the back seat of the car after a stop at our
        season. No one wants to be the fifth or seventh wheel at the dinner party this   and BEST DATING Coach so far in 2024. She has also been written
        season. The last quarter of the year can and will be epic. Believe it and own   about in The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News,   local bakery. Mom would pass a warm loaf to us in the
        your role in it. This is not a one-man job. Acquire a connector in the know.   Jupiter Magazine, and many more. Revolution Dating members are   back seat, and it would be gone before we got home.”
                                                        prescreened in-person including mandatory and verified ID. Professional
        Just The Facts.                                 photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT online dating or      Natalizio hails from a family of entrepreneurs and
        With the holidays being the biggest trigger for singles, you may catch   blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that make   has herself forged her own path through the business
        yourself reminiscing about past loves and daydreaming about what it was   singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly   world in the past, having run her first business in her
        like to be a “dynamic duo” during the most wonderful time of the year.   and her team also provide feedback from dates when appropriate and   20s as the co-owner of two car stereo retail stores and
        You are likely to be yearning for traditional courtship of days gone by.   welcome. Mock Dates are available by request. Single Coaching Sessions
        This does still exist--and we enjoy reminding people of this long forgotten   and Evaluations are also available by request for non-members or as an   as an independent contractor teaching English in the
        dating norm. We believe in it. Some singles may feel uncomfortable in our   add-on to basic memberships. Kelly and her team have been representing   Dominican Republic.
        modern tech era (like a fish out of water). This means It’s time to ask for   clients and couples up-and-down the East Coast of the USA for decades      Natalizio said her next business goal is to increase
        help...privately...and not online. It’s time to get set up by a trusted friend   and will see people in their home state or by Zoom--by appointment--if
        (i.e. your matchmakers). If you are already working with a matchmaker,   qualified. *All inquiries are confidential.   production and expand into farmers markets when the
        it’s time to ask and accept their advice. Be open to change and adventure                           cooler season begins. And to raise awareness for the
        or you will go nowhere. Everything will stay the same and you will feel   Connection is Key: Behind the Scenes at   Gratitude Loaf.
        the same way on December 31st. Open your heart.   Revolution Dating!                                   So far, she has delivered loaves to 10 local foster

        The Hunt.                                       And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,  families. She also delivers to La Haia, a homeless camp
        The pursuit of love is much like the hunt for the perfect date night wardrobe.   O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.  in Martin County.
        This can take time, experimentation, and timing. You are in luck because we,
        as matchmakers, are much like the stylists at a fabulous custom boutique,   Upscale single, divorced, and widowed clientele from all over the U.S.A. are      All menu items are pre-ordered through the
        ready to take on the challenge with and for you. Dating is similar to browsing   ready to live and love off-line and the demand for authentic matchmakers
        the fashion racks, and both require patience, a little adventure, and the   is soaring--especially in our local area. To add to this huge need, this month
        confidence to know when something fits just right. You may be struggling   marks the inception of Coupling Season---so do tell your single friends and
        to find your Plus One but that is normal when you know you are in the   family to make some moves in the last quarter of 2024. Revolution Dating
        right place. Bar none; matchmaking is a solid ticket to a happy ending in   specializes in representing clients from the Northeast to Palm Beach for
        2024. The pond is continually restocked, just like any popular boutique.   decades. Take a look at these special September moments. This could be
                                                        you too! Now is the time to get moving and grooving with The REV and
        Try It On.                                      celebrate the life we have been given from the land of the free and the home
        Have you ever walked into a store and tried on an outfit, but nothing   of the brave. Get ready for a Revolutionary October. Now is the perfect time
        seemed to feel right? Or maybe you’ve found yourself in a fitting room with   to REV-up your love life. You only live once and to this we say: “What are
        something that looked perfect on the hanger, but once you put it on, you   you waiting for?”
        realize it’s not for you. Dating can feel the same. You may meet someone
        who checks all the right boxes on paper, but doesn’t feel quite right when   #TellYourFriends #FallinLove #FlipTheScript #StandTogether   Southern Exposure Technologies
        you’re together. Next, please.
                                                                                                                Computer Install/Setup/Repair
        Don’t get stuck on one look. Every date won’t lead to the perfect match--but
        you must elevate the odds and let someone else do the vetting and setting                                         (561) 315-0144
        up for you. You can adjust your expectations on your search and learn more
        about yourself. Also, don’t forget to work on yourself--this is a bonus for                           
        you and your future partner. If you find yourself striking out again and                                                * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install
        again--ask for help. Don’t be closed minded and blame the date or anyone                                                * Networking, Troubleshooting
        else. It takes two and consider each encounter as a learning experience to                                              * Instruction
        help you become the best version of yourself. Regardless of your age, we                                                * Hardware/Software Installation
        should all be able to grow and learn and adapt. That is attractive.         Our fearless leader, Kelly,                 * Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix
                                                        See Kelly & Miranda In The Press   takes on Montana. Business,
        The Perfect Fit.                                this month, in  Modern  Luxury   pleasure, and connections              * Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup
        Patience is a virtue. We recently had a success story of two CEOs in the   Magazine. #CupidAimsHerArrow  abound! #MontanaLove   * Business Consult/Startup/Move
        club. It took the gentleman four months to find his “perfect” fit, and the                                              * Website Design/Maintenance
        woman was one and done in her first month! Finding someone you connect                                    Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer
        with will not always happen overnight. However, the wait will be worth it.                                         and wireless network”!
                                                                                                                           GET S.E.T. GO!
        Love can appear unexpectedly (love at first sight). Just don’t settle for a
        relationship that doesn’t fit your needs and values long-term. A perfect fit                          REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES
        is more than just superficial--it also requires the possibility of longevity.                      FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,
        Will it stand the test of time? Look for someone emotionally, financially,                                WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH,
        and physically aligned with you and your dreams for your future.                                         OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED
                                                                                                                      BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.
        Trust Your Stylist (aka Matchmaker).              This Confidential   Corporate    Meet Jenn!         START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS,
        You may feel like you can do it alone but you can’t. You have a job and   Couple became   Headquarters of   #WeLoveFirst  QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND
        you are not The Pro. You would not do your own doctoring or lawyering,   engaged while   Love on PGA Blvd!  Responders #ThankYou
        right? Bonding with your matchmaker, being honest, and trusting the   in Montana!   #TenYearsPlusPlus  forYourService  PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT!
                                                                                                                            (561) 315-0144
                                                                                                              CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!
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